Rod Kowald
Contact: Phone/Fax (08) 8395 0167 Mobile 0411475456??
PO Box 264, Golden Grove SA 5125
Background: Rod has been married for 29 years, has 3 children and one grand child. He has lived in the electorate for 22 years, running his own trucking, earthmoving and mechanical repair business. He is a commercial pilot, and has been employed as Chief Pilot for a local air charter business. He is engaged in consulting work for the trucking industry.
Experience: Through his experience in various industries he has noticed a steady but certain decline and weakening of Australias society and economy. This has been most evident in areas such as farming, manufacturing, rising unemployment and moral and social structure. He believes that the decline has been due largely to bad decisions made by a succession of Labor and Liberal Governments.
Rod supports small business and Australian industry. Australia needs to produce more and to import less so that more jobs will be available to workers of all ages.
Why One Nation? Rod believes that it is only through the dynamic policies of Pauline Hansons One Nation that these problems can be properly addressed and remedied. It is for this reason that he stands as a candidate in order to represent the constituents of Makin.
Rod will fight for changes to laws so that we can once again feel safe in the streets and in our own homes. Labor and Liberal have failed! Give One Nation your vote. WE WONT LET YOU DOWN.
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