25th May 1998
Report by Scott Balson, Global Web Builders
On the day the Courier Mail eventually exposed the deceit of the major parties in the Heiner enquiry Heather Hill the state leader of Pauline Hanson's One Nation went to the Queensland Electoral Commission (QEC) to lodge the names of 78 candidates in the 89 state seats.
makes One Nation second only to the Labor Party in the number of candidates
being represented in state seats, leaving both the National and the Liberal
parties way behind.
I met Heather and her husband Ken at a small coffee shop opposite the QEC offices at about 2.45pm. The media started to gather like a mob of vultures across the road. In the picture right Heather is seen talking to state director Peter James.
We enjoyed a cup of coffee and then at about 3.15pm we made our way across Mary street to the QEC offices.
Below: Mick Chapman shows the briefcase holding the 78 One Nation nominations and on our way to the QEC in the lift.
sixth floor of the Forrester Building, where the QEC offices are located,
was abuzz with several television journalists and their cameramen standing
around awaiting Heather Hill's arrival.
Heather has been doing a fantastic job in her interviews with the media to date. She already, after just a few days, has a reputation for a smart and well spoken politician.
Good on ya Heather.
Below are some images taken during the registration process. The fellow with Heather Hill is Mick Chapman who lodged the One Nation documents at the QEC.