Background: The co-ordination of protests at the launch of One Nation's Mortdale branch was promoted by none other than a staff member of the University of Sydney.
One Nation are holding another public meeting in Mortdale. When they are allowed to build a branch of racist party there is an increase in violence against migrants and Aboriginal people. The campaign of rallies against Hanson has seen her support plummet. But she is not gone. Protest against this meeting to show your disgust at the Liberal's racist Ten Point Plan and One Nation's campaign of spreading racial hatred. SAY NO TO RACISM 6.30PM SATURDAY xx JANUARY MORTDALE MASONIC CENTRE 27 COOK ST MORTDALE For more information xxxx xxxx. Michael Thomson xxxx 5067 M.Thomson@xxxxxx oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo LEFTLINK - Victoria's Broad Left Mailing List Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop Publication of a message on this list does not indicate endorsement by either LEFTLINK or the New International Bookshop. oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo=oo LL.NA
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