Released 29th September 1998
Savings through existing budget reallocations
Foreign Economic aid $1.8 billion
Funding to be at last years figures
Parliament $6 million
Communications and the Arts $36 million
Prime Minister and Cabinet $168 million
Immigration and Multicultural Affairs $31 million
Cut off Ex prime ministers allowances $1 million (approx)
Abolish multicultural funding $1.5 billion
Reducing identifiable Commonwealth expenditure $180 million (approx)
on ATSI affairs across all portfolios with regard to related costs of dual
Abolition of National Competition policy $217 million
Reallocate unused portion of Federation Fund $355 million
Money saved by reducing politicians super
to a level equivalent to public service $ unknown
Retain costs related to the sale of Telstra $265 million (approx)
IMF contributions/ aid $630 million
Portion of government surplus $360 million
TOTAL $5.549 billion
Cost of One Nations Policy Initiatives
National Development Trust $500 million
Apprenticeships $160 million
Rural and regional Tourism promotion $20 million
Veterans Affairs $855 million
Health $1.8 billion
Commonwealth Dental $100 million
Aged Care $1.5 billion
Family Services $200 million
Rural and regional initiatives $42.5 million
TOTAL $5.177 billion