Question time
After David Ettridge's speech, the audience was invited to ask questions. This is when it became apparent that quite a number of people were in the audience to protest at the end. At least, they heard the speeches and unlike the mob outside could engage in informed criticism. Whenever somebody took the microphone to criticise One Nation, they were heard uninterrupted and their questions answered by David Ettridge. Over three-quarters of question time was given to opponents of One Nation.
Escorted out after making a pro-immigration point
A lady who was given the microphone to ask a question made a long statement about immigration and its benefits. Once her time was up, she preferred to leave the meeting to make her protest even clearer.
On of the highlights
of question time was the presence of protest organiser Stephen Jolly at
the back of the room. He had quietly listened to the speeches and was now
making his point to the audience. With his group shouting anti-racist slogans
outside, one would have expected Jolly to make a point about race or immigration.
Instead, he chose to make an anti-Kennett attack and ask a question about
BHP and the 35 hours week. This confirms he was there for the publicity
and didn't have much to say against One Nation. When Jolly left, he was
mistaken for a One Nation supporter and pelted with eggs.