Making the News
The views expressed here are solely those of the editors of the Australian News of the Day and in no way necessarily represent those of Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

When fish and chip shop owner Pauline Hanson beat all odds by winning the seat of Oxley in the March 1996 Federal Election after being disendorsed by the Liberal Party she gained immediate prominence because of her stance on a range of controversial issues.

Hanson's web builders, Global Web Builders (GWB), carefully used the Internet as a research medium resulting in the discovery and exposé of a Pandora's Box of revelations on how the families behind the mainstream media and the powerbrokers behind the major political parties ignored and distorted the news to their own end... they were Australia's very own Trojan Horse.

"Making the News" looks at the on-line news behind the news and how the Internet is being used to force the mainstream media to take a more balanced approach in reporting on Pauline Hanson's One Nation. It is being used to confront and expose Pauline Hanson's political detractors in a daily ongoing cyber-battle. This feature is a living, breathing frontline assault on those who misquote, misrepresent and misreport on Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

"Making the News" has drawn cyber-attacks from the web masters of Left Link and the ACTU. It has also resulted in a contrived and potentially damaging article being published on GWB in Queensland's Sunday Mail (owned by News Limited). We believe that it was published in an attempt to discredit GWB and the increasing support that this feature is getting from a growing number of mainstream Australians. These attacks by the web masters and the mainstream media ("chooks") are recorded in this feature.

There are over 100 on-line links available from the frame-based feature. We suggest that you first read the feature in its entirety and then, later, visit chapters or sections that are of particular interest to you. Most of what you will read read in the feature has never been published in any other media but it is all factually based.

Move to interactive news feature: "Making the News"