Letters to the Editor anotd, 17th June 1998

To all involved,

Congratulations on a stunning result in the Queensland election. A new force in Ausrtalian politics has made its debut.

Peter Lawson

Subject: Letter to the editor

I would rather,
honesty than education,
integrity than articulation,
and freedom than deprivation.

It would appear that at least 23% of Queenslands feel the same way.

Adrian McElligott

Subject: One Nations web site


I would like to congratulate you on the site I have just perused, it was extremely informative and has allowed me to better make some judgements about One Nation.

As for the coverage of Nine's Sixty Minutes, what else can I say other than you are dealing with a TV Network, that is in Bed with the Liberal National Co-alition, and has been for many years!.

I would like to see the website advertised more widely, and the interactive side of the site is brilliant, a stroke of genius on your part!!.

I am not sure how many of the Search Engines work, but I had a lot of problems finding the site, I am not sure what you could do to correct this, but I would like to see the site raise its profile.

At least then people can be better informed, and not seemingly mis-informed, as the media appears to have.

Finally, the Internet allows people globally to access information, if people in other countries were more aware of the existence of this site, it should allay much of the media hype.

Congratulations on a job well done with the site, I look forward to reading more of your input, and considering the results of the Queensland election, hopefully the increase in profile of this site to reward your hard work.

Yours Truly,

Subject: John Elfick

Hey John,

Gooooo Tell it on a Mountain.... Preferably in Tibet - I'm sure they'll listen avidly to the tales you have for them, or maybe Indonesia - I think you need your head read.


Subject: kennett

Dear GWB

I watched Jeff Kennett talking to Ranting Ray on A Current Affair. He told Ray that he knew of families in Victoria who were of Asian descent and were "...more Australian than you or I, Ray!"

When he said that I had to agree. I don't think Kennett or Martin are very Australian at all.

As for John Elfick and his beloved Beijing, isn't that the place where they shoot their own students???

Good one John, you just keep on mixing with the experts on human rights and I'll keep supporting that Pauline Hanson person. Get real you dope. Take your eyes of your money and have a look at Australia for a change.

N. Daniel

Subject: The rambling discourse of Matthew K !

Dear Sir , How lucky we are that Matthew has ,"decided to set us straight" !

He has shown us that although "stunned" he has can still muster the nouse to point out how wrong we are about everything.

He could have saved himself considerable time and valuable bandwidth, however, by simply stating that he is perfectly happy with the state of the world ,in particular, the economic and political situation here in this country.

Everything is fine and there is no cause for alarm Matthew, just remember to keep taking the medication.

Steve Nichols

Subject: Re: Matthew K. Subject: Pauline Hanson is Misinformed

You could almost have copied this stuff straight out of an economics text book. However, you letter indicates a lack of wider thought, an unrealistic perception of the world perpetuated by what some academic has told you. Your ignorance of basic reality is far from unique in this day and age especially in universities and urban areas and it is from this that your basic problems arise.

To begin with we all need some basics - water, food and a place to live. In case you haven't been beyond the boundaries of a capital city lately, I will fill you in. Australia is by and large a very sparse, dry and unfertile place. Incapable of sustainably supporting large populations without massive irreversible ecological damage.

Most so called learned people seem to have forgotten this most basic premise, indeed we are facing huge pressures already from just 18 million people, far from the 200 million people many pro-immigration people quote Australia can handle.

Some have estimated AUSTRALIA'S sustainable population at only 8 to 10 million, so why import large numbers of people, many of whom can't speak English, many of whom go straight into welfare and congregate into ghettos because of their inability to assimilate into Australian society.

Secondly, you imply that unemployment isn't a problem, and that it will go away on its own. It won't. Is economic restructuring another way of justifying the replacement of Australian owned small businesses with foreign controlled multinational corporate monopolies who pay little to no tax and have no loyalty to Australia. As such, they have few problems with buying out our companies, amalgamating them, sacking lots of people and reducing services in order to become more profitable. Australian industries are 90% foreign owned, compared to 2.1% in Japan, 3.5% in the Europian community and 10.3% in the U.S.A. Add to this the fact they pay little to no tax as most profits go straight overseas with the Australian Government and people gaining very little benefit from their presence. As the multinationals buy our assets they sack thousands, decrease services and post record profits overseas, and 90% of our industry is under their sway. It is estimated that over $500 billion a year is going overseas untaxed (ref:AUSTAND). Now there is an incentive to privatise our public utilities eh Mr. Kennett?

I beleive Japan taxes capital leaving its shores at 52%. Wow, if we did the same, that's about $260 billion per year we didn't have before. We could have our National Debt paid in two years without selling a single public utility.

Your kind of economic restructuring and economic rationalism is best left behind.

By the way, how are your artificially inflated Asian superpowers doing now? Even the USA is beginning to feel the pinch, as its "multinationals" relocate to take advantage of the slave labour offered by Asia and Latin America.

Foreigners aren't allowed to buy and own land in many Asian nations and it is very difficult to migrate to many of them, especially Japan. Are they racist? Then why are we for wishing to maintain our cultural, ecological and national integrity? Also, why must we accept huge numbers of migrants from Asia in order to trade with them? We are not a part of Asia as many would like you to believe. We are a part of Oceania, an entirely unique region, consisting of Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, New Guinea and Antarctica. Why must we become a part of Asia to trade with them? Don't we trade with anyone else in the world anymore.

Thirdly, how the hell can anyone advocate the dismantling of our defence force when we live on the edge of unstable Asia? In the post Cold War limbo, the world has become a very dangerous place, especially South East Asia. As for the Arms Race, it's already started. Most nations in the region are arming up big time. Australia and New Zealand are the only ones who aren't doing so. I assume you think Indonesia won't take any hostile action against Australia due to the large amounts of cash we are handing them. The are buying German warships and Russian Migs with it. I suppose they need them to guard against the Aircraft Carrier that the Thais bought with our cash handout to them. We scrapped OUR carriers in the late 70's. Ask three, sorry one of Indonesia's neighbours about what good neigbours the Indons are, Malaysia was the only one to survive of the three slated to become part of greater Indonesia. Guess who has claims over most of Northern Australia and most of our oil fields in the Straits of Timor? Sorry, Timor doesn't exist anymore.

Everyone thought we were immune to invasion prior to WW2. That notion didn't last long. We lost a lot of good people due to apathetic individuals much like yourself.

I wouldn't bet my life on the premise that the USA would jump into a conflict that Australia was involved in. The USA will do what's good for the USA, and that's no guarantee that they would help us.

Fourthly, the constitution is far from up-to-date, but it does very well considering it's as old as it is. It contains ideas and premises that are based on hundreds of years of practical experience and was arguably the fairest and most well intentioned of its time.

Finally, you will be proved wrong in the next Federal Election, as I believe One Nation will win seats in all states in Australia, as One Nation represents a huge amount of people who are sick of being treated with disdain by those who are supposed to represent them. The people have had a gutful of the sort of weak, self-destructive, guilt-inspired crap that self-opinionated, self-serving arseholes keep dishing out to us - you have won yourself a place among them - congratulations.



The media and David Oldfield

(David Oldfield right - taken on Saturday night).

Hi Scott

Hope you won't mind yet another gratuitous advice email? :>) I don't expect or require a response, BTW. I note a slight switching of the media spin doctors' approach. They are now in the process of creating a perception of David Oldfield as the ambitious and evil real power behind the Hanson throne. Not that they have completely thrown out the old approach - the AMA is quoted in The Australian today as despairing that One Nation's stance on Aboriginal Health policy will kill blacks! God forbid it should ever get out that Pauline's policy is a color blind approach to help those who need it most! Anyway, I was mainly motivated to email due to a post in Aus Politics by Blair Trewin about his hopes and expectations that One Nation will end up splintering. The one valid point he makes is about the experience of New Zealand First, who gained 15% of the vote there in the last Federal election. I am taking him at his word when he says that now they are part of a governing colaition and not making a very good fist of it their support has crashed to 1-2%.

I am not familiar with the NZ media, so don't know if polling there is as manipulated as here. Nevertheless, I believe the best outcome in Qld for ON would be for Labor to get into office and for ON to remain truly independent. If Labor don't get across the line, even with the help of the other two independents, I think Pauline was spot on (seen on a tv quick sound bite) in saying that her people would stay independent, work for their electorates, and vote for each issue on its merits. A coalition with the other conservatives would be very damaging. OTOH, if the new One Nation MPs can maintain their ordinary average decent Australian image, plus be perceived by their electorates as working hard for them, and by all other Queenslanders as continuing to speak up for the disenfranchised, as opposed to feathering their own nests, I firmly believe they will be creating the solid foundations of a strong political force in this country for years to come.

Cheers, and please accept my congratulations and strong admiration for you personally, especially for the tireless, comprehensive, interesting, informative, intelligent and principled way you have always managed the information on your site.


Subject: mailing list

Well done on your elections in Queensland!!!!

One Can only hope that when it comes time for elections here in Tasmania that we have a party such as yours to vote for!!!

I as many others here are sick and tired of the lilly livered whimps that dare to call themselves politicians (So called servents of the people), they are too worried that if they speak out they might be called racists, lose votes or dare upset the sensetivities of the minority radicals. In the mean time our state goes too the pack, crime on the increase with nothing being done to curb the problem, police do there job only to let down by our judges and magistrates dishing out inadeqate penalties, employment on the decrease etc etc the list goes on.

Any way once again congratratulions on your success and keep up the great work.

Yours Sincerly
Robert Cairns

Subject: Information

Dear sir,

it is obviously impossible to gain any accurate information from the mainstream media, and I would like to be kept informed about your movement, it's policies and practises.


Mark Harries

The antics of the Major Parties, Electronic Media and also the Tabloids

To The Editor,

For some time now I have watched the antics of the Major Parties, Electronic Media and also the Tabloids on the rights and wrongs of the emergence of the One Nation Party in Queensland.

The emergence of this party has sent shivers down the spines of most sitting politicians and placed them all on notice. However as the days roll on I can see a distinct attitude change as they all commence to swing back to thinking there was never anything wrong with them but that it is the incorrect thinking of the sections of the electorate that voted for One Nation.

They have learned nothing from this experience and will now launch a headlong attack on One Nation and its policies ignoring and denying they were ever wrong. This is amplified in the ravings of the Victorian Premier saying, “A dark shadow has passed across Queensland”.

The electronic media ran programs almost all condemning and heralding a new Dark Age because of One Nation’s emergence.

Words such as simplistic, populist, isolationist, and racism are now the popular injections into every speech by the spokespeople of the Major Parties and the Media. These words are being used as if they mean something dark and forbidding. When I went to school populist meant something had earned popular support. The word simplistic meant something was simple? Now it would appear that if ideas are popular and simple they are wrong, how do they work that out? Do they think the Australian Voters are stupid?

The only Isolation I see here is the Media and Major Parties isolating themselves from the truth.

The word racists has been a very cruel word being used to describe some 400,000 voters in Queensland Labeling these Patriotic Australian’s as enemies of the State.

Media and Politicians have blamed one Nation for so many things. Loss of tourist dollars, acts of hatred against migrants, loss of trade and now get this Peter Beattie blamed Pauline Hanson for the loss of EXPO to Queensland.

This man claimed the Labor Party stood on principal. What a joke when his Candidates were issuing false One Nation how to vote cards. I spoke to one young Uni. Student handing out these how to vote cards and her explanation was, “The means justified the ends” Is this what they teach in University these days? Are these the principals they would have applied if Labor won Government?

The Media has shown itself to be nothing more than the extension of the views and interests of the Major Parties. When you hear each and all howling like a pack of wolves it is a clear signal they are hurting. Particularly in the light of the fact all the Media and the Major parties have been proved wrong in their predictions.

On election night in Queensland the Nine Network had a line up of well known WINDUP Hanson critics, Ray Martin. The ”Lorry” Oaks and that ex champion of the worker, ex Labor Minister now mouthpiece for Australia’s richest man Graham Richardson. The whole program was set up to relish in the demise of One Nation but finished up acting like a doomsday committee as all their predictions proved them wrong and out of touch with mainstream Australia.

Time is yet to be taken by the media to examine and analyze what the leaders are saying. One such comment was by a Liberal Party Leader on television. He used the words “isolationist policies”; he said, “what if Macdonald’s were to take their investment out of Australia? 55,000 jobs would be lost!

A couple of things he failed to mention were, If Macdonald’s were to pull out of Australia they would be the losers, the gap if they did would be quickly filled by Australian owned interests and more importantly the profits would stay in Australia creating further employment prospects for Australians.

One other thing he failed to mention was Macdonald’s are one of the major contributors to the Liberal Party Funds. So when you examine the reasons behind the thinking of these so-called leaders of the major parties the big picture takes on a very different color.

The Prime Minister said, “ My Government is committed to Globalization “. Were the people asked if this is what they want? What is the ultimate aim of Globalization? Well it is world Government. Who gave them the authority to negotiate this on our behalf, Is this Governing Australia for All Australians?

The Media is now interviewing visiting Asians and asking then to comment on the rise of One nation. In every case the answer is always abusive of One Nation, who would expect otherwise? But do you ever hear the same media question the same people on their countries policies on, land ownership, Migration and citizenship in their countries, human rights issues, standards of living and a host of other things? The answer is always NO. Why? They in most cases have a very bad policy and history on these subjects.

What does “ Downer “ have to say on matters like Timor where human rights are denied? When in opposition he was highly critical of the Labor Government. Now he says, “what is the use of posturing”? Suddenly keeping a good relationship with a cruel regime is more important that human rights. Is this just another of this Governments two-faced turn about?

All the bad views in Asian and other countries can be squarely laid at the feet of a biased Australian Media in its mindless quest to create news. One Nation is a valid party expressing the views of concerned Australians that would by some be denied its democratic rights to express a view.

I recall the famous saying “I may disagree with what you say, but, I will defend to the death, your right to say it”. This is a view, which the Major Parties and the Media do not appear to subscribe.

The Prime Minister is currently blindly pushing ahead with the GST regardless of any opposition. The aim to increase tax income. This tax is designed to collect a greater amount of tax from Australians. The Prime Minister would have us all believe that somehow we will all be better off under his GST. I am yet to hear him or any other politician indicate any intention to collect the proper tax of any Multinational Corporation.

Recent figures show Multinationals remove $200 BILLION DOLLARS from Australia without paying any tax. Multinational Corporations mostly have safe tax havens offshore that the Government is well aware of but refuse to take any steps to close these loophole, why, I think the answer is obvious as it lies in the Who is financing the Major Parties and for what reason?

If only 20% tax were deducted from this $200 Billion profits this would produce enough money to more than provide and shortfall in the budget without introducing a GST. With this extra money far more services could be provided. We would have better hospitals and far more jobs. In Japan Multinationals have to pay 52% tax. Did that drive the Multinationals out? No.

Why is it that recent retiring Prime Ministers all retire millionaires and all wind up with jobs working for big Multinationals? Could it possibly be that they have all earned their jobs while in Government?

In a recent television interview the deputy Prime Minister was talking about various subjects including the WIK matter and Pauline Hanson’s view. He was asked if this matter should be put to referendum for the people to decide? He almost choked saying quickly, Oh, ER, Ah, No, we can best decide that ourselves.

It would appear he believes the average Australian is not competent enough to make such a judgement. Where did he get his wonderful ability to make that judgement? It was once said, the only profession for which no formal qualification is required is the position of POLITICIAN.

Politicians and the Main Media stream will continue to attack One Nation in the belief that the Australian voters will be blind to the truth, treating One Nation and their supporters as the prime cause of all Australia’s woes.

For too long Government has criticized each prior Government as the cause of any and all problems attacking each others policies but never changing or withdrawing legislation on anything when they move into Government. Reason? They are all on the same path. These people are hypocrites of the worst kind.

An example of foreign investment Government would defend is products entering Australia that are already produced in volume in Australia. Government would argue that this helps to open a level playing field for third world countries. However they do not tell you that the companies that own these production lines are in fact Multinational Corporations setup within these third world countries exploiting the low wages to lift their profits. Selling their goods to Australia where their friends in Government have conveniently lowered the levies while our farmers turn their crops and trees back into the ground.

Current indications are the Nationals have learned nothing, they are going to continue on this course of self-destruction, tightly locking the Party to the Liberals and ignoring the plight of their traditional supporters from Rural Australia.

Government neglects to inform the people that we were at the high end of the Level Playing Field and to make this field level they would need to lower our level.

Why would our Major Parties allow this to happen? Who are the major contributors to the Parties Funds?

Foreign owned cattle fattening and processing corporations putting Australian cattle producers out of business by dominating the export market with their own produce. You can bet the profits from the sale of their product overseas stays overseas and not taxed in Australia while our producers go broke. This is known in business circles as Profit Transfer. Why does the Government avoid closing these loopholes?

Secret treaties are being signed without even consulting Parliament. The most recent agreement the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) this agreement was being negotiated in secret and was only brought to light in Parliament by Pauline Hansen.

At the time Pauline was labeled everything from Stupid and a Fool when Pauline suggested the MAI was being negotiated in secret. This generated a ground swell of interest and lobbying of Senators ending in an inquiry. The interim report of The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties has been released and it has been recommended the agreement not be signed until it can be shown to be in Australia’s best interest. The Committee indicated the draft agreement was not in Australia’s interest, One of the terms of reference acknowledged the agreement had in fact been negotiated in secret just as Pauline Hanson had indicated.

Pauline Hanson has, in the face of great personal vilification done Australia a great service.

Without Pauline Hanson’s revelation the MAI would have been signed and already in place. At the time the draft was first written the OECD stated they were in fact writing the CONSTITUTION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER. Negotiations on this agreement were first commenced in 1995 by the Keating Government and then continued by the current Government (Still In Secret) until uncovered by Pauline Hanson. Remember the words of our current Prime Minister? “MY GOVERNMENT IS COMMITTED TO GLOBALIZATION”.


Subject: Wise old sayings

According to the "Tao te king", ("Book of Reason and Virtue" by Lao-tsze, born 604 BC):

* The more restrictions and limitations there are, the more impoverished men will be.
* The more rules and precepts are enforced, the more bandits and crooks will be produced.
* When men are hard to govern it is because their kings interefere with their lives.

Perhaps Howard, Beazley and all the 'opinion makers' (how up yourself can you be!) should study these sayings instead of stupidly holding on to their false analysis that One Nation supporters are all worried perplexed people who only need to have policies better explained to them. Such arrogance!

Antonia Feitz

Subject: CBR

To the editor,

Dear Sir,

Now that One nation is receiving intense media attention in all states, wouldn't it be a good time to mention Community Based Referendums (also known as Citizens' Initiated Referenda)?

I was surprised it wasn't among the policies.

Pat Sturge

Subject: May like to know

Scott, Once again congratulations on Saturday,hope we get some more in the next few days.

Hope you can get a starter for the area and save me from putting nasty words on the ballot paper.

Once again all the very best for the future of One Nation and keep up the good work.

Noel Spratt.

Subject: Congratulations

Congratulations to Pauline and all the One Nation Party. It is not only the country folk that support the ideals of the One Nation Party - there are many here in the city too.

I live on the north shore in Sydney. It will be interesting if the double dissolution goes ahead!

Helen Banks

Subject: Hooray Pauline

Hi Scott,

Not sure if you are aware of this site but sending anyway.

In one sense Pauline did too good, maybe could lose balance of power. On the other side of the coin, what a great big kick in the ass for both the other parties.

I heard the Prime Minister talking on the news this morning about where he is going to put One Nation on the how to vote cards. Maybe he is not aware that a lot of Aussies will put their numbers where they want not where he wants, as happened in Queensland.

Give my best to Pauline and if I was up there I would kiss her..







Subject: David Etteridge's Statements on 2GB - 16 June 1998 - and other thoughts ...

Many are listening and ready to dump on any factual errors that might be made publicly. David's comment about the banks in Australia being 95% owned by overseas interests is a particular case in point that needs explanation, or perhaps an apology. I think "Richo" was very fair in that interview. To stay above the rest your facts need to be researched so that they can seen to be supported.

Where did that 95% figure come from? How far out is it anyway?

Do you have figures on the trend of overseas ownership of banks and other valuable parts of our nation over the past 10 - 15 years?

A comparison with other nations as to which ones allow foreigners to buy up their land, infrastructure, and commercial assets, to what extent and with what limitations could be interesting. Also research of official limitations, or other difficulties, imposed on immigration by other countries compared to our apparent open door policy in recent years might produce some useful points. Handle carefully though lest some incorrectly push the racist line again.

How "dead" is the MAI at the moment?

David Oldfield's explanation, briefly, of a people's bank was interesting. A bank without usury - could it really be? Does this work anywhere in the world? Loans within large families to start younger members off perhaps. Am I correct in thinking that those of the Moslem faith are against usury and have financial networks set up in a similar manner? If not, then perhaps there is another substantial group which could be raised as an acceptable example for those who doubt.

19% unemployed! Sounds more like it.



Subject: Congrats

Hey Scott,

I voted for One Nation - can you believe it ?

There is nothing I like more than seeing the bastards squirm. Good luck.

You know who

Subject: One Nation

I used to feel proud as an Australian. Your inroads into Australian politics makes me feel frightened for the future of our country. I am a sixth generaation Australian, not a newcomer from other parts of the world.

I will certainly be working against any advancement of your political aspirations.



This evening I watched the Ray and Jeff act on Channel NINE at 6.30pm. I have in the past had a liking for Kennett as he seemed to me to mostly speak sense and act as though he would not put his foot in his mouth.

But, he had to do it.

In the first part of his cosy chat with the "impartial journalist" Martin he made a ridiculous comment about Queenslanders lack of intelligence because they voted the way they did last Saturday.

When will the smart-mouthed journos and know -all politicians realise that each time they try to force the public to follow their pattern of thinking they are getting more offside with the average man.

I am convinced that each time they attack the personality they are addressing it prods more people to fall into line with One Nation. Tell One Nation that N.S.W. is holding their breath until we can register the same degree of dissatisfaction with government in this state as that which was shown last Saturday in Queensland.

Best of luck.

Cliff De Freitas.

Subject: (no subject)

Lets face it Johnie boy, what you have done to this country means one thing and one thing only, your are sure to be last on my voting card in the election.

You have taken our rights from us, now we will take your job from you!

P.s This country needs strong leadership. NOT a leader that looks like Mr Shean.

Subject: You are right

Hello Pauline and One Nation,

I wish you well in the up-comming elections. I tried to send email via Netscape but think I was unsucessful, so this is just to be sure.

It is exciting yet scary reading your internet pages, I'm with you and would like to help. Te internet is the only true free speech area, which is the reason the media and government don't like it: they can't control it ...yet.

Nick Kelly

Subject: Matthew's letter

We should all be thankful to young Matthew (only youth could excuse his blithe ignorance) for providing us with such a classic example of a brainwashed citizen. He has uncritically swallowed all the media propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Economics does not seem to be his strong point. He writes, "Pauline we are not in economic decline, possibly a recession".

He is blissfully unaware that Australia's foreign debt is $190 billion, and that last year's interest payment was $11 billion. That through the high foreign ownership of Australia's shares, another $12 billion flows out of the country in dividends. That Australia has to send $21 billion in dividends and interest every year out of the country. And that since we don't have the money (balance of trade deficit) we keep borrowing, and so are in a compound interest trap. Perhaps he thinks this is acceptable. I don't. Perhaps he even believes that Howard thinks a GST is a good idea. Dream on. The IMF has TOLD Howard it's a good idea. This sounds like economic decline to me.

He is just as ignorant on unemployment, spouting the party line: "The removal of jobs from manufacturing industries has lad to rapid increase in the employment in the tertiary sector"

The true rate of unemployment is much higher than the official figures. The Statistician defines a person as employed if he works as little as ONE HOUR A WEEK. This is a monstrous injustice, as well as a disgraceful political trick. Moreover, full time jobs are disapperearing in favour of part time jobs. 'Restructuring' is a fancy name for exporting real jobs to low wage countries. It used to be called 'exploitation.' The tertiary sector is essentially unproductive in economic terms. All those ever-expanding human rights, ethnic and indigenous empires are drones and parasites on the few (and ever fewer) productive workers. The tertiary sector itself has been slashed - By June 1996 Kennet alone had slashed the PS by 50,000. He then engaged a person on a five year contract with a salary $250,000 a year to slash 25,000 more. There was a bonus of $270,000 at the end if she managed to sack another 57,000. (The term 'tertiary sector' does not mean 'teriary educated' Matthew).

Just as uncritically, he regurgitates the politically correct sentiments on Asian migration, dismissing any objections to it as xenophobia. In this he ignores the evidence of history and of his own eyes. Multi-racial societies invariably have big social problems. I would like him to show me one that dosn't. Any nation has the right to monitor its racial make-up in the name of social harmony. We can trade as much as we like with Asia, but we do not have to become an Asian country.

On national defence he writes, "the building up of national defence merely leads to distrust, poor relations, and ultimately an unstable region." I coudn't agree more. So why is China arming on a massive scale? She is not alone. Some of our Asian 'neighbours' spend huge proportions of their GDP on arms. Last year's "Jane's World Armies" said Australia was a 'glittering strategic prize' and that in 'it would be surprising if during the next century, the country's defences were not tested.' Sleep soundly, Matthew.

Illogically, after insisting we should be regard ouselves as part of Asia he says that in any case Australia has strong allies in the USA and Britain. (Later on he sneers that Britain 'left us for dead in World War II'. Consistency isn't a strong point either). You can't have it both ways. Nobody likes fence-sitters. Culturally and racially Australia is not part of Asia. Dr Mahatir has told us so in no uncertain terms.

Australia already is an independent and proud nation and has been for nigh on a century. The celebration of the Qeen's birthday is a symbolic celebration of our system of stable government. The celebration of a president's birthday would be toadying to an individual. And how naive to think a president 'has worked hard to achieve greatness'. Belive that and you'll believe anything.

Lastly: "The hopes of Pauline winning seats in WA, SA, NSW, VIC, and TAS where people are educated on her policies is minute." Want to make a bet, Matthew? Read the feedback on the election.

Antonia Feitz

Subject: Election and Poll results

Thanks to Steve for posting the 60-MInutes website poll. In fact, commendations, since such background feedback is also important. As well, congratulations are in order to Queenslanders for leading the way as you will see below.

An interesting trend has emerged:
Saturday night - almost one out of four Queenslanders supported PHON;
Sunday night - almost one out of two Australians did so on the 60-Minutes site;
Tuesday - almost three out of four Victorians supported PHON in the Melbourne Herald-Sun poll published this morning.

The latter resulted from 2663 phone calls (more than 3 times the 60-Minutes report). Actually this is lower than most Herald-Sun polls whenever Pauline is involved since is usually over 80% and sometimes over 90%. When today's poll is added to maybe even higher support in West Australia as reported some time back on NOTD, maybe things are a-changing. The next question is: Who will be the first sitting member in federal parliament to switch over to PHON since the writing is on the wall?

I am working on one. But it brings up a point: one very useful mode still of electioneering is to explain matters to friends and acquaintances quietly in private. This is a very good way to overcome the fear people have, as engendered by the media.


Subject: one nation

Indeed you are saying quite bluntly what a lot of people are thinking.


John and Betty Fraser

Subject: Just more of the Same?

Dear sir,

I find it very interesting that failed State Government candidate Mrs Hill would even consider contesting the results of the State poll in Ipswich after the front page story (QT 11.6.98) in which she states in her submission to the Electoral Commission that she " has no community of interest in Ipswich". It seems her true colours regarding Ipswich and its citizens were fully revealed.

Now that nine of her fellow candidates have been elected into high paid jobs and now have their 'snouts in the trough', will they call for an end to uncertainty by calling for a fresh election? This will be the only way to bring stability to the state, as the situation now means neither side of politics has a clear mandate, which threatens stagnation for the future of Queensland.

Will Ms Hill, and indeed all her fellow party members, raise their voices in support of another election, or will the prospect of huge incomes and perks of the job prove a better option over integrity?


Knowledge vs Wisdom

One day down on the farm ol' farmer Brown left the gate open between the paddock with the young heifers and the paddock with old bull and the young bull. The young bull seeing a great opportunity became very excited, rushed up to the old bull and said "Quick quick lets run down and xxxx a few of those young heifers!", the old bull looking up from a particular juicy patch of succulent fresh grass slowly replied "Lets walk down and xxxx the lot!"

Barry Sampson Searle

Subject: Re: Voting Preferences Dear Scott,

I have been trying to think of a way that we could let the general public know that they alone are in charge of who they give their preferences to, that they do not have to follow exactly what their party ticket states. They are not being informed of this by the main political parties or the media and I feel it is wrong that they are kept in the dark.

Maybe you might have a solution.

Beverley Collins.

Return to Australian National News of 17th June 1998