Sixty Minutes -
What we say, what we think.

7th June 1998

The following email was sent to Toyota this morning:

Dear sir,

We would encourage you to read the following press releases placed on the Internet yesterday very carefully.


Scott Balson
Pauline Hanson's Web Master


In the lead up to the Queensland State and Federal Elections there has been growing hysteria in the media, major political parties and by minority groups that "support for Pauline Hanson's One Nation is somehow bad for Australia".

It should be of no surprise that One Nation has one goal in mind and that is to bring equity in treatment back to ALL Australians irrespective of colour, race, or creed. If you read the first sentence again you will see who is going to 'lose' when divisive policies are removed by One Nation from the Australian equation.

However, the most divisive force in Australia today is the mainstream media, carefully controlled by men of enormous wealth who now seek the ultimate prize, 'power over the politicians who run Australia'.

Many believe that they have already achieved this goal. Many believe that the support for Pauline Hanson's One Nation is a direct result of 'populist' Australians (that's you and me) seeing through the deals being done between the major political parties and the media barons.

Today Australians face a real fight to retain their democratic rights in the face of the media moguls. This is the 'real' media-hidden war that is being raged right now with Pauline Hanson being the focus, the enemy. The coming Queensland state and Federal elections are not over 'race' as the media would have you believe, they are over our freedom of speech and democracy which has already being largely destroyed through the concentration of our media.

Last Tuesday Pauline Hanson raised the issue of 'The Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' in Parliament.

What followed was the most disgraceful vilification by Howard, Beazley, supported by the media, of Pauline Hanson, the messenger, while the message - the potential impact of this treaty on all Australians - was totally ignored.

This vilification was epitomised by the live interview with Ray Martin on Channel 9's 'A Current Affair' during which he changed the 'rules of engagement' previously agreed to. The interview was supposed to be about Pauline's speech in parliament and the ramifications of the UN draft agreement.

A range of links to documents related to Pauline Hanson's speech can be seen at:

Channel 9 have used these tactics before to secure an interview under blatantly dishonest terms. Sixty Minutes approached Pauline Hanson to do a 'prime time' broadcast on 'a new political party in the making'... in 1997. The original letter to David Ettridge confirming the 'rules of engagement' with Pauline Hanson can be seen at this link.

In both Channel 9 interviews Pauline Hanson has appeared stunned, was ridiculed by those interviewing her and thereafter denigrated by many of her opponents. Quite simply she has been ambushed with unrelated questioning by a less than ethical media doing the bidding of powers higher up.

This Sunday Channel 9's 'Sixty Minutes' has intimated that it will be doing an 'expose' on Pauline Hanson's One Nation links to 'American influences'. As of late yesterday they had refused to supply the source of their information so that One Nation could respond. It will be an interesting time for 'Sixty Minutes' to carry such a damaging, unsubstantiated programme, less than a week before the Queensland state election.

The background to the programme to be run tomorrow can be seen at:

Here is a quote from that page:
'But as 60 Minutes has discovered, Pauline Hanson's one nation has little to do with our nation. Much of her ideology is borrowed from loony extremists in the United States, right down to her claim this week that the UN was undermining Australia's sovereignty. Jeff McMullen reports that this fear of a UN-led global world order is the central theme in the thinking of militia groups at war with the US Government. And the militia leaders admit they know and admire Pauline Hanson and have advised her supporters.'

With this in mind I would ask you to take this personal assurance from me.

I have been privileged to get to know Pauline and understand the fire that burns within her for Australia and her children, our future. She is not influenced by anybody from overseas, her gun laws actually tighten gun control through

"an instant record check to ensure those persons ineligible to own a firearm can be quickly identified; we shall establish a register of persons prohibited from firearm ownership. Prohibited persons: ie those convicted of a violent offence."

Pauline's aims are to work for the return of Australia to Australians - away from the negative, direct influence of overseas-based multinationals; to introduce Citizen Based Referendums; to allow you to have a real say in your future (One Nation's policies can be seen here) and to dismantle the power blocks controlled by the media barons.

It is this last goal which is behind the vilification of Pauline Hanson by the media and what she stands for, not the opinions expressed by those who do their master's bidding.

You may like to tell 'Sixty Minutes' what you think of their programme, if so use this link:


A personal message from

Scott Balson, Pauline Hanson's One Nation web master
One Nation home page


Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 20:00:04 +1000



60 minutes' Fairytales

"This Sunday, 60 Minutes is airing a segment devoted to connecting Pauline Hanson with individuals or groups in the United States. While we don't know who these people are, what is certain is that Pauline Hanson is not in contact politically or organisationally with anyone in the United States - the 60 Minutes story is a fairytale.

After hearing of an advertisement for this Sunday's 60 minutes, David Oldfied contacted the programme to check its content. Despite making it clear there was absolutely no communication between Pauline Hanson, her advisers, or the organisation's heads and anyone in the United States, 60 minutes refused to even consider they had manufactured the story. They also refused to allow One Nation an opportunity to rebut their fairytale until the programme the following week. This is a nefariously timed lie.

This is deceptive and dishonest journalism at its worst and all credible journalists, whatever their personal feelings, should be appalled at 60 minutes' approach. Regardless of what evidence 60 Minutes produce or what they may state, the whole story is a fairytale fabricated without the slightest basis of truth. There is no connection or communication between the United States and Pauline Hanson or One Nation.

While we have no knowledge of such activities, it is possible some individual member may be in contact with people overseas but this, if it has happened, is a personal affair and unrelated to us as an organisation.

It should also be understood that One Nation letterhead and other documents have been forged on a number of occasions. Further to this, people have falsely claimed to be party officials and candidates as well as one incident where a person in Western Australia claimed to be a close personal adviser to Pauline when in fact she had never even met him.

We are not sure what 60 minutes will put to air, but having spoken to them twice, it is clear they will peddle the lie of links that simply do not exist. Perhaps they have cleverly manufactured a fairytale with the help of people either willing to perjure themselves or who are just not aware they are not really in contact with Pauline or One Nation, but whatever the case, their story is fiction in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree.

60 minute's refusal of an opportunity for us to face their fairytale on their programme this Sunday night, in itself, proves their intention to simply maliciously attack Pauline and One Nation by any means regardless of the total lack of truth. 60 minutes has no credibility and should be treated accordingly. Even their Internet story announcing their programme is filled with lies when factual evidence is clearly available by speaking to us, something they chose not to do because the truth would ruin their dishonest and despicable claims."

"Pauline Hanson and One Nation is, and will always be, 100% Australian owned and 100% Australian influenced."

Statement issued by request of Pauline Hanson MP.

Some of the email received in response to our mail-out:

Subject: RE: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

Dear Scott,

Please consider e-mailing everyone and suggesting they complain to Toyota, including your original request and Pauline's Press Release. If the shows sponsors get enough complaints they will take action.

Paul Fuller

This was done this morning.

Thanks Paul


Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

My message to 60 minutes was:

Your continued propaganda against Pauline Hanson's "One Nation" Party is becoming very transparent. It’s clear the media simply wants to maintain the status quo and be the place the major parties use to stamp out anyone who doesn’t play by their rules (amazing what money can buy, well after all you are a commercial network aren’t you?)

You quickly forget that you are NOT a "Big Fish" in the "Big Pond". You don’t have to be a billionaire, a crooked politician, or a sell-out journalist to publish information freely. If anyone wants the truth, they will find it here, and not from an idiot box spilling someone elses opinion, American sitcoms, and wonder mops.

I am a hard working, middle-class, 28yo Australian Male Professional, and there are many more of us, and others, in Australia with the same opinion.

Andrew Buttner

Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

Dear sir,

You will no doubt be "pleased" to hear that Peter Beattie blame Pauline Hanson's anti asian migration policies for our loss of Expo to the Phillipines.

That should drive a few thinking Labor supporters to One Nation.


PS You realise, off course, your website is going to be the standard all parties will use for future elections.

Subject: Re: Pauline Hanson and the media etc

Even if the media barons think that they can control the politicians, and they may well hope that, they are too late - they've missed the boat.

All self respecting researchers "know" that the politicians in the major parties are mere puppets (marionettes) of their respective non-parliamentary political party machine hierarchies which, in turn, have mortgaged their (and this nation's) futures to the international banking mafia.

Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson References:

The arrogance of the two party system plus the way Ray Martin treated Pauline did nothing but sang her praises all over Australia. I most certainly will vote for your party here in SA when the elections come about if possible?

When I can afford to I will join your party, as I believe the two party system is too much of an old boys club and the two parties are so similar it's difficult to tell the difference in their policies. We the people of Australia at the very least deserve a third strong party, not a group of wimps like the Democrats (so called). This is the best chance Australia has of a third party.

Good Luck and may the power be with you.

John Hocking

Subject: 60 minutes poll on fears of a UN led new world order

Dear Sir ,

i have just followed your links to the 60 minutes page about their upcoming hatchet job on One Nation. They are running an Internet poll on whether people have fears of a UN -led New World Order. Guess what? The poll is indicating 91% of people have exactly these fears!!! This runs completely against the context of their proposed story, which is about U.S. militias..."loonies"...influencing Australia's One Nation.

It goes on to say how these militias have as a central theme a "fear of a UN-led global world order" ........then their poll asks "Is there any basis for these fears of a UN-led new world order?" Well it looks like 91% of Australians have voted YES!!!!!!!. They have exactly those fears!! Sorta blows their storyline right out the window...doesnt it?

They also have a discussion topic....Should these (loonie) militiamen influencing (Pauline) Hanson be taken seriously or dismissed as crazed extremists?

Doesnt leave much room to for discussion ...does it.? These kinds of biased ,loaded ,pre-judged questions are typical of the Packer press and should be recognised for the CRAP it is.

Something else they failed to mention in their Call to Arms cut up is that in America the Right to bear Arms is enshrined in their Constitution, put there for the expressed purpose of "protecting the population against the excesses of Government". In other words ... to remind the Government that should they step out of line and start actions against the will of the people....the people are capable of rising in armed conflict to restore democracy to the Nation. This is how the United States were founded. Those wise men "the Fathers of Democracy " knew full well the dangers of an Unarmed populace and an Undemocratic Government ....having just overcome that very thing in the American War of Independence.

Now ,why would 60 minutes leave all that out?

Steve Nichols

Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

Thanks for the updates - I really appreciate them.

I WILL be showing my support next saturday.

One Nation is what I have been looking for in a political party for years - one that isn't afraid to stand up to minority groups and to stand for the real issues that affect everyday Australians.

Evan Taylor


I thought there was a law that protected us from slander. Get an Injunction against the program. At least stop it from showing until after the election.


Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

Sue them!!!!

no matter what the media portrayals the silent will still vote for one nation, not all supporters can communicate there thoughts publicly but they will at the ballot box!!

Christopher Slatter

Subject: Re: Statement on Sixty Minutes by Pauline Hanson

I once worked in the media and we had a saying in the office that went "why spoil a good story with a fact" perhaps this should be pointed out to the masses.

Barrie Fitzgerald

Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

Sir, I agree wholeheartedly with what Pauline is doing and please do not let them get to her. As I go about my Business I talk to a lot of people and the majority are for Pauline and what she stands for so I hope that it shows in the coming elections and both Howard and Beasley get thrown out with there crooked mates behind them.

Yours Faithfully ,
Bill Edwards

Subject: Re Sixty Minutes

Thank you for sending me the statement re Sixty Minutes programme. We feel so angered by it. Pauline Hanson is a corageous woman and we would like to give her our support.

Pat Moran.

Subject: Re: Statement on Sixty Minutes by Pauline Hanson

Of course This type of non-democratic propaganda is typical of the cartel that is the Australian political system.All of the media in this country are run by the kind of multinational companies that One Nation is trying to stop. These faceless people who run these companies are not elected and the enemies of democracy therefore anyone who opposes their rule is subjected to this kind of rubbish.

I could just imagine the phone call...."hey john I heard that your having trouble with some woman in Queensland...thinking for her self...we can't have this...listen i'll get 48 minutes to run a great story...I know it's not true but hey can't let the truth get in the way of ratings...leave it with me"

I will not be watching this crap not that I have before.


Subject: 60 minutes


Stay with it, You hit the nail on the head the other day and our present governments are running scared. I have researched a lot of your statements in have found no discrepencies. For a couple of generations now the population has been "un educated" for want of a better term. It is easier to control ignorant people, Go easy on the gun issue. I agree the overall policy is to 'disarm and conquer".

What I and I think a lot of others see in you is a voice of the people who are aware of the direction this old world is heading,and, as a Christian I know that world termoil is around the corner and inevitable but I feel that we need to be a strong and independant country . The world powers will have their fling for a while. Don't let it be too easy for them.

Their representatives do not want us to realise what is happening. That is why they fear you and why they have probably spent more time trying to pull you down more than any other minor party.

This is strengthening you in the eyes of a lot of people.

Point this out to the 60 minutes mob.

Good Luck and God Bless

Organization: computer wreckers

Greetings to you all.

This is becoming an issue that is way deeper than a political campain. BIG toes are being stepped on. If the powers behind the press are worried enough to have to fabricate this hysterical propaganda to be presented to the Australian public......they fear the honesty. And if you look through the eyes of a not so paranoid conspiraracy's about power.

Pauline's wish not to use "political advantages" is not ...[sadly] how most view her. I've met some genuine 'looneys' who think the party is going to have them armed with their military weapons again within months.

Unfortunately the folks who "attach" themselves to the party and who think they'll stop 'invasions from the north' with a rifle and some bullets are very ignorant of modern technology.

Just remember that this is not a political 'battle' but more a sign that there is a servere need by those in 'power' to opress the TRUTH. But rest assured that maybe not right now.....but eventually THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL>>>>>MANY HAVE DIED FOR IT IN THE PAST.... so this will give us all an education of what lengths they will go to... I have people all over the world helping in ways you'd never begin to believe.... BELIVE IN THE TRUTH


Subject: (no subject)

Dear Sir,

Just been to the channel nine web page and the have a vote there under this title;

Deconstructing Pauline

Do you agree with claims that Pauline Hanson is being manipulated by “fruitcakes” and right wing extremists?

Why doesn't everyone visiting this page go there and vote NO.


Subject: Re: Lies on Sixty Minutes


Another regular television program here in the U.S., the Twentieth Century, which provides "entertainment news" like Sixty Minutes (and Mike Wallace from Sixty minutes was the narrator) only a week ago did something strangely similar: Right in the middle of a program on "racists" they spliced in the big shootout which occurred with the Branch Davidian cult. Just one problem with that, the Branch Davidians are an integrated group. Photographs of the blacks that were present are readily available to any casual researcher.

Also, while the whole world was allowed to watch the confrontation between the government and the Davidians day after day after day, no such coverage appeared on television about the trial of the survivors. It is well known here that many people in the media and government belong to the same fraternal organizations.

The U.S. government's confrontations with militants, left and right, frequently ends with a fire starting when "tear gas" is thrown in: The Symbonese Liberation Army/ Patty Hearst case, the Gordon Kahl tax protester case, and the Order's Robert Matthews case are some other confrontations that ended in fires.

Hamilton Barrett, USA

Subject: Re: Sixty Minutes vs Pauline Hanson

hank you for all the info.

Keep up the good work.


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