The One Nation Whirlwind

What had started out as a perfect Queensland day ended pretty close to being a perfect Queensland day. There was only one blot on the day as I saw it.

I have always understood that politics in Australia is about democracy.

Unfortunately I was to discover in the lead up to and during the election this was not the case. The blatantly negative advertising by a hostile press, highlighted by the excuse for a newspaper produced by the Queensland Times today which could have been mistaken for a Labor party handout had me thinking about the state of this so-called democracy.

This together with the dirty tricks produced by the Labor Party, sanctioned by State secretary Mike Kaiser (seen right), in the seat of Ipswich brought home the level of democracy in this country.

Having said that, it was a momentous day in which the people of Queensland spoke out against the major parties - a victory for common sense.

These are my predictions for the final One Nation seats:

The seats are:

One Nation was the centre of attraction at the Brisbane Convention Centre with the queen bee being Pauline Hanson with the media pack flocking around her, watching her every move, noting her every comment.

This was star status, perhaps an obsession. The Pauline Hanson phenomenon had evolved into something greater, longer-lasting, reflecting the will of the people despite the odds thrown against it by those who could.

The images below reflect some of the moments between 10pm and 1am.

Pauline Hanson flanked by State Director Peter James and National Director David Ettridge.

The anti-Hanson Sunday Mail said it all in the heading, "One Nation Whirlwind..." below are some images of Pauline Hanson's staff and executive taken at the Convention Centre party.... Heidi Lewis  (red hair) with Brett Hocking (left) and Pauline Hanson with Peter James.

The One Nation candidate in Kallangur, Boyd Nimmo, polled extremely well - and is expected to defeat the ALP after preferences are distributed. Catch Boyd enjoying the moment with Pauline below...

Seen at the One Nation party at the Convention Centre were:

Left: Jeff Sommerfeldt and Christine Jackman from the Courier Mail; David Ettridge; author of "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" Helen Dodd with her husband; Pauline Hanson with Scott Balson and Pauline with Steve from the Manly office; David Oldfield holding up the Sunday Mail; Pauline with a group of young people at the Convention Centre.

We left with Pauline to go to the party being held at the showgrounds in Ipswich at about 11pm.

It was here that I felt a tinge of sadness because, despite doing extremely well, state leader Heather Hill had not taken the seat of Ipswich falling short by less than 1,000 votes.

The double whammy of the "ALP paper" (front cover here) and the bogus how to vote cards had dealt a major blow against her chances.

The party was going full swing when we arrived with Jack Paff holding a very good chance of winning the seat of Ipswich West.

Here are some images taken at the Ipswich Party:

Pauline Hanson comforts state leader Heather Hill and offer her the federal seat of Oxley - an offer that Heather refused.

Alongside Pauline and Heather are Colene Hughes (candidate for Bundamba - east of Ipswich) and Jack Paff (Ipswich West)

The media were at this event too. Paul Lyneham below....

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