(Charlie) McCormack
Contact: PO Box 55, Seaford SA 5169
Phone (08) 8327 1798 (08) 8327 2900 Fax (08) 8327 1794 Mobile 04 1172 9220
Background: Charlie was born in Essex England in 1957. He migrated to Adelaide in 1963 and spent his childhood in Elizabeth. He was educated at Elizabeth West High School, leaving at 15 to further his education and career at H.M.A.S. Leeuwin in Fremantle W.A.
Personal: He is married to Sue, a lovely Australian whose parents migrated from Italy and they have two teenage children. His interests include ten-pin bowling, fishing, harmonica and working with youth.
Experience: Charlies working life commenced at age 15 in Naval Military School, highlighted by 11 months active service in Asia as part of the S.E.A.T.O. force before his 19th birthday. He served 8 years full time in the Royal Australian Navy and 14 years part time as Training Officer in an Adelaide Naval Cadet Unit.
Charlie has worked in a factory and has been sales director of two national food companies. He maintains a financial interest in both of these companies. He and Sue currently operate a food marketing brokerage business, representing six local food manufacturers.
Charlie has been an active member of Pauline Hansons One Nation since its inception, being responsible for setting up branches and identifying potential candidates in his role as Co-Vice-President and area manager of the State Executive. He is a great motivating force within the party.
Why One Nation? Pauline Hansons One Nation is the only party dedicated to the protection of Australian manufacturing and promotion of Australian products and resources.
When elected to Federal Parliament at the next Federal Election, Charlie will give open, hands on support to the Kingston Electorate, assisting small business in the areas of export growth and expansion, thus providing much needed employment.
Charlie will fight to restore family values, dignity and pride in our youth, improved care for our aged and stop the sellout of our great nation by Liberal, Labor, Nationals, Greens and Democrats.
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