Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission

Extract from the WEEKLY HOUSE HANSARD Database Date: 11 September 1996 (15:00)

Ms HANSON--"I direct my question to the Minister representing the Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. Will the minister, as a matter of urgency and to protect the public interest, amend section 31 of the ATSIC Act 1989 to ensure--"

Mr Crean--"Mr Acting Speaker, I raise a point of order; it relates to the anticipation rule. The Native Title Amendment Bill is one of the orders of the day. I suggest this question is out of order."

Mr ACTING SPEAKER--"I take the point the honourable member is trying to make but he is talking about two different pieces of legislation; therefore I cannot accept his point of order."

Ms HANSON--"Will the minister, as a matter of urgency and to protect the public interest, amend section 31 of the ATSIC Act 1989 to ensure that ATSIC commissioners satisfy the same criteria for appointment as do federal politicians and members of the Torres Strait Regional Authority?"

Dr WOOLDRIDGE--"Although it may not be on the Notice Paper, this act was discussed in the Senate today. It is my understanding that it is coming back before the House of Representatives this afternoon. As such, it would be anticipating debate in this House."

Mr ACTING SPEAKER--"I thank you for your advice. I was unaware that it was before the Senate. The question is therefore out of order."

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