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an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's
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October 1995
60 Minutes - journalism digs a bigger hole for itself in Australia
The unethical, Packer voicepiece
of Channel 9, 60 Minutes, will today take journalism in Australia
to a brand new low - I have wondered how that could be possible, but it is.
Take the image link opposite to see an image capture of the 60 Minutes page promoting this story.
Tonight this trashy self-ingratiating program will run a completely concocted story which has just one aim in mind - to discredit Pauline Hanson's One Nation a few days before the Queensland State Election.
Yesterday collusion by the News Limited Sunday papers in a cover up of what would make ethical journalists in Australia see red primed the "Call to Arms" segment with credibility. This cover up is best demonstrated by viewing a press release which was sent out yesterday afternoon to all the media.
Here is an extract from that press release:
This is deceptive and dishonest journalism at its worst and all credible journalists, whatever their personal feelings, should be appalled at 60 minutes' approach. Regardless of what evidence 60 Minutes produce or what they may state, the whole story is a fairytale fabricated without the slightest basis of truth. There is no connection or communication between the United States and Pauline Hanson or One Nation.
David Oldfield told me yesterday that he had personally spoken to several journalists, including those at Queensland's Sunday Mail - where the 60 Minutes segment will do most damage - with the state elections next Saturday.
Today's Sunday Mail makes absolutely no mention of the press release - confirming what we should already know - a clear-cut case of "get her at any cost" ethics... a message relayed to News Limited puppets (sometimes called chiefs of staff) who do the final selection on what articles are to be carried.
In today's Sunday Mail they cover the disendorsement of Noosa candidate David Summers for allegations of publicising extreme right type materials in his Exposure magazine.
The rest of the articles deal with the effect of One Nation on the election without touching on the party's policies - and they wonder why people still do not know what the party stands for!
These faceless, spineless, little men lord over the journalists in Australia doing their master's bidding. They are spineless intellectual prostitutes - and even that term is derogatory to those in that profession.
We had an enormous amount of feedback from concerned respondents to an email that we transmitted yesterday.
You can view some of the feedback here...
Shreddergate set to liven up the Queensland elections
Tomorrow will be an interesting day with the shredding of the Heiner documents again set to blow a few flames through the Labor party's support when swinging voters realise that about 8 of Beattie's team were involved in the Goss cabinet in 1990 - a cabinet which could well be sued individually for a criminal act.
Those people include Ipswich's David Hamill.
Sunday Mail poll on the Queensland elections
Here is their poll which does not disclose how many people were surveyed.
Party | June 3-4 | May 20-21 | Metro region | Rural-North region | S.E. Qld | Male Voters | Female Voters |
Labor | 37 | 31 | 46 | 33 | 27 | 34 | 40 |
One Nation | 16 | 14 | 10 | 22 | 17 | 18 | 14 |
Liberal Party | 16 | 19 | 19 | 13 | 15 | 15 | 17 |
National | 9 | 11 | 2 | 13 | 15 | 12 | 5 |
Don't Know | 8 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 8 | 9 |
Independent | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Informal | 4 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 5 |
Democrats | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Greens | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
In the lead-up to the election anti-Hanson protesters are going to meet in Roma Street in Brisbane later today to vent their anger about One Nation's growing support.
Yes, the normal rent-a-crowd mob representing druggies, lesbians, selected do-gooders, gays and multiculturalists - strangely the group that some religious leaders appear to back.
Misreading Hanson a national pastime
Here is an extract from the article:
According to the dictionary, a racist is one who believes that different races have different sets of inherent qualities. A racist may also (and usually does) believe that some races are superior to others. I have heard Hanson speak, and read everything I could find by her. I cant find anything there to support the charge of racism which has been hurled at her so often. She might be stupid, unkind, inept or even deranged, but she has said many times that shes not racist, and defies her critics to come up with the evidence. Its a fair enough request.
Subject: Support for Pauline Hanson
I would like to be put on your e-mail list. I support everything I have so far heard Pauline Hanson actually says, as distinct from WHAT THE PRESS REPORTS THAT SHE SAYS AND DOES, and so do most of my friends and members of my family. We are 5th generation Australians and totally fed up with all other current political parties.
Tony Schafer
Dear sir,
How good it makes me feel to see ONE NATION is getting these days. If it weren't for the internet it may not have been possible to gather this much support (for any cause) in so short a time. As we all know when the major parties feel the pinch they go through the old routine of: a) ignore it and it will go away b) denial - nothings going on whats the fuss about c)shout down - you don't know what you are talking about so shut up, its too complex for you to understand and anyway it will be good for you d) pass the buck- we didn't do it but we have got it in hand and we will look after you so shut up. And lastly when they know the cat is out of the bag e) personal abuse - ignore the message, shoot the messenger and cover it up.
We are currently witnessing this process being played out daily in what passes for a news industry in this country and it is not getting the desired results but they will persist with it to the end. We (the taxpayers) should be aware that the "powers that be" do not take kindly to the sort of audacity that they are currently confronting and they carry their grudges and bide their time (who do you think the labour party is so desperate to be rid of the Governor General amongst other things)
Even now there will be allocations of our tax dollars to fund projects with warm and fuzzy (politically correct) names whose sole purpose will be to ensure that such audacity yields no results for us rebels (lib) or sheep (lab) and to remove whatever effective strategies or weapons used against the foul and corrupt alliance that controls this nation to their own ends. We must be viligant against the pressures that will seek to remove our ability to communicate and organise because the freedom of speech, thought and communication/association are the only weapons worth a damn in an open democracy.
there has already been rumblings but as the saying goes "YOU AINT SEEN NUTHIN YET" the www will come under enormous pressure from censorship (only in the public interest) or (to protect the children is a current fav) and if they get it in, just like taxes there will always be increases. There will be more than one way to skin this cat, as there always is, there are also moves afoot to price the www out of the reach of the average household by timed local calls, there is talk of enormous surveillance systems to spy on net traffic and God only knows what else is on its way.
These are not the trivial issues that they will be made to look like but are a major assault on Australian Democracy and the ability of the people to have our say and be heard. We, as a nation, should resist most strenuously any attempts to water down in any way what little freedom we have left if we are to retain a free democracy in this land. Thank God for people like yourself and Pauline, keep up the good work.
Paul Wildish
Subject: Go One Nation go
Any publicity is good publicity, now who was it that said that, well whoever it was he was probably filthy rich.
So guess who is getting the most, publicity!
P. H !
Not because she is an intellectual giant, but because she poses the first real threat in years to tweedle dum and tweedle dumber, Labour and Liberal. It is pointless for all you, know it all, bleeding heart, socialist, politically correct, holier than thou, pseudo intellectual snobs, that can't tell the proverbial excrement from clay, to lambaste her natural simplicity.
Her simple honesty and bravery to confront the issues that are the concern of so many ordinary Australians, that have been effectively been disenfranchised by years of party executive government, and pandering to a polyglot collection of miserable minority groups of every conceivable form from idiots to Einsteins, are why she is getting support.
We know she was a fish and chip lady, we know she wasn't a Rhode's scholar, we don't care!!!
Look at the mess Australia is in with many facing a declining standard of living, ever weakening currency, mounting national debt, and continuing over dependence on primary production (nothing wrong with it as such) through failure to develop modern "sunrise" industries to be the engines of wealth in the 21st century. And all of this from Labour-Liberal over the past 50 years.
She represents the new third force in politics, thats what its all about.
Think about where the fools have led us, a country with the highest per capita income in the world in the year 1900, to the point where our own prime minister warned we could become a banana republic (one of the few sensible things Keating said) and where Lee Kwan Yew (ex prime minister of Singapore) warned we risked becoming the "Poor white trash of Asia". Lee Kwan Yew would know too, as one of the greatest leaders of modern times, he raised his country from a pestilential paludal swamp, overrun by Japanese in 1945, and lacking any natural resources, to be the perhaps the leading Tiger economy of Asia, while Australia marked time. In 1985 there were 2.54 Singapore Dollars to A$1.00, today there are 1.1 to the A$. In 1976 there were US$1.20 to the A$1.00, today US$0.61, and going down on a 20 year trendline!
Ten years working in Asia and the middle east, as I have had, opens ones eyes to all the political stupidity that has gon on in this country, for far too long.
If its Hanson at the helm, then so be it, she will not be alone. But steady as she goes will have the Australian ship of state on the rocks of cultural, racial and fiscal ruin. Things have to change.
The third force is desperatly needed. For now Hanson is the symbol of the third force. May the force be with us.
Jeff Brady.
Subject: Politicians squealing like stuck pigs
With all of the drivel I have been listening to in the past week regarding that "vile woman called Pauline Hanson" I have to wonder what the politicians are so scared about. Could it be that they think the One Nation party might actually get to Canberra and start cleaning up all the rorts?
I have come to the conclusion that perhaps we as Australians, regardless of our political persuasion should vote for the One Nation party to clean out the snivelling wimps we have in Canberra at present.
We have Brian Harradine so frightened of losing his balance of power he is even talking about capitulating on Wik - not for the good of Australia, but to prevent a double dissolution which just might get "her party" a seat or two in Canberra.
We have the Chinese\Asian Communities telling our Prime Minister what he MUST DO OR ELSE!! Perhaps the One Nation policy that we should all be Australians regardless of colour or race, would do away with the so called Asian Communities and we would then speak as one people - AUSTRALIANS.
What has happened to DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM OF CHOICE, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, THE RIGHTS OF THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE, it appears to me that we are being brainwashed by the media tosuch an extent, that it just may backfire and people will decide on the old fashioned Australian way to "give her a go"
Surely if the people of Australia wish to give One Nation their votes, the WILL OF THE PEOPLE should be paramount to the WINGEING OF THE FAT CATS BLUDGING IN CANBERRA.
Bette - A very concerned Australian
Subject: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party gets more and more support. Is that because all Aussies are racists?
No way!
Before One Nation all those Aussies who believe in national pride had nobody to vote for because ALL parties pondered to the international community more than looking after Australians first.
Before One Nation all those Australians who did feel Australia loses her national identity and unique culture in the rock-pool of internationalism and multi-culturalism had nobody to vote for because ALL parties pondered to the "new world" order:.
Before One Nation all those Australians who believe criminals should be punished and don't deserve consideration but the victims of crime deserve consideration had nobody to vote for because ALL parties pondered to the "bleeding heart OH the poor criminal gone wrong because he had such a hard life" ideas.
Before One Nation all those Australians who believed that Australia's manufacturing industry and Australian jobs should be protected had nobody to vote for because all major parties pondered to the "technology transfer" to poorer countries idea.
Before One Nation all those Australians who believed that a peaceful cohesive society needs values had nobody to vote for because ALL major parties pondered to those minorities who thought that all the old values are rubbish.
Before One Nation all those Australians who feel that parents should control and should have control over their kids had nobody to vote for because ALL parties believe in taking controlling powers away from parents.
All those Australians who believe that the wishes of the majority should be implemented had nobody to vote for because ALL major parties pondered to noisy minorities because the small minorities decided who would win Government since Government was won or lost by small margins.
All those come ON TOP of those many Australians who believe that Australia is basically a European style society had nobody to vote for because nearly all other parties tried to make Australia a multi-cultural mini world....
Since Pauline Hanson has formed One Nation all these people now have someone to vote for. Now they do have a choice.
Fortunately for One Nation the anti - Hanson demonstrators, the urine filled condom and rotten vegi throwing hooligans from our Universities, the ethnic groups who feel that Australia should adopt THEIR culture and should adapt to them and the ever sensation and controversy seeking press and media have made so beautifully sure that One Nation maintained a high profile and that everyone is aware of the One Nation Party.
One Nation has got ten times more "free publicity" as every other party or group during the past years just to give the vegi throwing animals another reason to behave like monkeys.
Now we are going to pay the price. We are going to cop what we truly deserve....The bill always comes even if it is a few years late but it will come one day....
Subject: Rally against One Nation
A "Put One Nation Last" rally *WILL* be held on Sunday the 7th of June at 11am at Roma Street Forum. *NOTE NEW VENUE FOR RALLY*
All you punks, anti-nazi skins, rudeboys and other assorted groovers who oppose Hansonite policies can assmble earlier at 10am SHARP to march as a block in protest. Assemble at the dodgy Suncorp park just created on the corner of Adelaide St. and North Quay (not the Queens Park near the Treasury Hotel. Note!!). We will be marching to the rally at Emma Miller Place. Bring black flags, banners and placards. And look sharp!
Speakers at the rally include Triple Zed, Gay and Lesbian, Aborginal, Torres Strait Islanders, Chinese, Vietnamese, Union, Prisoners, ALP, Greens, Democratic Socialist, church and gun control.
A march is proposed, but not definate, to Parliment House after the Rally.
Stay tuned to Triple Zed for more details.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear Sir,
As a politically naive person could I request you publish the "Lima Agreement" so widely referred to, but curiously hard to find. Some may say ON is paranoid, deranged , yadda,yadda,yadda... But following your links and using my own eyes and ears, the political situation, therefore future, of this great land seems bleak.
Paul Jones
Subject: Abortion issue/media distortion
The abortion issue has been raised in the Queensland
State election with headlines in provincial newspapers (Toowoomba Chronicle
May 30) such as "Hanson backs abortion". Obviously the National Party is
in control of the Health agenda here in Queensland but they are so desperate
to hang on to power that they will try and use anything to discredit One
So in the National Parliament we saw Tim Fisher (the National Party Leader)
get up and try and have a go at her (Pauline Hanson) on the same issue on
June 3.
This is a difficult issue and one best not dealt with in the heat of an election
campaign, but it is an issue that impacts more on women than on men. Therefore
it is important that women are allowed to have a say (and without trying
to distort what is said!). Abortion is not normally a male decision - only
in a few cases such as fathers and medical practicioners. It's a very personal
decision too.
The sight of National Party (male) politicians trying to make electoral gain
out of such a painful issue is appalling. They will be judged by the Queensland
people accordingly!
Tony Price.
Subject: TACTICS
Dear Sir,
One is saddened by the realization that you and your team think that voters are automatically as gullible as the spokespeople for the so called "major" political parties believe that they are.
Since when was it unexpected that the One Nation party, which was provided with its high profile initially almost entirely by the media, would not eventually become either "yesterday's news" (less attractive to the media as a source of ratings, advertising revenue or newspaper sales) or would be rubbished under instructions from the "higher ups" because it is, in reality, the entrenched "tweedledum" and tweedledee" (Labor and Liberal) parties which will form the government that determines the cost and terms of licences to broadcast or the laws which maintain the freedom of the "press" to, quite deliberately, make or destroy individuals in the interests, not of truth but, of "a good story".
Clearly it will make a "good story" in the view of the particular media if it runs a rave about the similarities between the "radicals" in the United States of America and the views of grassroots Australians. It is a shame that you are not adequately resourced to run a sequel in which what is pointed out is the reason why people in both nations are rejecting the inadequacies and the patently corrupt practices of the ruthless "majors".
Pauline Hanson would probably have sufferred defeat at the polls, in the same way that many of us electorate-based candidates did over the years whilst we were promoting similar changes to the very corrupt political scene, were it not for the media's decision to entertain their viewers, listeners or readers, with a character of Pauline's style, in their pusuit of profits or ratings.
Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer wants to take over control of the John Fairfax newspaper empire and to do it he needs to have the support of Liberal and Labor machine hierarchies so he may well be encouraging the Sixty (actually only 38) Minutes team to do an expose as a sop to the "major" parties (whose total financial mebership is now less than two percent of the population).
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is dependent on taxpayer funding via government, has a long standing "two-party preferred" policy under which it devotes absolutely equal time to Liberal and Labor (and almost no time to anyone-else) so do not be surprised if it appears as unco-operative as Channel 9.
Both at Federal and State levels tweedledum and tweedledee have so framed the legislation that not only are the taxpayers forced compulsorily to fund their election campaigns (electoral funding acts) but have also built in all manner of hazzards, including gags, for other candidates.
Under instructions from their masters in the hierarchies of ther non-parliamentary political parties the pollies have been selling, or approving the sale of, Australia's birthright continuously but the rate at which our icons have been going recently has accellerated to such an extent that the usually apathetic voters are begining to question the ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
Declarations like "Rights of Indigenous Peoples" and agreements like "Multilateral Agreement on Investment" are merely examples of the major parties carrying out (against the long-term interests of Australians) the directives of those to whom they are obligated.
How you, or Pauline for that matter, can expect the Howards and the Beazleys to refrain from putting in the boot (use villification) when they feel that their cushy arrangements are threatened, is difficult to comprehend - your party members, history indicates, will do likewise once they become as effectively entrenched. Such a failng is not limited to the political scene it happens regularly in the worlds of commerce, industry and bureaucracy too.
In resorting to the sort of tactics that they are using tweedledum and tweedledee are bringing significant disrepute upon the parliamentary process and they are destined to pay a fierce penalty in time.
There is indeed a massive war ahead to recover any significant proportion of Australia's equity from the current foreign owners unless a government here acquires the COURAGE to write Reserve Bank cheques in Australian Currency to "buy" back the foreign debt, conducts a balanced Budget for both the items currently covered and the multitude of presently "off-budget" Quasi Autonomous Notionally Government Organizations (QANGOs). Retiring the debt to the RBA over time from surplusses resulting from betterr government and proper business practices.
Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR) is another furphy. In practice, given the vast distances involved, it would cost far more than it would achieve. What perhaps you should be contemplating is borrowing some useful ideas from that, otherwise discreditted, party machine - the former Australian Country party but now National Party of Australia and seek to establish machinery for the electorate's parliamentary representatives to be clearly advised of the matters which concern the voters and their children.
Jon Axtens
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
In regards to daniel's letter on the 6th June.
Why is it he didn't include his last name or e-mail address, scared of a little criticism.
If he read this page and the link to the ON web site he would know there is no racism in the party.
While I am writing I would like to wish the candidate for Shortland Ron Gardner the best of luck. I have known Ron for several years and I know he is a good speaker with good ideas for the party.
Steve Dunn
Subject: Lower to Hanson
Yasuhiko Uchdia
Subject: Paulines destruction of a multi cultural Australia
You are the alien here. How you can look yourself in the mirror day in and day out I do not know. Perhaps you should actually practice the speeches that others write for you before you are called on to present them to the house. Do you think that the rest of Australia will be convinced when you don't even sound convinced yourself. You sound no more prepared than a grade five or six student presenting a five minute speech to his/her class mates. Please you must realise that the people who you haven't got on side yet are just a little more intelligent than that. In order for us to listen you must have stong aguments based on facts, not old wives tales and racist slander. You and the party you stand for will be the ruin of Australia and when this happens who do you think they will come looking for. Maybe you should get out while your ahead. Or better still, learn something. I'm only 21 years old yet I am confident that if I was called on by the house to present a speech I would prepare, research and exactly that PRESENT. Maybe you should take some drama classes, or maybe just believe in what you are saying.
Either way I'm pretty sure that the Intelligent Multi Cultural Australia will never be stupid enough to listen.
For our sake if no one else's do your homework. I'm sure the Asians are!
John Roden
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
Queensland candidates
gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness
and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News
Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's
Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over
closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair - 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta
expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.