Traitors in our Treasury

How our politicians have let the Treasury keep us poor and insecure

By definition a treasury is the custodian of a nation’s money and accountable for its security. But Australia’s Treasury have made it their business to usurp the control of all the nation’s sensitive areas – See Charts 1 and 2. So they are in complete control. They have allowed us to fall into the hands of money manipulators. They receive their instructions to suit the plans of foreign enterprise, not the requirements of our government.
Giving tax and tariff benefits to foreign enterprise creates a situation of unfair competition and forces Australians out of business. Clearly this is treason.
For generations our MP’s have done nothing to restrain them, and allowed our Treasury to neglect their real responsibility.
When you next go to the ballot box, remember that this has been tolerated for generations by the Liberal Party, the National Party, the Labor Party and the Democrats. In so doing, they have also committed treason. In not working for the interests of the country, simply taking orders from our Treasury.
It suits the Treasury’s takeover plans to keep us poor and to maintain a colonial rule.
As far back as 1989 the Commonwealth Auditor-General stated (“The Australian”, 16th February) “that 40,000 companies may be avoiding tax by shifting profits offshore.” What has the Treasury done to fix this problem? Nothing!!
As recently as 3 April this year, Jim Killaly, Deputy Commissioner of the ATO, said on ABC Radio National: “There are 4,300 large foreign corporations that pay no tax in Australia, and there are another 4,000 or so foreign companies that pay little or no tax in Australia by means of transfer pricing and various tax havens.”
Mr Costello, the Treasurer, has been trained as the “runner” for the Treasury Department.
Austand asked Mr John Bradford, Federal Member for McPherson to ask the Treasurer why foreign ownership figures in all market segments were stopped in 1986. When this question was due to be asked in the House, Mr Bradford was suddenly sent to South Africa, and the question was answered in writing. The Treasurer, rightly so, said that the total figure of foreign ownership was being published. Mr Bradford had left off the vital words “in all market segments”. Austand has proof that the market segment figures were stopped in 1986. So the Treasurer misled Parliament. Austand was told back in 1990 that the reason for the cancellation of these figures was to stop further publication of the gold figures. Our informant in the Treasury told us that the Treasury was very sensitive about gold figures. We did nothing about this at the time, but it does indicate that the Treasury were trying to cover up the dealings in gold.
As you can see from the chart opposite, the Treasury control the Mint, ABS Research, Tax, Productivity, the ACCC, Insurance, our Super-annuation, Business Affairs and National Competition. Plus the many other areas illustrated.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is currently investigating Telstra. We can make no comment about that, but a clear example of the Treasury’s loyalty is that in a letter to Mr Evans on 15 September, 1995, we requested that the unfair competition created by Australians paying tax and foreigners paying little or no tax, should be investigated. We attempted to do this by contacting the Trade Practices Commission ourselves, but for very obvious reasons we were told that it would be difficult. (This same letter contained many other anomalies and it still remains unanswered.)
The media does not get a mention on the Treasury’s list of activities. But Austand can produce substantial evidence to show that the Treasury are in control of the media – particularly the ABC – as they are their paymaster. And of course, the foreign-owned media. For the greater part of this year, we have been suggesting to the Government that shares in Fairfax be made available to the Australian public so that we have a forum to air the views of Australians. We received no answers to our communications and obviously it was subject to Treasury discussion and they would stop it, because it would break their chain of control which is important to their plan of running Australia.
Most nations change their Treasury personnel every few years. Simply because people handling money become too important in the scheme of things and interfere with other facets of a nation or company and neglect their real function. It is time that we flushed these people out of their mahogany foxholes. The new breed of politician coming up after this next election, we hope will enter parliament and have the guts to rectify many of the problems of the nation, all centred around the Treasury Department, by taking away from them all the other responsibilities except that of keeping our books.
The Treasury is headquartered in Canberra. At June 1997 the following staff members were employed:
Department numbers: 500
Tax Office: 18,000
Bureau of Statistics: 4,000
Reserve Bank: 1,300
Superannuation, Consumer & Competition Industry
Commission 1,200
Total: 25,000

In addition to this, they effectively control, through various agencies, every sensitive area in Australia: media, money, tax, research, banks, and even our superannuation.
They alone approve any major changes in these areas. On these occasions they establish a so-called ‘parliamentary committee’ with a hidden agenda (in the case of the Wallis Enquiry, and the MAI and others). Simply to make it appear that justice has been done, and to cover up that they are running Australia.
Austand has proved beyond any doubt that we have been swindled by the Treasury, and will continue to be as they are not accountable to the people of Australia. (Read “The Great Australian Swindle” in this issue of “OZNEWS”. We publish it as often as we can so that people will remember it.)
The Treasury Department is a massive organisation. The people who run it and consequently run our country, are from all parts of the world, and have strong interests in Australia. For obvious reasons they are never up front. It is unusual that the top man in the Treasury, the go-between for foreign interests and the Australian Government, is a Secretary – a very low-ranking title for a man who is doing far more than a secretarial task. The reason for all this, of course, is obvious. But our politicians appear not aware of these circumstances.
We at Austand hope that when politicians realise how they are being hoodwinked, they will not jump to the tune of the Secretary of the Treasury.
100 years or more ago, the Treasury were the accountants for foreign enterprise and progressively took over the financial control of the Australian government as we have described. But naturally they were more interested in the foreigners than they were in Australia, because that is where their income originated.
Had some of the early politicians had the sense to realise what was happening, the Treasury should have been called up and told that they were working for Australia now, not foreign enterprise – but obviously this never happened.
It was at this point where the real rot started. Without any authority (we cannot find any authority being issued on record), they assumed the role of “bestowing naturalising status” on incoming foreign enterprise. This gave foreign enterprise tax holidays and tariff concessions that were not available to Australians. Only a handful of Australians were aware of this subterfuge, and of course it was never published in any way. It was a secret. We were committed to this. Although politicians of that time should have known about it, and probably did, they did nothing. Nor did the politicians following them.
And this drain on the Australian community was massive, particularly when competition began between Australian and foreign companies.
The ‘bestowing of naturalising status’ continued until the Treasury were forced into a situation where they had to legalise it. But unfortunately the Treasury prepared a document that introduced to Australia the Double Taxation Agreement Bill. No doubt they consulted foreign enterprise and we were placed in a more unfortunate position. The Bill was opposed by Clyde Cameron, AO, who vigorously pointed out that this would be the end of Australia, and he was right.
Even he at that point in 1953 did not know that we had been running a country on Australia’s PAYE tax for many years. Therefore it was not to make an immediate difference to our performance until masses of transnationals were let into our country, regardless of the initial objections of the Foreign Investment Review Board which was set up to prevent this, but its role was surreptitiously reversed by our Treasury. As more and more transnationals took a free ride in our country, Australians suffered more and more. This is of course proved by the latest available tax figures from 1995-96: (ABS: Taxation Revenue, 5506.0, page 13)
[See Page 8 for full extract from ABS document]
And no politician since that time has done anything about it, nor, of course, has it been publicised by the foreign-owned media.
This is the crux of Australia’s problem today, and the reason we have never been a rich nation in control of our development in finance, planning and execution. The Treasury is still in control.
When any new organisation of any consequence came to our country, they ‘bestowed naturalising status’ upon them. This was a code word, so that it was kept in their club. The very word “bestow” indicates how long ago it was.
As the writer I feel very sad for the many Australians who fought for our country in far off lands – and now have to battle all their life in business.
Remember this entitled foreign enterprises to tax and tariff holidays. So in effect, the Treasury was keeping us poor. Foreign enterprise did the developing, pocketed the profit and did not pay tax.
This has proved two things – that what we have said is accurate and is there any wonder why we cannot finance the development to maintain a worthwhile nation. All the previous figures have been available to politicians for years. They have sat in Parliament and watched the money go out of our country, and done nothing about it. This makes their actions treasonable. Every year, according to ABS - Austand estimates, a minimum of $200 billion leaves Australia tax free.
This is what you must remember when you prepare to vote this year – the people who have represented you have made promises knowing full well that increasingly the Nation doesn’t have the income to honour those promises. This could have been stopped probably in the order of 100 years ago. The Treasury have been orchestrating this and have known this to be the case. As our accountants they should have come to us and said this cannot go on.
The reason the Treasury hasn’t said anything is because their loyalties lie with the transnationals and they know that as long as they increase the debt, they have a stronger hold over us. Day by day it becomes easier for transnationals to come in and do whatever they like. It is easy for the Treasury to continue in their destructive mode.
The Treasury quite simply hand any development to the transnationals before it gets to the Government itself. It must be understood that the Treasury Department are essentially our book-keepers – what the hell are they doing involving themselves in all these other areas?
Austand holds CIA documents which are currently being sent to the smaller Australian companies, skilfully threatening them into insecurity if they don’t join up with transnationals: the last phase of the takeover.
It was the Treasury Department that introduced the “level playing field” that destroyed our manufacturing industry and many others. It was the Treasury that imported the IMF and the MAI, and it was the Treasury that made it necessary for us to borrow money.
It is the Treasury who has planned the sell-off of our assets – forcing Australia to buy assets which already belong to our country – under the misleading title of privatisation. Very rarely do Australians get any reasonable proportion of the shares in these sales – and of course the income. It makes most Australians feel ashamed when we think of the things that we have developed, such as the Snowy River Hydroelectric Scheme and many others – all on a shoestring – with Australian money – to see them sold off to transnationals. The privatisation of our only Australian-owned bank – the Commonwealth – leaves us without an Australian bank.
Ladies and gentlemen we should tell you that treason is a very serious crime, and up until a few years ago it was punishable by death.
Our current account deficit is still accelerating and now you can quite easily see how this has happened. We are entitled to know what interest rates we are paying to whoever is lending us the money. This is not known to us – the loan has probably been transferred to the IMF. Certainly for Mr Ted Evans, who worked eight years for the IMF before returning to Australia, it would be a passion of his to do the transferral.
(Mr Edward (Ted) Evans is Secretary of the Treasury Department. He was born in Ipswich, educated at Ipswich High School and received a B.Econ (Hons) from the University of Queensland, and was Executive Director of the IMF, Washington USA from 1989-1993).
Clever manoeuvring by the Treasury Department has got rid of all our major service industries - orchestrating their amalgamation with transnationals. The same with our research organisations, accounting firms, our legal firms, our PR and advertising firms. They don’t exist today because methodically our Treasury Department, acting treasonably, gave the Government business to their friends from overseas and they made the profit and they kept the profit, and they were competing with the remaining Australians who were paying their taxes – the transnationals were not.
A book has been written on this subject. (Read “Lucky Be Damned”, first published in 1993 by Boolarong Publications, reprinted in February 1994. IBSN 0-8463-9162-5)
It was the Treasury, ladies and gentlemen, that fired our elected Government because they dared to interfere with their overseas borrowing arrangements with foreign money manipulators. The media – which they control – made Rex Connor the scapegoat.
The Treasury controls our media to such an extent that a trained reader can tell when an article has been dropped in by the Treasury’s PR people, to carry their vicious stories. This is one of the things that must be changed. You only have to ask yourselves, having read this, why the real facts of what is going on in your country have been suppressed and it’s time that this was stopped. There are ways to do it and it must be done. If the people don’t know what is going on we are caught in a web. A web that is about to drag our country into oblivion.
Remember that most Treasuries throughout the world are changed over every few years so that the people who get power hungry when they control the money and assume the role of the boss cannot do a lot of harm. This also applies in the commercial world.
Our Treasury, I repeat, our Treasury, only changes through natural attrition. And here is the result. They must be flushed out of their mahogany foxholes and the responsibilities that they have hijacked, passed on to the proper authority in the Government. This will save an enormous amount of money and give us a chance to run our country economically and tell the money manipulating IMF to back off.
Austand asks every one of you, in these coming elections, to say to your politician:
Where are you going to get the money from, mate? Unless transnationals pay their share of tax, we are gone. And all the promises you are making cannot be kept without selling more of our assets, committing us to problems and our financial demise. It’s not too late if every Australian stands up and points out that life can be good for a politician when he has money to do things and help people. What right have the IMF got to tell us to send billions of dollars to other countries, when our hospitals are unable to assist people requiring urgent treatment, and we ourselves are poor?
Gold. Austand established an informant in the Treasury who is keeping us in contact with what is going on and at the same time as we were by our informant that $80-100 billion was going out of the country tax-free, the informant said “you should also know that the Treasury are very, very sensitive about gold”. They delayed the Market Segments Report which was normally published at the same time as the Total Foreign Ownership. Our informant said with a bit of a chuckle that the gold figures were delayed for four years while they discussed the order in which it should appear in the Report and they were inclined to put it in the back so that there would be less chance of it being noticed. But finally after four years, in 1986 the Australian Bureau of Statistics published the last of the Market Segments Reports, while they continued on with the Total Foreign Ownership. Obviously this sensitivity needs more investigation. It is interesting to note that we had Mr John Bradford MP ask the question in the House why was this section of the report deleted after 1986. Unfortunately Bradford’s question did not include the vital words “market segments”, so he was stopped short by Costello who, when asking the Treasury, said, yes, we are still publishing the total figure. So the matter was shelved. Mr Costello got out of it on a technicality – he knew what the real question was and didn’t answer it. In actual fact, he misled Parliament, which is a fairly serious matter.
Austand intends to further the investigation into what we now call “the gold fiddle”. It is fairly obvious that there has been some enamelling in the gold figures published and it has not been disclosed.
Summary on the Treasury
It makes it abundantly clear that all the major parties are accepting instructions from a Treasury (and have, for more than 100 years) that is clearly swindling our country and has hijacked the control of Australia, and effectively driven us into the ground.
We may well ask every voter in this election year – State and Federal – How could you give these parties the right to continue to run this country?

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