Destiny Aborted...
How they eliminated the people's politician
by Bruce Whiteside

Read about Bruce Whiteside at this link.

Email your comments to Scott Balson

This is a book about the machinations and intrigue that destroyed Pauline Hanson. It is not written by a journalist, nor penned by a recognised author. It is no more than an account of what the author, Bruce Whiteside (image right), believed happened; recorded by someone who was intimately involved with the brief rise of a political phenomenon.

The writer was the founder of the Pauline Hanson Support Movement.

This is his story and honest evaluation of how One Nation came about and why it collapsed. Extracts from this on-line book have been used in Scott Balson's history of Pauline Hanson's One Nation titled, "INSIDE ONE NATION (Limited)"

Chapter One the first broadside
Chapter Two genesis of the movement
Chapter Three the birth of the movement
Chapter Four building ...
Chapter Five there's a smell coming out of Manly ...
Chapter Six first signs of the heavies ...
Chapter Seven the praying mantis ...
Chapter Eight clear the blockage in the Senate ...
Chapter Nine vehicle to nowhere ...
Chapter Ten the charming Mr Ettridge ...
Chapter Eleven collusion...
Chapter Twelve he has to go...
Chapter Thirteen shades of Doctor Goebels ...
Chapter Fourteen draw and quarter him, servant ...
Chapter Fifteen the sparrow climbs aboard the eagle ...
Chapter Sixteen a black hole ...
Chapter Seventeen Ettridge's jackboot! ...
Chapter Eighteen forget Pauline, it's me I'm interested in ...
Chapter Nineteen Terry Sharples
Chapter Twenty Epilogue


Destiny Aborted was originally written to become an historical account of how the PHSM evolved and how it came to be hi-jacked to form a political party. An uncompleted version was available for viewing on the internet.

When Scott Balson opted to write a history of One Nation he approached me to seek permission to uplift some of the passages of that account. It was my view that without the PHSM there would have been no One Nation. If the story and indeed the accurate history was going to be recorded at all then as the two people most intimately involved with both operations it should be they who would record it.

My own account is very personal. Scott's account is from the perspective of a friendly journalist and there were few of those. In fact had it not been for his News of the Day (@notd) (Internet Link) the overall picture would have been horribly distorted. His involvement was detached therefore without the emotion that I felt. In a sense the only other person who felt the passion, trauma and heart-break that I went through would have been Pauline Hanson herself. It must be remembered that many, many people got a free ride on Pauline Hanson. Today many have turned on her and deserted her. I know that feeling only too well and in that sense my genuine heart-felt sympathies go out to her.

A million people voted for Pauline Hanson, NOT One Nation. As I close on this story I have great misgivings in seeing it published at all. Why?

I have been highly critical of Hanson, I have also been her most ardent advocate. As I write there are forces within her own ranks marshalling to have her thrown out of One Nation. I deplore this action. I hold to the view that the rallying point for the Hanson inspired One Nation is Hanson herself. Without her One Nation is nothing more than a collection of non-de-scripts.

Pauline Hanson should publicly denounce One Nation and go back to her grass-roots, the ordinary battlers to whom she endeared herself.

Two old men since the day of her maiden speech have harboured a vision. They wanted to see Pauline Hanson as a political force in this country that would break the two party strangle-hold. Hanson held that key. Those two old men built two PHSM's, one in Queensland, one in South Australia. Those two old men were still asking Pauline to listen as this account was written…

Post Script: Many of the concerns mentioned in this account are known to journalists from both media camps. Some have tried to air them, but all have failed. Among them are some well known names.

Post, post Script. When the deadline for publication of this book arrived I had pulled out. Hours after this Terry Sharples, who I had helped with his court action, who spent many, many hours at our home, was fed and treated with friendliness, sent a registered letter to my address. In it he threatened to sue me through the courts for what I had said. The fact that he has not had access to what has been written raised serious questions in my mind.

Why are these actions being mooted to suppress the truth.

The Pauline Hanson Support Movement debacle
Other articles by Bruce Whiteside