Press release - 10th November 1995.

The Internet's predicament -
a glut of unmanageable, but valuable information, born of its own success.

Less than twelve months ago (when Global Info-Links was launched) it was estimated that there were about forty thousand webs (electronic brochures) on the Internet.

There are now an estimated ten million private, business and government webs on the Internet.

This explosion of information on the Internet has been spearheaded by the refinement of web browsers such as Netscape, which display the information on these electronic brochures in such a powerful and graphic fashion.

When you place a "search" enquiry on a word topical to the area of your interest with traditional database search engines like Yahoo, Lycos or the Web Crawler you are presented with hundreds of options with little or no background information on the myriad of links being offered.

More often than not you are no closer to getting answers several hours after your journey through the links presented.

A new concept, a new solution:

GLOBE (Global On-line Business Enterprises) International offers Internet users a new concept of search and enquiry while providing its geographically based enterprise holders in the product a powerful new business opportunity in the area of web building. Enterprise holders carry the "franchise" for a geographic region which is assessed on its current "Internet" size. Each GLOBE enterprise will carry the major webs of its geographic region in a lifestyle based format as developed by Ipswich based Global Web Builders in the Definitive Lifestyle Guide to (over 5,000) Australian Webs.

The GLOBE enterprise holder is linked to the Internet community through the GLOBE web which features a map of the world displaying all the countries currently participating through enterprise holder franchisers.

This GLOBE web will be mirrored across the world by all participating enterprise holders and will provide direct access to geographically based webs based on lifestyle factors. The goal is to move the whole functionality of current webs from static dying structures to dynamic living structures akin to the "spider continuously developing the web."

Which countries are participating in GLOBE right now?

There are currently 13 countries and states participating in GLOBE: Australia and New Zealand (two separate enterprises coming on-line on the 10th November 1995); Israel, Russia, South Africa, California USA, Winsconsin USA, Texas USA, Holland, United Kingdom, Malaysia, India and Singapore (these countries and states are expected to come on-line by the end of the year.) The GLOBE home page shows countries on-line in green and countries under development in orange.

From the dynamic nature of the GLOBE structure and its geographically based enterprises will emerge an information vehicle which will create an enormous amount of traffic created by:

The success of the GLOBE content concept is best demonstrated by the Australian model which now attracts 200,000 visitors from around the world every week. Only 20,000 of these visitor enquiries originate from Australia. In just 3 months the Australian model has attracted nearly 1,500,000 visitors.

With the growth of GLOBE International to new geographic areas will come an exponential growth in the product's popularity, the growth in traffic and the resulting benefits of clients advertising through GLOBE enterprises. This secondary growth will result from the mental model being recognised by the Internet community as the Internet gateway to a participating country.

The success of the Australian model:

In the Australian model information (including news headlines) is updated daily providing visitors with information which is always relevant. As the number of enterprise holders increases GLOBE will launch the next stage of its product which will firmly entrench it in the Internet as a recognised living structure of enormous value to the global community which will, in turn, provide a fantastic marketing platform for businesses advertising through the enterprise holders in each geographic region.

The Australian model has, on its own, already being wildly successful.

Participating Australian client testimonials:

Norfolk Island's deputy leader of the assembly, Monica Anderson, being quoted in the Sunday Mail as saying "the responses to their web on the definitive lifestyle guide to Australian webs has been overwhelming."

A testimonial from ModelNet states: "A new opportunity has arisen though our web on the definitive lifestyle guide to Australian webs. We are sending talent to the USA for extended photo shoots, this is unexpected, but the interest has been overwhelming."

Current products being developed in the Australian model:

One of the most exciting products currently being trialled in the definitive lifestyle guide to Australian webs is the definitive guide to Australian business THE GREEN WEB PAGES.

The Green Web Pages are a joint venture between Global Web Builders and Shapcott Advertising. Once the Green Web Pages have been developed further in Australia the product will be evaluated as a potential value-added product made available to all GLOBE's enterprise holders.


"GLOBE International has the potential to change forever the way in which information is used on the Internet just as the web browser has changed forever the way information is displayed on the Internet. The dynamic nature of the global highways and through the participation of regional enterprise holders GLOBE International has the potential to become the News Limited of the Internet within twelve months from today."

Scott Balson, Director GLOBE.

Australian Enquiries:

Scott Balson, Director

Phone: 0011 (61 7) 3201 1353 or 015 477 609
Fax: (61 7) 3201 1353


P.O. Box 11, Mt Crosby News, MT CROSBY 4306

Queensland, Australia

New Zealand Enquiries:

Philip Uys, Director

Phone: 0011 (64 4) 3839520
Fax: (64 4) 383 9520


8A Severn Str., Island Bay, WELLINGTON, New Zealand

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Web development by Global Web Buildersand GLOBE New Zealand