Statement from Global Web Builders.
We did not
seek this attention, but in the light of Mr Nguyen's comment that he would
contact our clients we have had no choice but to record all associated postings
in public areas on the newsgroup aus.politics amongst others
Mr Nguyen's post on 4th May 1997 under the heading "Boycott Global Web Builders"
All Nguyen statements in this thread shown in blue...
A while ago I made a weensy criticism over the homepages of one nation and pauline hanson. That criticism was over the complete amatuerism and lack of creativity in the pages created by a company of their claimed calibre. The people who create, host and sponsor these pages, Global Web Builders (also trading under Interactive Presentations), decided to make a real big deal out of it and posted my comments along with a mailto link thus consigning the GUTLESS task of making threats, intimidation, and death threats to inbreeds who visit their webpages.
Of course this is of no surprise coming from supporters of pauline hanson. These very same people who are the loudest moaners of "our democratic right to freedom of speech denied by leftists". This is the sort of gutless response they come up with to everyone who disagrees with their views.
I'm instigating a boycott of gwb and have begun faxing the head quarters of their clients informing them of gwb's nazi brown-shirt attitude. I have also emailed the major Australian computer publications and relevant sections of major newspapers.
This is not an attempt to censor them or piss them off for expressing and believing their views. It's for being a bunch of faceless cowards masquerading as computing professionals.
On 2 Nov 1996 05:26:57 GMT, in aus.politics (Jim Nguyen) wrote:
On 4 May 1997 00:13:42 GMT, (Jim Nguyen) wrote:
Alan Peyton-Smith ( wrote:
: (Jim Nguyen) wrote:
:>Yellow race will rule the world
: >Yeah, you're right Alan. We are going to rule the world. And once that
: >happens we're going to enslave all the people and the mongrels who
fail genetic
: >tests and have 50% and over white heritage. You and Mike Lucke will
: >my personal court jesters and you will make me laugh or it's the cattle
: >prod up an oriface. You're daughter(s) will be my sex slaves. We're
going to
: >rename all the cities of the world with tongue twisting names. You
: >spend time in concentration camps where you can concentrate on memorising
: >all the chinese characters. Make everybody eat rice. Everybody will
: >buddhist sutras. All women will wear kimonos. Those who do not conform
: >will be euthanated mercifully by firing squad.
: Jim, I realize you're intentionally exaggerating the situation here,
: but there may possibly be some truth in what you say.
You think I'm joking don't you?
Not bad after Mr James Nguyen is quoted as saying on page 78 of the July 1996 edition of the computer magazine ACP in an article by Samantha Amjadali:
"There was good old-fashioned flaming going on, none of that racist stuff. He got malicious and was totally motivated by race" when talking about his on-line altercation with a Mr David Ames.
Give me a break dighead
Mr Nguyen you are sick.
Very happy client of Global Web Builders
To be honest, your just a flaming wanker. So why bother?
>A while ago I made a weensy criticism over the homepages of one nation
>pauline hanson. That criticism was over the complete amatuerism and
>of creativity in the pages created by a company of their claimed
>The people who create, host and sponsor these pages, Global Web
>(also trading under Interactive Presentations), decided to make a real
>deal out of it and posted my comments along with a mailto link thus
>consigning the GUTLESS task of making threats, intimidation, and death
>threats to inbreeds who visit their webpages.
>Of course this is of no surprise coming from supporters of pauline
>hanson. These very same people who are the loudest moaners of "our
>democratic right to freedom of speech denied by leftists". This is the
>sort of gutless response they come up with to everyone who disagrees
>their views.
>I'm instigating a boycott of gwb and have begun faxing the head
>of their clients informing them of gwb's nazi brown-shirt attitude. I
>also emailed the major Australian computer publications and relevant
>sections of major newspapers.
>This is not an attempt to censor them or piss them off for expressing
>believing their views. It's for being a bunch of faceless cowards
>masquerading as computing professionals.
> A while ago I made a weensy criticism over the
homepages of one nation and
> pauline hanson. That criticism was over the complete amatuerism and
> of creativity in the pages created by a company of their claimed
> The people who create, host and sponsor these pages, Global Web
> (also trading under Interactive Presentations), decided to make a real
> deal out of it and posted my comments along with a mailto link thus
> consigning the GUTLESS task of making threats, intimidation, and death
> threats to inbreeds who visit their webpages.
If GWB will take PH as a client, this doesn't surprise me in the least. However, were you deliberately victimised, or were your commments posted as part of a "general comments" section?
> I'm instigating a boycott of gwb and have begun
faxing the head quarters
> of their clients informing them of gwb's nazi brown-shirt attitude.
I have
> also emailed the major Australian computer publications and relevant
> sections of major newspapers.
Did you ask them to remove the comments and the mailto link as well?
Don't get me wrong, sounds like your typical redneckedism, but I'd just like to get the facts right.
Jason Stokes: j.stokes @
Don't worry about James Nogoodyen, he has no credibility.
He's just one of these geeks who's whole life revolves around the internet.
This idiots comments were posted as part of a "general comments" section.
GWB put in both the good and the bad.
He actually made comment that the Homepage was made by a "talentless" GWB.
I went to have a look at his hompage and couldn't see anything because it
was down/under construction or whatever.
After commenting on this, in email, I received *20* copies of this........
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:12:50 +0200 (MET DST)
Your eMail URL will be published at several Antinazi-Pages and sites of democratic parties
Now, I'm not saying that it was him, but in light of what he says in the next paragraph, well..........................
:-)> I'm instigating a boycott of gwb and have begun
faxing the head quarters
:-)> of their clients informing them of gwb's nazi brown-shirt attitude.
I have
:-)> also emailed the major Australian computer publications and
:-)> sections of major newspapers.
I think his attitude is a little bit nazi, don't you??? Other than that, he is what another poster called "a flaming wanker" which I think is very apt.
Peter Lucas * In a world in which we are all *
Brisbane * slaves to the laws of gravity, *
Australia * I am proud to be called *
* one of the Freedom Fighters. *
Don't you have -ANYTHING- better to do?
Get a fucking life.
>I'm instigating a boycott of gwb and have begun
faxing the head quarters
>of their clients informing them of gwb's nazi brown-shirt attitude. I
>also emailed the major Australian computer publications and relevant
>sections of major newspapers. (Jason Stokes) writes:
> If GWB will take PH as a client, this doesn't surprise me in the least.
> However, were you deliberately victimised, or were your commments
> as part of a "general comments" section?
You ass-holes. Now I know the sort of country you left-wing poofters want to build. One in which you won't do business with someone if their view don't match yours.
I'd rather be a racist (which I'm not), rather than be a dick-head like you.
Posted on aus.politics: 29.01.99 2.26
Jim Nguyen Well, well,
if it isn't the one and only James Nguyen. I see you got the One Nation pollies
pissed off, as well as a few ISPs with a spamfax attack, the newsgroup spamming,
and so on. It seems that recently, I was coding an .HTML about accents and
in it all, your name cropped up in it as an inevitable result. So,
I went to some search engines and lo and behold, you are still the Asian
supremacist bigot you always were back 4 years ago in aus.flame. It's apparent
that, like all racists, you can't stand competition from other racists like
this Pauline Hanson you love to hang shit on. You spammed your tripe,
as documented by your archrival, and spamfaxed in an attempt to bring down
an ISP by boycott. Funny, but I found a seppo counterpart of yours in a Chicago
newsgroup who is currently getting a nice spanking. You do your fellow
Asians no favours with your racism. All you do is generate and distribute
hate and discontent. I shall present a challenge to you just like the
Asian-seppo: If Vietnam is so great and Australia is so evil, then MOVE TO
VIETNAM. I bet you won't, lamer. You realise that Vietnam is a cesspit of
poverty. Followups set out of aus.politics to the flame groups. -- CAUTION:
Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680 T-minus 337
Days, 1 Hours, and 44 Minutes until Y2K and counting.
Well, well, if it isn't the one and only James Nguyen. I see you got the
One Nation pollies pissed off, as well as a few ISPs with a spamfax attack,
the newsgroup spamming, and so on.
It seems that recently, I was coding an .HTML about accents and in it all,
your name cropped up in it as an inevitable result. So, I went to some search
engines and lo and behold, you are still the Asian supremacist bigot you
always were back 4 years ago in aus.flame.
It's apparent that, like all racists, you can't stand competition from other
racists like this Pauline Hanson you love to hang shit on. You spammed your
tripe, as documented by your archrival, and spamfaxed in an attempt to bring
down an ISP by boycott.
Funny, but I found a seppo counterpart of yours in a Chicago newsgroup who
is currently getting a nice spanking. You do your fellow Asians no favours
with your racism. All you do is generate and distribute hate and discontent.
I shall present a challenge to you just like the Asian-seppo:
If Vietnam is so great and Australia is so evil, then MOVE TO VIETNAM. I
bet you won't, lamer. You realise that Vietnam is a cesspit of poverty.
Followups set out of aus.politics to the flame groups.
-- CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
T-minus 337 Days, 1 Hours, and 44 Minutes until Y2K and counting.
Jim Nguyen wrote in message
You obviously believe that One Nation is responsible for racism and hate
crimes in Australia....ha! Seems you're very racist. Also seems you're from
asian descent. Hmmm....I wonder why One Nation wants to deport certain
immigrants. Arsehole.
>Bloody Viking ( wrote:
>Bloody Viking is a very angry man because he gang raped by gay
>in high school.
Return to launch of Pauline
Hanson's One Nation
spamming ways