Hanson , "Number one policy - consultation

22 April 1997

Pauline Hanson's One Nation will formulate the details of its policies for the recovery and reclaiming of Australia through consultation.

"At the launch of One Nation on Friday 11 April I clearly stated our immediate goals. In putting together the specifications of how we will achieve these goals, my number one policy will be consultation.

One Nation's policies will address the problems that face Australians on a day to day basis by talking to those Australians who are at the coal face of each issue.

There is much to be discussed, but to begin with, over the next few months I will concentrate on industry groups representative of small business, building, manufacturing, mining, taxation and farming.

We have an urgent need for decision making but those decisions must be right the first time. Australians have had enough of try it and see policies re-arranged at the first sign of some politically motivated necessity.

We'll consult, we'll get it right, and if the Australian people give us a go, we'll make it work.

In this first round, I give notice to private industry - it is only from you that real long term jobs will be created and it is you I need to talk to first.

Forget the waffle you have been used to from the other parties, there is a new deal in town - a fair deal for all Australians, and a deal that puts Australians and Australians' interests first.

Talk to me - let's talk about getting our country moving - let's talk about the future, for our best chance must surely be One Nation."

Statement issued by Pauline Hanson MP, member for Oxley.

One Nation - Pauline Hanson's One Nation Press Releases.

© Pauline Hanson's One Nation, 1997.