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Archive of weekly features (available to all
Canberra Column]
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
first daily Internet newspaper.
October 1995
Extract from full article carried here:
(c) Copyright 1998: Graham Strachan
On Saturday 13 June, one quarter of the voters of Queensland voted for a fledgeling political party: Pauline Hansons One Nation. In the tally room organisers of the entrenched major parties, watching their traditional voters defecting to One Nation in droves, complained that it had been impossible to get media coverage in the leadup to the election because of an obsession with One Nation. The implication was that if only theyd had more media coverage, what was happening wouldnt be happening. What they didnt say was that the media obsession with One Nation had been a shift into overdrive of an ongoing campaign to discredit Mrs. Hanson and her Party. That her party could pull 25% of the vote under those circumstances should have alerted the entrenched political parties that some kind of revolution was taking place out in the electorate.
For more
than a year, Mrs. Hanson had been the subject of the most disgraceful display
of media bias, hysteria, spite, and outright dishonesty in history. Routinely
dubbing her the fish and chip lady from Ipswich, they misrepresented
what she said in parliament to make her out to be a racist, made
fun of her limited education and personal mannerisms, accused her of being
a bad mother, attempted repeatedly to ambush and humiliate her on national
television, ignored her altogether in the hope she might disappear, and
ultimately lied outright about connections between her party and foreign
right wing extremists. The gay mardi gras and
left-leaning programmes like Fast Forward lampooned her, busloads
of paid riff-raff were hired to abuse, spit on, and throw urine-filled condoms
at people going to her meetings. She received death threats and required
bodyguards. In the final weeks before the election Prime Minister Howard
called her deranged.
What the Australian people had been witnessing with increasing disbelief were the squallings of this countrys entrenched ruling elites in a combined and frantic effort to protect their position of privilege and power against a challenge from the mass, the non-elite voters, led by Mrs. Hanson. So confident had those elites become of their monopoly of power and policy, that they believed they had what they accused Menzies-style conservatives of believing they had after 23 years in office: a god-given right to rule. Enter One Nation.
The on-line 60 Minutes survey that backfired.
There is a great contradiction in the results, or should I say, the credibility of 60 Minutes.
The latest example is the
of an obviously rigged vote on "A Call to
Arms" where someone involved with the programme placed 3,500 votes
in a few hours before the show went to air changing the result at that stage
85% by some 74% to just 11% expressing
concerns about the "new world order" - before the show went to air.
This stance of One Nation expressing concerns about the "new world order" flies in the face of the current vote on "Who would you vote for" following last weekend's scam in which Mrs Hanson was interviewed under false pretences by 60 Minutes.
The vote currently on that site show an 80% vote for One Nation after over 3,000 votes have been cast. (See image right above.)
Media mogul joins board
Extract from the article carried here:
Murdoch, Malone and the Cato Institute
By Norman Solomon
Last fall, when News Corporation owner Rupert Murdoch joined the board of directors at the Cato Institute, the announcement went unreported in major media. Perhaps it seemed routine for one of the world's most powerful media moguls to take a leadership post at one of the most influential think tanks in Washington.
At future meetings, Murdoch can count on rubbing elbows with his fellow media titan, John C. Malonepresident and CEO of Tele-Communications Inc. (TCI), the largest U.S. cable operatorwho has been on the Cato board since 1995. The two men are well acquainted, and their companies have long been intertwined in media deals involving satellite television, cable TV, program distribution and other big telecommunications ventures. Now the heads of both firms are formally helping to run a think tank which boasts that it has "actively promoted the deregulation of the television and telephone industries."
Toyota feel the heat of sponsoring a trash programme
Hundreds of One Nation supporters and others outraged at the continuing unethical behaviour of 60 Minutes wrote and complained to the programmes main sponsor, Toyota.
Last night the following response (cop-out) was issued:
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 98 17:18:46 +1000
Subject: 60 Minutes
Dear Scott
We wish to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence regarding the recently screened 60 Minutes program.
Toyota Australia's association with the Channel 9 program is simply one of sponsorship and precludes our company from influencing editorial content in accordance with the right of free speech for all.
We are certain that as a responsible citizen you will appreciate that any attempt by a major sponsor to manipulate any form of media would be considered immediately as an attempt of unreasonable censorship which of course, would violate not only the law, but also inhibit an important part of our democracy.
We are not privy to the full content of each program prior to it going to air and seek your understanding in this matter.
We value your association with our company and trust that our explanation will permit you to continue this relationship.
Toyota Net Response Centre
on behalf of Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited
Whose free speech? Where is the manipulation? Toyota should be rethinking their sponsorship - an association with 60 Minutes is very damaging to its excellent reputation.
Here is one of many responses received to the Toyota email:
Subject: Toyota's response 60 mins
Greetings Aussies
Briefly: Toyota is no doubt answering all e-mails...?[Received a response.]
The interview of Pauline Hanson on the 60 min. prog. was impressive and well answered which may have again backfired on the beloved network. [Maybe depending on bias] I've been working on the Bris production of 'Grease' at the entertainment centre and find interesting listening to the conversation re One Nation.
Sadly most form opinion from media portrayal of O.N. Internet coverage is only a small percentage of the community. I feel if P.H. is heard un-edited more often....[a challenge] the message will get across. The goodguys will win. The government just showed what a weak-gutted bunch they were dealing with the MUA......Joh Bjelkie Petersen showed the ETU.
Darryl Hetherington
FAIRA on the anti-democracy march again.
The Aboriginal community has threatened a major campaign if Pauline Hanson's One Nation becomes part of the governing party in Queensland.
The Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action says concern is growing about the prospect of One Nation in the Queensland Parliament and the community wants strong and decisive action.
The foundation's Les Malezer says this could mean long-term campaigns, in Australia and overseas.
"We're not going to accept One Nation party being in power in government - that is having the ability to make decisions," he said.
"We're going to act to oppose that if that situation does arise - and this is not just a street march, this is sustained action of resistance against the One Nation party being in government."
It goes without saying that this politically correct little empire will be one of the big financial losers when One Nation holds the balance of power at a Federal level.
Extract from the Washington Post "For Indonesia's Ethnic Chinese, A New Era Revives Old Hatreds":
The media would have you believe that Australia is perceived by its Asian neighbours as "racist" because of One Nation's rise on the political scene.
One Nation supporters are anti-discrimination and "race-based" policy. How can that be racist - especially when you compare this to the performance of the Japanese and the Indonesians...
Who are the racists? - full Washington Post story here.
JAKARTA, IndonesiaSince the fall of President Suharto last month, many Indonesians have begun to dream of a brighter future for themselves and their families.
But not Chairul, 44, an ethnic Chinese shopkeeper. Chairul's wife and two teenage daughters -- his only children -- burned to death in the widespread rioting that swept through Jakarta after four student activists at Trisakti University were killed by government troops. The May 12 violence led to Suharto's resignation after 32 years in power.
"If the students of Trisakti were the heroes of reform, my family was the victim of reform," Chairul said from the apartment above his shop that he now shares with other members of his extended family.
Chairul was in another part of town when the small restaurant his wife ran and the apartment above it were set ablaze by rioters targeting the businesses of the ethnic Chinese minority. Initially, only the bodies of his wife and one daughter were found by authorities. Chairul returned to the charred neighbourhood the next day and discovered, against hope, the remains of his other daughter. He buried them all in a common grave.
Chairul and others of Chinese descent are widely resented by Indonesia's Muslim majority for their wealth, their business acumen and their religion. They are the country's most powerful economic group, controlling about 70 percent of Indonesia's private wealth and much of its retail and banking sectors.
One Nation success drives Taiwan firm away according to Soorley
Brisbane Lord
Mayor Jim Soorley, seen right, says an Asian company has decided not to invest
in Queensland because of the success of One Nation at the State election.
Mr Soorley says Taiwan Sugar has today withdrawn its plan for a $20 million development in Queensland, in reaction to One Nation's 10-seat win at the election.
The Lord Mayor says the company will now invest in New South Wales instead.
"We have today had a company who was going to invest $20 million here, leading to up to $1 billion withdrawn because of the attitude and values and decisiveness of Pauline Hanson," he said.
Soorley's statements follow him being served with a defamation suit by an opposition councillor Michael Caltabiano after the Mayor made racist statements about him during a council meeting.
Soorley, the protector of the politically correct, somehow escaped being branded with the racist tag in a Courier Mail headline which reads: "Soorley gets writ for chamber slur".
The statement that caught this racist bigot out was "That old slag heap and Mafia flea is sharpening his knife to stab June (O'Connell) in the back."
and you thought councillors were about managing a city! Sound more like mainstream politicians to me.
W.B. Howard...Editor of Despatch on Queensland State Election
Here in Queensland the political scene is in chaos! There has been a 'whirlwind' hit it, to use the media's term. In our recent election, Pauline Hanson's One Nation has delivered a crushing blow to both the Queensland Government, Coalition of Liberal and National, and the Opposition Party, Labor. One Nation has taken ten seats, as the average citizens have rallied to their side to vote for their candidates. The Parliament of Queensland is in the balance as the counting still goes on, preferences will determine the outcome. Even then there is a danger of a hung Parliament. We might have to go back to the polls. One Nation's stunning electoral debut has shaken the entire nation. The Prime Minister, John Howard, appeared on television last night, ashen faced and grim. Refusing to change his policies, he faces a huge battle next federal election. The fear is that the whirlwind will not stop at the Queensland border, but has already spread nation-wide, and this will be reflected in the next federal election.
This is akin to a civil war, only reasonably orderly (at this point).
What has happened here is unheard of in the history of Australia. A new political party has almost wiped the opposing parties away, as ordinary Queenslanders all over the state have voted the parliamentarians OUT! The swing against them, all recognised parties not just the government, has come because of the dissatisfaction of the people with the paternal, totalitarian tactics of the politicians from Canberra. Under the UN's hidden agenda, the country's laws and whole way of life have been changed rapidly. Guns have been grabbed, national institutions have been sold off (Telstra is to be fully sold), multiculturalism has rushed Australia into a virtual put-down of white Australians, land rights for aboriginals have meant a poor deal for farmers and cruel land-grabs, child-abuse laws and the like have become extreme, people are against the Goods and Services Tax, the unemployment figures are at a high level. Ms Hanson has addressed these issues boldly across the State of Queensland, and people have flocked to support her stand. She has openly denounced the United Nation's agenda, and demanded they leave our nation's sovereignty alone.
Pauline Hanson has been accused of racism, but this is hardly so. What she is saying is that we are One Nation, that aboriginals and migrants do not have greater rights than white Australians, we are all One Nation together. I was called a "migrant" at the WCRP conference in Melbourne last year by the multiculturalists, although I am possibly an eighth generation white Australian.
There is an attempt here to break down and demoralise the white, Christian, prosperous population, to make the global take-over run smoother. The Aussies have always been sticklers for "give a bloke a fair go!" and want everyone to have that "go." Pre-election meetings have been covered heavily in the media here. Hanson has been branded a Nazi, a racist, an extremist - the Prime Minister even called her "deranged" over national television. But the thing is that few believe such dirty political ploys! The polls have shown that. This is an uprising against the international agenda, what will occur now? Those standing for One Nation this June have been the "little people" of the state. Powerful pollies who have stood against them even though they have held the seat perhaps for many years, have had their "heads roll." We now have people like a man with a fuzzy white beard down his chest, who has never worn shoes for years, a member of parliament. Another young man said, "yesterday I was a truck driver, now I represent this whole area as a state member." There are a lot of women in the One Nation party, and as they won their seats hugging went on all around. There are virtually no high profile figures in One Nation, this is like the French revolution, but with no violence. We are democratic, peace- loving nation at heart.
It was a peculiar sensation to sit at our
television sets
last Saturday June 13, and see familiar political men sitting in
a row with "egg" all over their faces. Sometimes they did not seem to realise
they were on the telly, and spoke out in their shock quite blatantly. One
comment came across chillingly, "anyway, they are not going to get their
guns back, no way will we give them back their guns!" Every politician seemed
to me to be in agreement there. When One Nation takes its place in Parliament
that might be a different story. It looks quite on the cards that the government
now going out may only be able to keep power if they work along with One
Nation! Borbidge, the Premier, has vowed never to do this. Will he change
his mind?
Pauline Hanson is an amazing figure, a fantasy character. She is young, very attractive and beautifully dressed with short curly red hair. She has shown great courage all through this campaign, often having to push through, with her body-guards at her side, hostile crowds (rent-a-crowds?) who have physically jostled her on occasions. She has had rubbish thrown at her, "Nazi" slogans have been shaken in her face whilst protesters dressed in black storm trooper uniforms have danced around, mockingly. It has been a dirty campaign indeed. Cruel things have been said about Hanson, but we must credit her with being one mighty courageous lady! Hanson versus the whole political system it has been at times, and versus the global masters! One candidate for One Nation, who was standing for Parliament, was dismissed by the party! He went too far and said that the Pope sold cyanide gas to the Nazi's! The speeches were certainly way up front in their denouncing of the powers-that-be!
We do not quite know what to make of it all. A number of things do not add up. Why has the media given One Nation such a huge build-up, when there is mediarchy control by the NWO in Australia? It certainly seems that there is, at least. Hanson has been "advertised" free of charge by newspapers across the nation, all they had to do was ignore her and the whole scene would not have grown so big, surely?
Our political expert, D.Dart, is alarmed at the strange goings-on about Hanson. Is it foolish to be concerned, as D.Dart is, that this may be a way of flushing out the rebels against the NWO's agenda?
People have been a bit afraid to speak out about the NWO, now they are moving with great confidence in the belief that something CAN be done to damn the flow of the mighty NWO Babylon river, under the UN. We are concerned, because we realise that globalisation is almost completed now, no one can stop the river flooding over our nation. Could something sinister be just over the horizon? Something massive to put down the flushed out rebels? May God protect them all, and save their souls.
The latest news today shows that One Nation, a brand new party, could have won as many as 20 seats if it had received the Labor Party directed preferences. As it is they now hold 10 seats. This front page comment from The Courier Mail, Tuesday June 16, 1998, says a lot: "Premier Bob Borbidge will seek Parliament's backing for a coalition government if a final vote counting does not deliver Labor the numbers to rule.
But One Nation - whose support Mr Borbidge would need to survive a confidence motion - described the move as 'political suicide'.
Queensland's political future remains in limbo with the Electoral Commission predicting that the poll outcome will not be clear until Thursday."
The Courier Mail, speaking of national politics as well as State as this
period, had this to say:
"Shellshocked Liberals in Turmoil: "...The row came as Prime Minister John
Howard last night vowed to stay on course for tax reform and the full sell-off
of Telstra as backbench MPs began openly criticising his handling of key
policy issues in the wake of the Queensland poll.
It also became clear yesterday that federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley and Labor star Cheryl Kernot faced an uphill battle against One Nation candidates in their respective election campaigns."
Yes, dear friends, it is a period of astonishing back-lash against the agenda of the globalists in Australia today. Who would have imagined that the One Nation party could rise out of nowhere, band together the people in the streets, towns and farms, and shake the very political structures of Canberra, our Capital of Government. What will the next few weeks and months bring?
Subject: You got a mention On LNL
Hi Scott.
You got a mention on the ABC's Late Night Live tonight. Phillip Adams was interviewing Rachel (someone) whose photo you put up on the web on Saturday night only to be asked to remove it.
You should be able to catch a repeat of the interview on Wednesday afternoon at 4 or 5 pm.
Keep up the exceptional work.
John Hacking
Subject: Congratulations David Oldfield - from Sale.
Your interview on the ABC Television was nothing less than superb, brilliant in fact. Everyone I have spoken to agrees with me. You were confident knowledgeable and kept them under control.
It was great to hear you turn their attempts at ridicule on there heads - well done, good answers. !
All the best from Bruce Treasure and Tony Peters at the Sale (Gippsland branch).
Subject: David Oldfield: Bouquets!
I wish to commend Mr David Oldfield on his appearance last night on 'The 7:30 Report'. He appeared at the tail-end of an item consisting of a rag-tag assortment of economists, bankers, NFF 'spokesperson' and media personalities. All of these sycophants of the 'lunar-left','robber baron capitalists' and 'economic irrationalists' were quite cosy with each others' views. In fact, they sounded like broken records with their tired old phrases of "the unstoppability of globalisation" and "Australia's 'reputation' in the International community".
yawn!.. I was almost going to hit the remote-control 'off' switch when Mr Oldfield appeared on the scene.
Devastating! He carefully, calmly and compellingly refuted _every single bodgie assertion_ of these 'intellectual elites'(who have doubtlessly been "smoked out" of their ivory towers by the stunning ON Party result in the Qlnsnd election on Saturday) Their 'arguments' were exposed as fallacious, inaccurate and unsubstantiated.
One wonders how they would fare in 'open and public debate' with Mr Oldfield(perhaps on the ABC's 'Lateline' programme).....or, even if they would have the 'guts' to engage in such a debate?!
Gerard Henderson, in particular, seems to me to have a prominent 'coward`s chin'! cheers!
David Oldfield - STATE NSW
Could you please pass on my congratulations to David Oldfield on his excellent interviews today on the ABC radio & TV. I found him remarkably sensible and eloquent.
I have not heard him speak much. I had the impression "he was a behind the scenes" man. I had read a bit about him (plus a lot more) in Pasquarelli's book, and I had thought he was the power behind the throne.
I think what most people think when they have heard Pauline, or yourself for that matter, speak, is that compared to the BS heard daily form the mainstream parties, the ON stuff seems a lot more down to earth and sensible.
However, I am not so sure about some of the proposed policies, if they were such as to endanger Australia's balance of trade figures. Maybe this is just frightened propaganda from the mainstream guys.
All the best
Marshall Thornton
Subject: 60 Minutes
-------------COMMENTS BY David Hughes-Jones--------------
This is the response I received to my E-Mail to Toyota re 60 minutes. Congratulations to ONE NATION and Mss. Hanson.The main political parties still do not understand what we are all so angry about. They still believe throwing a few goodies around is sufficient to gain support.They still treat the Australian Public like ignorant morons!.I supported Howard and the Liberals for 50 years and I am fed up with all the crap they and Labour mouth all the time. I have discontinued purchase of Newspapers in OZ - I get my news now from Overseas sources which are generaly unprejudiced. Continue to spread into the other States as fast as possible please!
David Hughes-Jones
Subject: 60 minutes ninemsn polls continue to astound.
Dear Sir,
out of curiosity I have been monitoring the 60 minutes polls over the last 10 days. We are all aware that 60 minutes is now the laughing stock of the country with their blatant and pathetic attempts to discredit One Nation. The massive backlash to their sponsors has obviously worked wonders and they are now obliged to leave their grubby little hands OFF the poll figures. How else can we explain the almost total reversal of figures for the Call to Arms segment poll and its Question "Is there any basis for these fears of a UN-led new world order?" For what it's worth, They were Yes 33% No 67% with 5632 votes in on the12 /6 /98 and roughly the same till they are now Yes 61% No 39% with 9920 votes in.!
For The Power Of One poll where readers are asked "who would you have voted for " in the Qld election .......One Nation has streaked away with 81% of the vote over 3117 votes!. Eighty one percent!
Im sure we all look forward to 60 minutes broadcasting these figures on the program ,Australia wide and reading to the nation some of the emails and letters that they have received about these segments.
By the way ,they have gone to some lengths to ensure that voters on these polls can only vote once from their terminals. I am sending a hard copy of the poll results to the Prime Minister ,should he have missed them online. March next year is only eight and a half months away,in case he has forgotten.
Steve Nichols
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.