"Mr Speaker can I have some protection from the clowns on the front bench ?"
"...for the dullard on the front bench opposite."
"Mr Deputy Speaker, am I to be continually abused by the Honorable Member for
Mitchell and the drone beside him, the Honorable Member for Braddon ?"
"Where you all come aguster is, over here we think we're born to rule you. And
let me tell you this, it's been ingrained in me from childhood, I think my mission in life is to run you."
"You were heard in silence, so some of you SCUMBAGS on the front bench should
wait a minute until you hear the responses from me."
"What really amuses me and almost makes me spew..."
"They have no ideas, no integrity and no ability."
"Damn them for being the cheats they are."
"You are frauds."
"...votes for coalition members who have always been cheats, cheats, cheats
and will always be cheats, cheats, cheats and will always defend cheats, cheats, cheats."
"Honorable Members opposite are a joke."
"They are irrelevant, useless and immoral."
"...they insist on being mugs, Mr Speaker, absolute mugs."
"I'm not running a seminar for dullards on the other side."
"Those opposite could not operate a tart shop."
"These intellectual hoboes."
"This rabble opposite."
"...for the benefit of the blockheads opposite."
"If the dummies opposite will just shut up."
"Shut up for a moment. If you ask questions and want to hear answers, shut up."
"How thick these people are."
"These dummies and dimwits."
"Talk about desperadoes."
"These are the absolute gutter tactics of a mindless, useless, idealistic, unprincipled Opposition."
"The Opposition is such a motley, dishonest crew."
"...the cowboys on this front bench."
"It is just a slight of hand by a dingy party."
"The Opposition crowd could not raffle a chook in a pub."
"We will be rejecting the opportunist claptrap coming from the Opposition."
"Honorable Members opposite squeal like stuck pigs."
"...small time punk stuff coming from a punk Opposition."
"The animals on the other side."