26th November 1999

Balson in Sydney on speaking tour

I will be leaving for a speaking tour in Sydney today - returning Monday afternoon.

I thank the organisers who have stood by the tour despite the best efforts of David Ettridge and David Oldfield to prevent it going ahead.

I thought that that was the sort of action that we accused other nasties of doing in the past and that the party believed in freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Apparently not.

If you believe that One Nation is a people's party which welcomes input from individuals and being accountable I would suggest that you think again. View the white ant list and see what their sins were.

They all the same - dare ask questions of the two Davids and you are out!

One Nation needs to be purged at the top otherwise it will die. It is not a people's party. I am fighting for the party's future not destroying it. The destroyers are entrenched in Manly - and the party is in a state of terminal decay while under their control.

I look forward to meeting some of you and discussing these and other issues while I am in Sydney.