Pauline Hanson's One Nation, 1998 Queensland State Election
Pauline Hanson's One Nation, recognising that Queensland and Australia have almost totally rural-dependent economies, is committed to providing an environment conducive to vigorous and viable primary (including rural small business), forestry, and mining industries. We recognise the need to encourage and support secondary and manufacturing industries and believe that the strength of primary industry is the cornerstone of any sustainable secondary/manufacturing industry development.
One Nation recognises the history, the tradition, and the familial attachment to rural Queensland, and the enormous contribution to our Nation's economic and social well being which is attributable to rural and regional Queenslanders.
One Nation strongly supports the Right to Farm.
1. One Nation is committed to:-
ensuring that regional disincentives are eliminated:-
Lobby the federal government to provide incentives by way of the following:-
2. One Nation will take action to ensure adequate water resources by the construction of dams in appropriate locations best able to serve the needs of rural communities. One Nation will pursue the allocation of funding for dam construction as a high priority.
3. One Nation recognises the importance of:-
One Nation will eliminate the National Competition Policy elements which currently inhibit or prevent such structures. Marketing/Trade
4. One Nation will:-
5. One Nation will insist that the federal government must provide protection for primary (and manufacturing) industries by way of tariffs:
6. One Nation will insist that the federal government:
7. One Nation will require all existing state programs to protect Queensland from the import of pestilence and disease.
Foreign Ownership
8. One Nation will lobby the federal government to:
One Nation will lobby the federal government to support the establishment of a government sponsored Australian national bank whose primary purpose would be low interest funding to primary producers and rural industries for income producing infrastructure development, soil and water conservation measures, and stock and equipment. One Nation will negotiate with the federal government to obtain special financial packages to be provided in times of severe drought and natural disasters.
One Nation supports sustainable land use practices and achievable measures to repair past environmental damage. Department of Primary Industries research and extension functions will be deployed to ensure that maximum long term, sustainable productive levels are achieved.
One Nation will support State funding via local government for landcare projects and will pressure the federal government for tax incentives for farmer funded environmental protection projects.
Lobby federal government for tax incentives and rebates to be provided where it can be demonstrated that projects to be undertaken are practical and will produce outcomes beneficial to environmental sustainability.
Animal Welfare
13. One Nation recognises that those involved in animal husbandry are responsible and caring, and are fully aware that ill-treated or neglected animals result in reduced profitability.
14. One Nation will support practical and sensible intervention where ill treatment or neglect can be demonstrated.
The Beef Industry
15. One Nation is committed to support and assist Queensland's beef/cattle producers. The beef industry is Queensland's major rural commodity, and Queensland is the primary beef producing state. The domestic consumption levels of beef have suffered a major decline in terms of consumption as a percentage of production. This has increased the exposure of market price levels to the vagaries of the export market with disastrous results. Much of the decline in domestic consumption has been caused by inefficient promotion and a lack of counter strategies to the anti red meat food fads, as well as competition from cheap import beef, port and chicken products.
16. One Nation will:-
17. One Nation will also exert pressure on the federal government to:-
18. One Nation is committed to preserving the viability of the Queensland dairying industry. Dairying is a major contributor to Queensland's rural economy, being a large direct employer and also having a high multiplier factor. Many Queensland communities are almost totally dependent upon the dairy industry.
19. One Nation absolutely opposed any National Competition Policy driven attempt to disband the supply management system, and supports the distribution of growth access equitably across all dairy farmers.
20. One Nation supports the retention of the regulated farm gate price of milk.
21. One Nation supports the existing structure of the Queensland Dairy Association (Q.D.A).
22. One Nation will prioritise funding for upgrading of infrastructure to ensure:-
23. One Nation recognises the important contribution made to the Queensland economy by the Fishing industry and also the important role of providing high quality, affordable seafood to the consumer.
24. One Nation also recognises the need from a recreational point of view, and for its contribution to tourism, to ensure that a sufficient level of fish stocks are reserved and nurtured for recreational fishing.
25. One Nation believes that regulation of the industry must be kept to minimum, but must address areas of potential conflict between the interests of commercial vs. recreational fishing.
26. One Nation supports the concept of BRD's and TED's and restricting trawler bycatch to a percentage of total catch appropriate to that license, but will introduce an additional license category to allow targeting of certain species, provided that the licensee can demonstrate a long history of targeting that species, and that such trawling be restricted to offshore areas to avoid impact on small operators and amateurs.
27. One Nation supports continuing research into management of the natural resource, and continued restocking in dams and estuaries.
28. Part of such management would include monitoring of catches by both professional and recreational fishermen, with bag limits, seasonal closures, size restrictions, and restricted areas to be kept to the minimum level at which the fish population can be deemed sustainable.
29. One Nation will seek recognition of whiting, bream, and flathead as recreational species, with only limited commercial bi-catch permitted.
30. Funding will be provided for voluntary license buybacks, especially in estuarine and beach operations, and increased fingerling production.
31. One Nation will support both saltwater and freshwater aquaculture projects by way of incentives.
32. One Nation will protect the right of recreational fishermen to fish in national parks.
33. One Nation recognises the enormous value to the Queensland economy of the forestry industries (planted and native), hardwood, pine, and cypress, and the value adding sectors of milling, paper and particleboard.
34. The industry is characterised by high employment opportunities, and considerable value adding and multiplier factors.
35. Due to high capital costs and high fixed operating costs, downsizing of mills and other processing plants has a devastating impact on viability. For that reason One Nation supports continued sustainable access to State forests and opposes any artificial and unnecessary reduction of access under the Regional Forest Agreement process or Code of Practice. One Nation supports financial incentives and right to harvest guarantees to encourage farm forestry on private land.
Research 36. One Nation will:-
Ancillary Uses
37. One Nation will encourage ancillary and complementary usage of state forests. Cattle grazing, bee keeping etc., can be mutually beneficial to timber production.
38. One Nation will encourage recreational uses for state forests, but not to the point of excluding timber production and harvesting.
39. One Nation will ensure that timber production and harvesting in state forests is, at all times conducted on a sustainable basis, and that management practices are in place to minimise environmental damage.
40. One Nation recognises the importance of the grain industry, its vast downstream value adding industries, and its multiple support sectors as a major contributor to the Queensland economy, and in particular, the employment opportunities provided by this, and associated industry.
41. One Nation will continue to support the existing industry structure, and the single desk selling arrangement.
42. One Nation will support fuel and registration concessions.
Research - Development - Extension
43. One Nation will support joint Industry/Government funding for research and development programs and DPI extension services.
Quarantine - Pests
44. One Nation will pressure the Federal Government to refocus AQIS, with a view to ensure that imported grain is subject to stringent inspection and treatment procedures to prevent the import of pests, diseases, and noxious weeds.
45. One Nation will support Government funding of eradication and/or control programs to curb the spread of problem weed and animal pests, and diseases, which are an industry or regional threat.
Pig Meats
46. One Nation recognises the importance of the pig meat industry to the Queensland economy and to the economic viability of many rural communities. Accordingly we will demand that the Federal Government immediately implements tariff and/or quota protection against cheap imports from Canada and Denmark.
47. One Nation supports the current industry structure, and will consult with peak industry bodies Pork Council of Australia and Queensland Pork Producers Organisation, with a view to establishing an immediate short term rescue package, pending a more permanent solution to the industry's problems.
48. One Nation supports fuel and registration concessions.
Research - Development - Extension
49. One Nation will support joint Industry/Government funded research and development, and DPI extension services.
Sheep and Wool
50. One Nation recognises the contribution of the sheep and wool industry to the economy of Queensland and Australia. Further, the historical significance of the industry in the development of our Nation is also recognised. One Nation acknowledges the fact that in vast areas of Queensland, sheep and wool production is the 'highest and best use', and in fact, the only real option for some properties. Accordingly, we are committed to strategies to ensure the ongoing viability of the industry.
Structure and Funding
51. One Nation will support joint industry and government funding for research and promotion, with the control of the industry to be in the hands of producers. All R & P taxes and levies shall be monitored and reduced as soon as practicable, with minimum funds being transferred into accumulated reserves.
52. One Nation supports the single desk-selling concept, and will consult with peak industry bodies to establish optimum strategies to reduce the wool stockpile.
Live Exports
53. One Nation supports initiatives to promote live sheep exports, but will seek the support of the Federal Government to ensure that no pure bred merino sheep or genetic material is exported for breeding purposes.
Small Crops
54. One Nation recognises the contribution to the state economy and to many regional economies provided by the small crops industry, and also the vital role of providing quality fresh and processed product to the community.
55. One Nation will seek agreement on uniform national registration of agricultural chemicals to allow farmers early access to new and improved products. We will overhaul the quality assurance requirements many of which are unnecessarily onerous and destroying price competitiveness in the industry.
56. We support diesel and registration concessions.
57. One Nation recognises the major contribution made by the sugar industry to the Queensland economy, and to the viability of so many Queensland communities. We will lobby the federal government most strongly to ensure the industry is not impacted upon by the economic rationalist policies which have led to National Competition Policy and the mythical 'level playing field'.
58. We support diesel and registration concessions.