Becoming Involved:

Please support One Nation. Every pair of hands is worth hundreds of potential votes. If you believe in our mission we need you. Contact the people named below to see how you can make the difference for a better future for Australia.

Co-ordinators of letter drops, fund raising activities and support for federal candidates:


Tom King
Phone: (07) 3204 2933
Postal Address: 48 Tarandi Str, Bray Park, Queensland, 4500

New South Wales (and national co-ordinator):

David Ettridge
Phone: (02) 9976 0283
Postal Address:
Pauline Hanson's One Nation, P.O. Box 2000, Manly, 2095.

South Australia:

Len Spencer

Phone: (08) 8212 0100
Fax: (08) 8212 0045

Postal Address: P.O. Box 35, Seacliff Park, South Australia 5049

Web pages:

Boothby Web Page

Western Australia:

Contact: Martin Lebedinsky
Phone (08) 92766452
Fax (08) 92766452
Postal Address: PO Box 481, Inglewood, WA 6932

Web pages:

Perth branch Web Page

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