Pauline Hanson's One Nation, 1998 Queensland State
Budget Proposals
One Nation believes both the Coalition and the Labor parties have inappropriately
allocated tax payers' funds. In these hard economic times, it is necessary
to ensure these funds are allocated as evenly and as fairly as possible across
the state, and adequate funds flow to country and regional areas. One Nation
proposes to re-allocate about $320 million, or about 2% of the 1998 budget.
One Nation further believes public debt should be avoided if possible and
all policies must be accurately costed. One Nation acknowledges it has limited
access to government information to prepare this budget proposal.
Budget savings
By not jailing fine defaulters, except as a last resort there will be a saving
of approximately $12.6 million from the corrective services budget. $12.6
One Nation will abolish art grants of $80 million and re-allocate this money
toward employment initiatives, including establishing a Queensland Trust
fund $ 80 million
One Nation will oppose any compulsory restructuring of the timber industry.
Restructuring funds of $3 million per year will re-allocated. $ 3 million
One Nation will abolish Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
the Indigenous Advisory Council, saving approx. $30 million in wages and
overheads. The remaining $36 million will be re-allocated to relevant government
departments $30 million
Abolish the government air wing. $3 million
Sell the Governor's Roll's Royce. $ 0.05 million
Abolish the National Firearms Control Scheme. $1 million.
Abolish the Office of Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs. $ 2.7 million
Reverse the government's decision to reduce T.A.B taxation saving $15.4 million.
$15.4 million
Defer the design of the Queensland Cultural Heritage Centre. $10 million
Eliminate the Indy Car subsidy. $ 8 million
Reduce the $170,000 per anum funding for indigenous youth suicide to $90,000
per annum, the same as provided for non-indigenous youth suicide. $ 80,000
Abolish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Program and
re-allocating the $78.7 million into the Department of Public Works and housing
budget. This should result in some administrative savings. the Department
will service all customers on a needs basis only regardless of skin colour.
$15 million
Reduce total green house research across all departments from $16 million
to $10 million over 4 years, saving approx. $1.2 million per year. $ 1.2
Maintain funding for the Office of Women's Affairs at last years budget level
of $ 2.5 million. $ 1.8 million
Abolish Electricity Reform Unit saving. $ 0.8 million.
Remove the A.T.S.I portion from the Transport Infrastructure Development
Scheme, estimated to save $10 million.
Remove funding for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Infrastructure
Program. $ 6.3 million
Abolish the Office of Indigenous Affairs. $ 0.53 million
Reduce funding to the Queensland Cultural Heritage Network. $ 1 million
Abolish the Anti-Discrimination Commission. $ 2.8 million
Abolish the Queensland Centenary of Federation Committee. $ 0.56 million
Abolish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Sub-program.
$3.77 million
Defer the formation of Native Title Tribunal. $ 5.2 million
Abolish the National Competition Policy thereby losing $40 million in
Commonwealth grants. $32 million state (-$40 million) n.c.p grant will be
re-allocated. $ 32 million
Abolish the C.Y.P.L.U.S program. $ 1.6 million
Saving due to 4 year election term. $ 1.2 million
Total saved $ 210 million
Budget Initiatives for 98/99
Utilise $110 million of State Government surplus plus budget re-allocations
to fund the following initiatives
New Cairns Hospital $ 23 million
The Queensland Trust initiative $150 million
Family and Community Care Policy $ 52 million
Primary Indusrtries initiatives $ 81 million
Young Queenslanders Apprenticeship Revival Scheme $ 8 million
Young Queenslanders' Apprenticeship Revival Scheme to employ 1000 young
Queenslanders per year over the next 3 years. Cost for first year $8 million.
Total cost for three year program $48 million.
Minor initiatives $ 6 million
Total investment $ 320 million