Pauline Hanson's One Nation Limited letterhead

To members of One Nation

November 17th, 1999

Re: Scott Balson

Dear Members

We formed One Nation to support Pauline Hanson and to give effect to the will of the majority of Australians who demand more protection for Australia. Since the day we started we have been attacked from outside and from within by people who want us to fail. One Nation members have always been united by their desire to protect Australia. Our unity must extend to protecting our new party from people who selfishly and publicly work against our best interests.

Scott Balson wrote a book about the treachery and dishonesty of Australia's media. His paperback exposed the media lies and misinformation that was the basis of the relentless attack on Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party, We now have new enemies.

Just 10 days ago, Scott Balson became one of the very people he dedicated his book to attacking. Scott revealed his pent up anti One Nation sentiments by launching an attack on David Oldfield - an attack that was based upon a lie printed in the Sun Herald. The author of "Murder by Media" did not bother to pick up his phone and ask David Oldfield if the story was true, he enthusiastically launched an attack on David. Scott should have phoned David and confirmed the truth. Then there would not have been a story, however it was a story Scott wanted to write. The attack on David Oldfield was and is an attack on the party.

Since that day, Scott has maintained a relentless attack on One Nation, (which is an attack on its members and elected leaders), by allowing dozens of spiteful and bizarre letters and allegations to be posted on his website. Scott has not bothered to check the accuracy of any of the claims and lies made by the few people whose confusion and vitriol he publishes. In so doing, he becomes a hypocrite and an enemy of all genuine members of One Nation. Scott has devoted his pages to attacking One Nation ever since he resigned as our paid webmaster 10 days ago.

If you attend any of his upcoming or future functions, you are supporting him and his attacks on us. Scott Balson is not a member of One Nation and the NSW State Executive has banned all branches from allowing Scott to speak to One Nation members. The party's policy is to ignore him.


David Ettridge

National Director


My attacks on the "party" were anything but. My comments were made in the days leading up to the appeal against the deregistration of Pauline Hanson's One Nation in Queensland. (Internet Link)

The membership had been kept in the dark about the ramifications and the ineptitude of David Ettridge  as National Director in causing the party to be burdened with such enormous legal bills. David Oldfield was hovering in the wings waiting  to take over as party leader in the event that Pauline Hanson was charged with fraud if the appeal was lost.

Oldfield made this clear by distancing himself from the court case in Queensland - even though he was one of three directors in Pauline Hanson's One Nation Limited.

I happily blew the whistle on their charade in the best interests of the wider One Nation membership. My attack against the two Davids was not an attack against the party but in its best interests.

Since taking this stand I have been more and more outraged by the independent reports that I have received from a large number of "white ants" about the way they have been treated by both the Davids, but mainly David Ettridge. Their stories can be read at this page.

The comments I made and the "bizarre" letters can be seen by visiting the day by day archives and sighting the November 1999 pages (@notd subscrbers only).

You can see the article about Oldfield that outraged Ettridge at this link.

(Note: Oldfield admitted that he had made the comments to the  Sun Herald but claims that "they were taken out of context").

My email response broadcast to my private mailing list: at 8.40am on Saturday 20th November 1999

An open letter to all One Nation branches from Scott Balson

Dear One Nation branch

I am writing to you out of sadness, not anger.

You will have heard that I have been branded the latest of David Ettridge's "white ants". I am responding to that allegation by sending you this email.

My "white ant" status follows my sincere pursuit of the truth following the deregistration of One Nation in Queensland.

We have been advised by Ettridge that One Nation was, by insinuation, dudded by Justice Atkinson.

However, my investigations have revealed that gross incompetence, secrecy and deception are the hallmarks of One Nation's head office.

Consider these facts:

Status of the party's members in Queensland:
Pauline Hanson Support Movement was taken over by the two Davids under questionable circumstance in early 1997. Bruce Whiteside, the founder of PHSM, has an interesting perspective on this carried at: Whiteside was later called a "white ant" by David Ettridge and shut out from contact with the movement he started - the movement which launched Pauline Hanson's One Nation. This same strategy has been used successfully time and again by Ettridge.

Deregistration of One Nation in Queensland:
The Supreme Court found that you and your branch members are NOT members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation but still members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members inc.
1. Pauline Hanson One Nation Ltd ACN 079 986 913 (the company). There were five subscribers to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Pauline Hanson, David Ettridge, David Oldfield, Andrew Carne and Stephen Menagh.
2. The unincorporated political party known as Pauline Hanson's One Nation of which Pauline Hanson, David Ettridge and David Oldfield were the only members.
3. The incorporated support group known after the 3 February 1998 as Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members Inc. By design the members voting rights of this group are obviously confined to the support group and they have no voting rights in the actual political party.
See the Judge's ruling at:
(Internet Link)

Your bank account name:
When, in January 1999, Manly office instructed you to change your bank account from Pauline Hanson's One Nations Members Inc to Pauline Hanson's One Nation (location) branch they were actually instructing to move your funds from the control of the old PHSM to Pauline Hanson's One Nation Limited.

This is highly irregular because:
Members remain in the Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members Inc TODAY as:
1) We have not accepted the Pauline Hanson's One Nation flawed constitution (which has cost $80,000 in legal fees to develop in accordance with the wishes of the two Davids).
2) PHSM is still a legal entity in its own right recognised by the State Office of Fair Trading.
See: PHSM, unlike PHON, has a valid constitution.
3) The correct procedure to enlist members into the Pauline Hanson's One Nation "political party" from Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members' Inc requires all members to vote on a "special resolution" to legitimise this move. This never happened. In other words members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members Inc were never informed of the implication of this name change or given the opportunity to vote on making this move to a separate legal entity. Why did Manly ignore the rules?

Hanson's position as leader under threat:
If the appeal is lost, which is quite likely. Pauline Hanson could be charged for fraud. David Oldfield recently distanced himself from our deregistration problems in Queensland saying, "I have no relationship with the Queensland party in any shape or form". The Age see:
(Internet Link)

It is quite clear that Oldfield is preparing himself for a takeover of the party leadership.

Meanwhile Pauline Hanson has gone overseas on "family business" for two months yet we are kept in the dark by Manly.

My recent comments critising Manly's activities in my on-line newspaper have been overwhelmingly supported by One Nation readers. They are not meant to "destroy One Nation". They are intended to force the truth out, remove the deception and force the issue with Manly office. This has been recognised by the many people who follow my page.

I happily resigned as One Nation webmaster because the party's future and the ISSUES we represent are more important than me.

I have since been banned from attending any One Nation meetings in NSW following a split vote at a State Executive meeting a week ago attended by both Davids.

The money trail:
Consider these facts:

1) Over $3 million spent in just 12 months by Manly office.
2) $1.2 million (nealy half of that) spent on getting David Oldfield into the NSW Parliament.
3) According to Ettridge about $700,000 has been spent on legal fees by the party so far.
4) $500,000 will probably have to be found if the party is deregitered in Queensland. It is believed that Pauline has personally gone as guarantor.
5) $80,000 spent on legal expenses on a constitution designed by the two Davids which was rejected by the membership at the last AGM. The constitution still remains in limbo today.

Expelling "white ants":
Anyone who dares challenge any one of the directors of Pauline Hanson's One Nation limited are automatically expelled from the party and labelled "white ants".

Consider this account by "white ant" Alan Esson. See:

Esson reports how Australia's largest One Nation branch at Hervey Bay was dessimated by the incompetence of Manly office in late 1997.

Where to now?
Obviously we all joined One Nation because of the issues. These issues will not go away.

In the last 12 months the membership of One Nation has been terminal decline largely because of the perception of ineptitude and the autocratic control exercised by Manly office. Queensland's membership has fallen from 3,700 twelve months ago to just 1,200 today.

If we do not change the structure we WILL become irrelevant in the political arena.

I am calling on branch members and executives to carefully consider the FACTS that I have raised above. We obviously have a problem.

One Nation Queensland:
Here in Queensland I am calling on members to fall in solidly behind the Queensland MPs under Bill Feldman who now, more than ever, need your support. Remember at their time of need David Oldfield has removed himself from the ramifications facing THEM because of the Queensland party's deregistration.

Be proactive - contact Ian Petersen, their political adviser, and see how you can help (ph 07 3406 7111).

Remember at next Tuesday's Supreme Court appeal the Queensland MPs are the ones who stand directly in the firing line - not the two Davids in Manly.

Please note the comments above are MY OWN and have not been instigated by anyone but Ettridge's move to label me a "white ant". If you value the party think about what I have said before dismissing this email as David Ettridge would demand that you do.


My membership status:
Finally you might have been told that I failed to renew my membership in May this year.

My cheque stubs show that I sent a cheque for $40 to Manly office in April this year. My bank accounts show that the cheque was never presented. I have now been informed that I am "no longer a member of One Nation because I did not renew my membership in May this year".

I never received a renewal advice or any correspondence from Manly office querying my outstanding membership payment. It is only since receiving a letter dated 17th November that I checked my bank records for the missing $40 payment.

In any event I do not recognise the Pauline Hanson One Nation constitution as we have not adopted it. This constitution was referred to when justifying my non-membership status. In Queensland we are governed by the original Pauline Hanson Support Movement constitution as we have never left the movement.

I remain, as always, a member of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Members Inc. I have dedicated thousands of hours to our cause and will continue to do so.


Scott Balson
Ex-Pauline Hanson's One Nation webmaster (NO WHITE ANT)

Responses received - posted Sunday, 21st November 1999):

Note many responses were received "not for publication" and are not carried.

Persecution Paranoia

What Dr Joseph Goebels was to the Nazi party, David Ettridge is to One Nation. Ettridge is the master of propaganda, the master of personalised vilification.

Why is it the man who acquired the position of National Director to Pauline Hanson has from early days been the target of "white-ants"? Does this suggest some defect in his personality, a flaw that has left him vulnerable to those who continue to attack his mode of operandi. Is it wrong to question practices that fall outside the parameters of normal intent. Is it wrong to raise legitimate questions about what in essence parades as a democratic organisation? Is it wrong when with monotonous regularity, decent people are thrown out of an organisation on fallacious pretexts? I think not Mr Ettridge!

Your latest salvo in the long-running bout of paranoia, was to have Pauline Hanson's personal friend Scott Balson removed from the organisation. Anyone who has ever sought to challenge you, Oldfield or Hanson, have all met with the same fate. What do you want? Sycophants, boot-lickers, yes-man. Do you want people who are nothing more than robots, so that they can be manipulated to perform as you would want? That's what Goebels wanted and like Goebels you and Oldfield are critically aware that people uninformed are like putty in your hands. These are the people who you patronise as being "loyal to Pauline". What utter cynicism! Some of the best people who ever assembled behind Hanson have been cast aside simply because the two of you wheedled yourself into Hanson's confidence and then maximised your particular interests. You secured her imprimatur and the rest as they say is history. Yes Mr Ettridge I am awake to you and have been from the first day I met you. That irritates you no end. No wonder you have conducted a campaign of propaganda to destroy me after you illegally appropriated the people's movement for your own purposes.

The truth is you have played the "white ant" card once too often. What a fool to "take out" THIS Hanson stalwart, who has like so many, dedicated time and energies in supporting her. What gives you the right to claim that you and Oldfield were the only ones to have the interests of this country, through Hanson at heart? These days those claims are looking decidedly spurious. Balson has the potential to inform more and more people about your role. Have you ever heard of the power of the press? Surely you have for you have been a trenchant critic of all that was ever written that did not concur with your evaluation of events. "Everyone else is wrong", has been your war cry since you hitched your wagon to Hanson's star. In choosing Balson you picked the wrong one to label a "white ant". Only a fool would have alienated the press and in picking the "Hanson press", you have conclusively proved once and for all how you "have lost it". You can't have it both ways. Balson, unlike yourself does not have a jaundiced view of the "naughty world".

News of the Day .... is accused of a relentless attack on your "administration", by publishing articles that you deem to be spiteful and bizarre. I would remind you Mr Ettridge that some years ago two journalists Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward went down a similar path of "relentless attack" and in doing so revealed "Watergate" that saw an American President removed from office. Scott Balson in similar vein is well on the way of revealing "Manlygate". Perhaps when the cards finally fall it will be you, Oldfield and Hanson who will be seen for the "white ants" who gutted the faith of the people they swore to serve.

In a tirade to all members of ONE NATION dated November 17, deprecating Scott Balson you have advocated that "the party's policy is to ignore him." Oh Mr Ettridge how little you have changed.

Remember this on 3rd April 1997? On that occasion I was "your target of elimination".

"In view of Bruce Whiteside's recent damaging remarks to the media both Pauline and I are in agreement that PHSM must not delay in taking the following action at tonight's meeting.

1) We immediately disassociate the PHSM Inc from Bruce but not in any public way as such would only create further negative media. We will simply cease all contact, and reject any correspondence or dialogue from Bruce.

2) The movement will not table anything from Bruce at meetings nor dignify any comments he might make about Pauline or the PHSM publicly except to say that "he is no longer associated with our movement in any way and any comments he makes are not the comments or views of this organisation".

News of the day must be commended for taking the tough decisions to publish. Ettridge's moves to silence are no longer valid, by virtue of their monotonous regularity and penchant for targeting unpalatable comments.

Finally, no bouquets for Hanson. Whatever reason she had for leaving the country the inevitable presumption of deserting the sinking ship will be drawn. Politics is all about perception. Leaving the country was not very smart at all.

Bruce Whiteside

Hi Scott

Just received your email a few minutes ago

I have been a reader of yours for over 3 years now and have always had a high level of respect for your dedication and pure good old Ausie guts to be prepared to say what you feel is the truth without fear of retribution.

It is indeed sadness that one feels as we become aware of the truth of the events that have and are transpiring with relation to the One Nation movement. Thank you for the objectivity in your reporting and always remember to look into yourself and truthfully consider your motives. If TRUTH is there and it feels right, then SHOUT IT TO THE WORLD.

People do listen and think.

Battles may be lost, but the war aint won yet!

Bob from Bundy

I have since been banned from attending any One Nation meetings in NSW following a split vote at a State Executive meeting a week ago attended by both Davids.


Whilst I share many of your concerns, Scott, I attended that meeting, and when the vote was taken, David Oldfield was not in attendance, and it was unanimous.

I'm going to wait and see what happens on Tuesday. The bottom line for me is that there are many thousands of people who consider themselves members of a political party, and will quite happily sign on as members of that same party if there is any doubt.

You were at the AGM where Pauline and the two Davids were elected unopposed -- I can't understand why you can't grasp that the party as a whole supports the current National Executive.

There are a few who don't, but you'll find this in any party. Big deal.



Thank you for your latest message. What a waste the two David's have created!

Although I have never been a member of ONP I do support the issues that were raised, but the attitudes of certain people in power of ONP, are destroying the faith that the electorate had as the saviours of Australia.

Greed is the present day curse of today's society and it looks as though ONP is cursed also.

So what is the answer? Should a new democratic Party be formed with similar ideals as ONP to absorb the dissatisfied members who have left or about to leave ONP or do we all watch as ONP destroys itself?

Perhaps I am too much of a cynic but it looks to me as if the destruction of ONP has been deliberately organised! Could certain people have been planted to do just that? I would be interested in your views.


Hello Scott,

I am also saddened to see what has happened to the party. The voting support that was given is an indication of the need of the policies that the party espoused.

I sent a cheque in for membership a couple of years ago but I never had an aknowledgement of any sort. It was sent to the Manly office. What is the situation in NSW today ? All that has happened is to put big grins on the faces of the Liberal & Labor parties.

I would like to join but there seems to be nowhere to join these days. I am afraid that a new start is needed. Whether it could be with Pauline Hanson or not I don't know as I am afraid she has been tainted with the mess even if she has not caused the problem.

If a new start is made the party should not use the name of its leader as too much depends on that leader being able to avoid being stuck with thrown mud.


Dear Sir,

I am disgusted to hear the news. You have dedicated yourself to the One Nation party and kept thousands of people informed about the partys goals and news. I think it is extreamly sad that they shall label you a "white ant". Thank you for all your work. I have been a One Nation supporter and lived overseas most of my life and it has been your updates which has kept me informed about the motherland and the politcal party who I think will take care of it most. Thank you sir, you will be sadly missed.


Mr Ettridge's autocratic paranoia is stifling the party. This is upsetting the people and we are losing them quick and fast. To those who defend him I say, loyalty is a good thing, but in this instance, it is totally misplaced. You are defending the indefensible . Your friendship with this man is hurting all of us. The evidence from so many people can't be wrong, your own common sense would tell you that and you can be very sure this is only the tip of the iceberg. We haven't heard any of the stories from Victoria as yet and you can be sure there are many.

Mr Ettridge must stand down. Or should we use one of the pre-signed resignation forms the party uses on everyone else?


Hello Scott

Best wishes

We are all hanging in for better things



Thought I would reply to your open letter. I am just an interested observer/supporter. I have been interested in what Pauline Hanson has brought to light in Canberra, previously hidden from public gaze. I have been disgusted at the way the `regular' pollies have banded together and with their lies, sought to destroy Pauline Hanson and any movement connected with her. I am even sadder to know that their ultimate success is being achieved by proxy from with in by the Pauline Hanson movement itself. A divided people cannot succeed. Sadly the One Nation movement has become fragmented and is destroying itself while the original opponents sit back and laugh. Initially One Nation had it made. I am not sure now that it can pick up the pieces. This is a tragedy for our nation, though most are too blind to see it.

My question today is, Where does Pauline stand in all this? Has she too, like the `D's' deserted the original movement in Queensland? The platform Pauline started to build on, touched a nerve with many ordinary people. She had something that was lacking with the bulk of other politicians, political honesty. I believe it is unfortunate that along the way she has been ill advised by people wanting to use what she had gained, for their own political ends. That is what has sabotaged the `Party' and will probably be its demise. If One Nation wants to go anywhere it has to go back to where it began and set out again to achieve its first goals and not be sidetracked or derailed by go-getters as in the past.

Hope somebody can put it together again. We need it. But we also need people who will not desert or divert for their own ends.

All the best.

I appreciate your attitude in dealing with your concerns. You are the first 'white ant' I have taken at all seriously. If you are sure of your stand, then please ask all members to start ringing Manly and asking for answers. Try giving them the phone number. I too want to see the party succeed, but if there are things to be dealt with first, let's deal with them and get on with the job.

I will be ringing Manly.


Dear Scott,

I have heard of members information not being correct on the database. When a different search criteria is used the name pops up. This is what may have happened to your details.

As far as getting things sorted out through head office I have had no troubles. The only problems that I have had are waiting the 5 or 6 seconds to be transferred to David Ettridge.

I think that D/E does a great job considering the resource situation he has to work under.

Lets stop criticizing and start helping.

We will not get anywhere running around yelling "the sky is about to fall".

It doesn't matter what happens at the courts PHON will continue but you have isolated yourself by your apparent grab for power.

Ron Gardnir

Dear Scott,

I have some comments about the whole ON scene. I was, and still am, fully supportive of Pauline's comments since the famour maiden speech. I have been following the whole debate on anotd for 2 years, and may I say what a great job you have done keeping us informed about this, & many other issues vital to Australia'a survival.

I was a bit worried when the two Davids seem to take over PHON, and was dismayed about the number of people who seemed to be runnng to the press with tales of terrible things happening inside ON. I even wrote saying that if it needed people like the two D's to effectively get a new political party off the ground, maybe it would be best to let them get on with it. After all, the laboral party executives, & many of the pollies seem to be ruthless bastards, maybe it was necessary to let two other ruthless bastards run PHON.

For it was obvious to me, just sitting on the sidelines, as it were, & not involved with all these party machinations, that the two D's were indeed ruthless bastards of the first order. Smooth talking; definitely, competent at running a political party; unknown, but ruthless bastard dictator types for certain. As I said before, maybe it needs this rather than gifted highly enthusiastic amateurs to get a party off the ground.

But it seems the two D's have gone well overboard & are destroying the very dedicated population base that makes up its members.

I have John Pasquarelli's book, and one of things that PH seemed to suffer from was the susceptibility to succombe to flattery, & get mixed up in the heavy emotions of the party office. It would have been really easy for Oldfield to get inside Pauline's defences, & become her "right hand man"

I have no doubt that the DO & DE are absolutely indifferent to PHON's members, to PHON, to Australia, or anything else other than raw power, much money, and personal advancement. These, I am told, are a great aphrodisiac and have motivated many who end up at the top of the political and business trees.

People closer to the action, like yourself Scott, would see this better than a bystander like myself. Maybe DO & DE are the "whiteants" destroying the party & its ideals in the persuit of personal aggrandisement. If so, what do we do with termites? Like the Dalek said on that old Dr Who show ..e.x.t.e.r.m.i.n.a.t.e! e.x.t.e.r.m.i.n.a.t.e!

Is it possible to continue the ideals, and the absolutely necessary third political force in Australian politics, a force that is dedicated to stopping our "globalisation", and "multiculturlaism" progress, a force that will look after Australians first, not massive overseas companies.? Can it be done by forming a new PHON without the two bloody D's?, with some democracy? Or is an apolitical TIAF the way to go? Rhetorical questions all.

I don't know, but will follow as always with interest. And continue to vote for any political force that follows these principles. Thanks Scott for being courageous enough to make a stand on your principles, even though it appears to be a reversal of direction. I can see why you would become concerned enough to act, and you have a great forum (ANOTD) with which to do it.


From the outside, it appears to be as you describe. As a local community conservation activist, I am currently standing between two egos, egos that threaten the viability of a locally based organisation that was founded in 1973. Both these people are process ignorant and careless with matters of detail. - Well, in the case of One Nation, what a debacle. What a waste of energy.

Good luck,


Hi Scott, and thanks for CCing me your open letter to One Nation branches

As a personal supporter of the political integrity and courage Pauline Hanson showed as MP for Oxley, I like to think the facts and events described in your letter can become the truth from which to quickly re-build a genuine democratic movement in Queensland. While not intending to boost your ego so you become vulnerable to the same traps which seem to have (temporarily?) disabled Pauline, I believe you hold one of the keys to re-building of a 'white-ant free' democratic movement in Queensland.

The others are held by Bill and Len, but I won't add to that now, as after dedicating thousands of hours to our cause you know far more than I do about them. What I do want to add is a note about the significance of voluntary hours like yours (and mine) relative to financial support, whether dues or donations. Hopefully you still have a e-mail contact with many of the 2500 'lost' members since 1998, and even more supporters like me who can network through your services.

Finally, I hope this is only one of many such messages, so that you can't even reply to us all individually, but will soon send a suitable notice.

Regards, and looking forward to your personal reply when you get time - by phone is fine


Very sad Scott,

I personally think you have done a wonderful job in bringing the facts to people like me who would never have learned the truth from any other source.


Author of "Pauline, the Hanson phenomenon" also a white ant

Dear Scott

Welcome to the WAC (White Ant Club). The club is the official resting place of anyone who asked any questions, raised any issues, discussed matters with others or had an opinion. What a pity such a lot of people have been hurt, lost a lot of money, lost their belief that a politician such as Pauline Hanson could have made a difference, saw a dream fade away and have become cyinical towards politics forever.

It is realy amazing that you were not branded a white ant a long time ago. Had you spoken to me or associated with other white ants in any way that would have been a cardinal sin. But look at it this way, things are constantly evolving and other opportunities will present themselves. We all eventually get reap what we sow, so it will be with the two davids. We may not necessarily witness it but when it comes it will wipe out the davids and they will become the inconsequential persona that they are.

I am sorry that you are the ex webmaster as you did a fine job in recording history and events that occurred in a medium that went around the world. You have may readers and it would be a pity to stop the recording of history just because you have been given a label. I urge you to find a way to continue the methodical recounting of these facts as you personally see them and keep the web site going.

Hope this note finds you in good spirits

Helen Dodd

More white ants come out of the timberwork

Dear Scott,

Thank you for your informative email.

I was surprised to hear that you, too, have been labelled a "white ant". You have done so much to support P.H.O.N.

The same thing happened to my husband. He was State Vice President here in S.A. last year and because he asked a few pertinent questions about the financial status of the State Executive and made a few suggestions, he was labelled a trouble-maker and a similar thing happened to him regarding his membership.

A perfectly legitimate Branch Meeting was stormed by the State Director, Kym Hall, who tried to close the meeting ...... saying that quite a few members of the committee (including my husband who was the President of the Gawler Branch) were unfinancial. This was untrue as they all produced their receipts. They then said that they hadn't been approved by Manly. We found that very strange because once you are a member you shouldn't have to go through the same procedures as a new member.

My husband called the meeting to order and asked the members to vote on whether to continue. It was unanimous to proceed and they all started to chant that the State Director and his "thugs" leave the meeting immediately. They reluctantly left and, of course, my husband's name was mud after that. The members of the Gawler Branch later took a vote and decided to dissolve the branch. Nobody wanted to go on and support such an undemocratic and dictatorial State Executive.

This sort of thing has happened all around Australia and P.H.O.N. has been systematically destroyed from within. My husband has been saying that David Ettridge and David Oldfield have been the King White Ants right from the start and he feels that Pauline has been hoodwinked by them. Now it seems he was right.

We have quite a few ex-members here in South Australia who are still keen to reform the people who were forced out of P.H.O.N. Strangely enough, they were ALL very good ambassadors for Pauline and they are very disillusioned. Some of them have been talking about forming an Australian Council of Independents ...... what do you think about that idea?

Please keep us informed.

Jenny Clifton

Ettridge's only correspondence on the deregistration of One Nation in Queensland