2nd December 1999
How many good people have to leave One Nation before those causing the exodus are brought to account? You will read in today's lead story that the webmaster for Young Nation as well as secretary of Young Nation, Shondra Briton, has now resigned.
Here is an extract from her letter:
However, over the last few weeks, my personal life has been unfairly attacked by some senior Party members in an attempt to somehow discredit me. Shallow attempts to intimidate me into disassociating myself from so called 'white ants' have failed. For twenty months I have worked tirelessly in the best interests of One Nation and more recently, Young Nation, and I find this kind of treatment unforgivable.
Image Right: Shondra Briton celebrating her
20th Birthday earlier this year.
Briton reveals a common theme that I and others have experienced when we refuse to bow to the autocracy and directives meted out by David Ettridge and David Oldfield.
While I have stuck to the facts and reported on others unhappy experiences with the 2 Ds over the last few weeks David Ettridge, in particular, has resorted to a campaign of spreading lies and rumours about me through the One Nation membership database. And the letter linked here is under the now infamous Pauline Hanson's One Nation Limited letterhead - a company which One Nation "members" are not even part of and have no say in.
It is particularly sad when that sort of intimidation is levelled at the youth in One Nation because they have dared to challenge the directives that are imposed unilaterally by the 2 Ds on our right of freedom of assembly.
Is this the type of leadership that One Nation members really want to be part of?
Happily a major change is now in the wind and I predict that if the "leadership" does not change of its own accord in the next few days states will start establishing independent organisations free of the disruptive, undemocratic 2D and party structure factors. In fact this change could take place even sooner - I predict that time has run out for the 2Ds..
The growing interest in TIAF is a good sign with many of those who have contacted me being ex-One Nation members who have fallen out with the 2 Ds. They are ready to re-join a political body established by One Nation members outside of the control of the 2 Ds.
The stage is now set for true democracy to return to a re-shaped "people's party" - it is just a shame that the current leadership have not had the guts to take the challenge to the 2 Ds before this radical move has to be made.
For the majority of members it is now quite clear who the real white ants are and extermination from the executive of the "people's party" is now long overdue.