Story by Scott Balson
I was invited by Don Farquhar, campaign manager,
to join the One Nation Federal candidate for Griffith, Neil Jorgensen,
seen here right and the state member for Mt Gravatt,
Richard Duffell, to a visit to the Archbishop Duhig Nursing Home
in Mt Gravatt.
The home is the biggest in Mt Gravatt and was a reflection of the falling funds by the state and federal governments in supporting our elderly.
The state of the home prompted Duffell to say,
"This is un-Australian" as he left one of the lounge rooms where the infirm
were often left to fend for themselves because of the lack of funding to
pay nursing staff.
Duffell can be seen here on the left with some One Nation supporters in the lounge room.
The visit severely affected Neil Jorgensen who reflected Duffell's comments when he said how shocked he was to see Australian tax payers being treated in such a cavalier fashion while billions of valuable Australian dollars were being freely sent to support Asian countries...
The One Nation candidates were very
well received by grass roots Australians, often the very same Australians
referred to as "populist" by the major parties when they try to protect policies
put in place to protect the assets of their elitist backers.
The great divide between rich and poor could not be more clearly defined as Jorgensen said, "In the old age homes tax paying Australians are being encouraged to die because of the lack of adequate funding by the Federal and State governments."
He vowed to do everything that he could to put the issue right if he was elected into the federal seat of Griffith.
When I left Duffell and Jorgensen were still
involved with the elderly at the home.
A sorry reflection of inadequate funding and lack of interest by the government in supporting those in the twilight years of their lives.