Hanson, “Uniting Church must scrap coverage of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras”.

The planned televising of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras by the Wesley Mission and the Uniting Church show “Swordfish”, at 6.30am next Sunday morning on Channel 10 must be scrapped. According to the Wesley Mission, “Swordfish” is a show for young Australians from the ago of 13 - no doubt many are younger. Responsible people would consider the Mardi Gras as an ‘R’ rated programme and certainly not suitable for such young viewers.

The Wesley Mission reports that the Uniting Church, having lost 50,000 members in the last 5 years, is dying more rapidly than any other church. As surveys of Uniting Church members reported 84% REJECT homosexuality as an acceptable Christian lifestyle and REJECT the idea of Gay church leaders, it seems clear the GAY INFILTRATION of the Uniting Church has a lot to do with the fact members are deserting in droves.

It is further reported by the Wesley Mission that over 8,000 members and parishes representing over 50,000 people have expressed, in writing, their views against the churches acceptance of homosexuality and in some cases entire congregations in Queensland have withdrawn from the Uniting Church, forming their own independent group. Yet, behind the scenes the takeover continues and the plan for this week’s “Swordfish” serves as an example.

As far as I am concerned, if it is legal and in private, what consenting adults do is their own business, but I will not accept any other actions that further breakdown the already embattled family unit.

If “Swordfish” goes ahead with its plan to show the Mardi Gras it will be a clear indication that the Gay and Lesbian lobby has taken over the Uniting Church and now, through “Swordfish”, has a platform to peddle their lifestyle to an age bracket who are far to young and impressionable to be faced with such decisions. This is the Uniting Church’s opportunity to show who is really running the church, is it the Gay lobby or the vast majority of parishioners.

Statement issued by Pauline Hanson MP, Member for Oxley.

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