
Why was destiny wasted upon the Kamikaze Kid? Why did Hanson one of the great political phenomenon's of the last century abort the chance to break the nexus of the entrenched two party system? We may never know.

She spoke of loyalty as though it was peculiar to herself, as if she had a premium on the commodity. I wonder as I have watched her over the past few years if there is not some flaw in her make up. Her inability to see the obvious and the tremendous damage that she inflicted upon so many of her supporters, through her implacable allegiance to the two David's gives all of us a deep sense of great disappointment. We will always reflect upon what might have been. It is sad, very sad that she who engendered great hope, in three short years gambled it away. In the end all that was left for her supporters to give was pity.

For those million voters who like me dared to believe in Hanson, I dedicate this book. It may give each and every one an insight into what went wrong and why.

For me personally the formation of the PHSM was a lonely experience. Sadly there were only a handful of people to whom I feel indebted. I make no bones about the fact that had it not been for the Clodd family supplying their creative and practical contributions my job may not have succeeded. John, Dale and Amanda were marvellous. The original tee shirts were brilliant and did much to identify the movement. Lindon Litchfield always remained a friend. Paddison and particularly Trewartha worked very hard in their own way for Hanson. What they failed to understand was that their loyalty was to the Movement. I have no doubt that had Ettridge not intervened that the relationship between us would have been good. Lastly my wife Iris who in a very real sense bled for both sides. She mirrored my support for Hanson, but did not understand the internal politics of what was going on. I am described in other parts of this book as being bad-tempered, irrational and abusive. I am big enough to go along with a modicum of that tag, but I reject outright any suggestion that that is my normal persona; it is not. Much of what happened was driven by a deep underlying frustration, because none had the vision that I dreamed of for Hanson. Iris saw all sides of that frustration. She saw the days when I ran on pure adrenalin for days on end, she saw the frustration that gave way to blunt and abrasive comments. In the end the gulf between us widened. The 'Hanson thing'

exacted a terrible cost on both of us. Perhaps more than anyone else she walked away from the movement with dignity. That's Iris.

Finally, I value my integrity. I do not shrink from speaking my mind. I believe my judgement of events are colour-free and based on a keen perception and logic. Perhaps the reason why Hanson and I never gelled was because in many ways we are two of a kind. I do not particularly like Hanson, but I have a great deal of admiration for a woman who is prepared to get up and fight.

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Sunday, 23 July 2000

Bruce R Whiteside.