I have to insert a new film in the camera so I seek refuge near the multicultural concert where the presenter is announcing singers from the local community and a couple of South African "brothers".
At 7pm I identified the source of the projectiles. Although I have not seen anyone throwing any, I can say with certainty they all come from behind the one banner and are thrown by more than one individual. "Say it loud, say it clear, racists are not welcome here"
The language is getting more colourful. A woman shouts "You f… cow" at one of the women who enters the building.
The various members of the media are looking at each other with a rather bemused look in their eyes. There is a bad stench coming from the entrance of the building where most of the eggs and filled balloons have exploded. "Go home racists, go home racists" and "you f… cowards" are heard loudly as more supporters arrive. A journalist was mistaken for a supporter and almost cleaned up by a urine-bomb as she walked across the entrance to talk to one of the police.
At 7.15pm the violence is coming to a head. It is absolutely raining projectiles. Another police has been hit
on the head. So many eggs, fruit, urine-bombs are raining on the
supporters they are unable to avoid them. "Say it loud, say it clear,
racists are not welcome here" A lady who was behind the police line with
the media and filming with a home-video type camera is being ejected by
police. I have no idea what the incident is about.
Many eggs thrown onto the wall above the entrance are forming a rather uninviting dripping curtain the supporters have to go through to enter the meeting.
The more people arrive to the meeting, the more projectiles rain on them. There is a definite pattern here. When the supporters arrive, the TV crews fire up their camera and lighting and this is the unintentional signal for the crowd to boo and throw things at whoever is arriving. I understand the police has asked the TV crews not to film the protesters and have even threatened them with charges if they continued.
Now a man from the "campaign against racism" addresses the crowd with a microphone. He says a few words thanking the crowd for attending and introduces a young lady who elaborates a little more on the issue of racism and Pauline Hanson. The crowd is quite large now and very vocal. The constable standing about a meter from me is hit right on top of the head by a plastic bottle. There were no protesters in sight and it came right out of the blue in a relatively quite period in the protest. He didn’t even blink. I am moving back a fraction. More projectiles are being thrown and their landing area is getting wider, putting at risk the media.
A lady exiting the building is hit by a urine bomb on the leg.
"Racists! Racists! Racists!" The lady on the microphone is now talking
about immigration, unemployment, jobs, native title, single parents and
gays. She invites the crowd to attend the "Campaign Against Racism"
meetings every Thursday evening 6:30 at RMIT. She says: "…the opposition
needs to be political, it needs to be directed at Pauline Hanson and it
needs to be independent of the ALP. It is an alternative to Hanson’s
scapegoat policies." The crow cheers loudly when she says "we call for
rejection of both Hanson and Howard’s racist policies."
The lady is still talking on the microphone. She asks for rejection of the Howard Ten point plan, support for land rights and a host of other Aboriginal related matters including the "stolen generation". It would seem most of her concern is related to current government policies.
As the young lady’s speech continues, a supporter is hit by a projectile, prompting a loud cheer from the crowd. The focus is now on the plight of the East Timorese. Another young lady at the front of the crowd is not terribly interested by the speech in progress and uses her megaphone to incite others to hurl abuse at those arriving at the meeting. The egg is still dripping from the top of the entrance. It is impossible for anyone to enter the meeting without being dripped on.
Just before 7.30pm a man climbing the stairs to enter the building is hit violently on the side of the face by an egg which explodes on impact. This prompts a huge cheer and applause from the crowd. The nice peaceful protest has degenerated into a "hang’em" exercise.
I pick the right moment to run into the building and thankfully, I avoid getting hit by anything. What immediately strikes me is the amount of egg slime on the floor inside the building. It is very slippery and extremely dangerous. The security people have a bucket and mop and are doing their best to keep the place tidy.
Security closes the building, the meeting is about to start. The hall is about two-third full. I count about 210 people. From what I can see and hear, not all present are One Nation supporters. Stephen Jolly, the organiser of the protest is sitting at the back of the room. A photographer asks his permission to shoot a portrait.
Inside the three speakers are introduced, including Andrew Carne and David Ettridge. The announcer explains that after the speeches, question time will follow and after the public has left, a press conference will be held in an adjacent room.
The meeting
I will describe here some key moments as I saw them. Naturally, a political speech affects people in different ways and I have been know to show quite a lot of cynicism when I hear anyone promise they can solve the unemployment problem.
Before the start of the meeting, there was a little adjusting of the PA system to ensure the public-speakers would be louder than the protesters outside.
Jim Cairns was ejected from the meeting before it actually started. His later claims he was lifted off the ground by security does
not describe accurately his relatively quiet exit. According to David
Ettridge, he was removed from the meeting because he was not in a "fit
state" and was distributing pamphlets. On Melbourne radio (3AW) the next
day, Mr Ettridge was asked if Jim Cairns was affected by alcohol but
wouldn’t answer the question fearing legal action.
Very early in the piece, there was a very loud cheer and applause when the first speaker reminded the audience of the result of a recent poll conducted by the Herald Sun revealed that 80% of those surveyed did not believe Pauline Hanson and her views were racist. The speaker also exposed the same newspaper for writing an editorial in contradiction with the findings of the poll.
A very popular issue was the deportation of foreign criminals. Andrew Carne explained the cost of keeping criminal in jail and gave the example of Singapore which has very little tolerance to crime. There was also a lot of applause when Mr Carne said all Australians should be treated equally, under one set of rules and one flag. Predicably, he said: "we must be one nation." A great deal of Carne’s speech had to do, directly or indirectly with the media. For instance, he denied One Nation ever said immigration should stop (he said the media misreported it) but more importantly he denied the One Nation party was singling out Asian immigration. He said his party would welcome anyone in Australia as long as they contributed. As a result of his attack on the media, some in the audience shouted "shame! media, shame!" and pointed towards the media assembled on the side of the hall. When he said the One Nation Party was not anti-Asian, there was a lot of applause. He made a distinction between being anti-Asian and being anti-Asianisation of Australia. He asked the audience: "do you want to work for $1 a day?" There were considerable resentment against the media, most of it spontaneous and from the audience. At times people would shout things like "hey media, did you get that?"
Throughout the meeting, people kept arriving, all generously pelted by eggs. Interestingly enough, I have not seen anyone who had been hit by a projectile get really angry. All seemed to take it as part of some silly game, the same way one reacts to a practical joke.
At 8:10pm, a journalist arrived. Don’t be surprised if her report fails to mention the eggs thrown on the supporters.
At the beginning and the end of the speech, Andrew Carne emphasised on the difference between criticism and racism as well as the difference between patriotism and racism. At 8:14 his speech ended.
Shortly after the beginning of David Ettridge speech, there was an interjection from a front-row spectator who did not agree with something Ettridge said about Sinn Fein. After a short argument, the gentleman made his point and was allowed to stay on. A popular point in Ettridge speech was his swipe at the large companies who avoid paying taxes. Another point that received unreserved applause was when Mr Ettridge said that ATSIC had failed aborigines. At 8:33 his speech ended and members of the audience were invited to ask questions.
The great majority of question-time was used by opponents of One Nation
who made various points but didn’t really have questions. A lady asked
the audience how many in the room were a product of immigration.
As people raised their hand, she denounced One Nation. The "plat de
resistance" of question time was Stephen Jolly the organiser of
the protest outside who got into a strenuous anti-Kennett speech and
then asked Ettridge a question about BHP and the 35 hours week. It was
puzzling to see a man who had his fellow protesters outside screaming
"Racist! Racist!" ask a question about something other than race or
immigration. What caught my attention is not so much Stephen Jolly
leaving the meeting but a member of the media following him in a
buddy-buddy way. I later learn that as Jolly left, he was mistaken for
a supporter and pelted with eggs. At 8:52 the meeting closed and people
started to gather in the foyer behind the police.
The incident where a man is assaulted
Keith Warburton, the victim, is a man without political affiliation. he came to the meeting
to get a few facts on One Nation. He confirmed that the impression he got was the
opposite of what he had heard in the media. To his surprise, he found One Nation to be anti-racist.
When incidents such as this one happen, the stirrers run in all directions pretending they
have no responsibility. One of them, Cr Greg Harris, the Mayor of Dandenong has
polarised his community when the proper course of action for an official in his position
was to let One Nation meet and not use his office for political purpose. This stupid habit
of organising counter-meetings is only giving One Nation more publicity and is ultimately
defeating the aim of the organisers.
More trouble
Just as the man was taken by ambulance at about 9.30pm, angry demonstrators
charged the police ten meters from where I was standing The protesters
were angry at a couple of arrests the police made and were asking for
their release. "Let him go, let him go" was the loud chant from the
crowd when yet another arrest was made. The crowd then erupted into
"police protect the racists". The police were hopelessly
outnumbered and thank to some quick reinforcements, the situation was
defused, but it took some good 10 minutes to bring things back to
Time to leave
I went back into the hall for the press conference - I had prepared a
couple of sticky ones - but the security chief turned me away despite my
media pass. So I left the building and found myself on my own behind
the police cordon. The crowd started to throw all sorts of things at me.
I was the only one they could belt up and it didn’t matter who I was.
Between the horse manure and the protesters, I had my work cut out. From
that point onward, much of my flagging energy was devoted to finding a
way out of that place. 500 protesters are not easy to fool but
eventually, I followed used a fire-truck who was passing to shield me
and ended up at the road block where I stayed until I got picked up.
Before my departure from the charming City of Dandenong, I took one last
photograph of the bus which carried Jolly and his young friends to some
other adventure. Puberty does really strange things to people.
Any relevant mail received from here on on this subject will be posted in Australian News of the Day Without any commentary, the facts speak for themselves. Australians whoattend meetings of a legal political party are being verbally andphysically abused, even to the extent now of being hospitalised. The hate,venom and violence is coming from the protesters. Australia is supposed to be a democracy which enjoys free speech. Lets takemigration as an issue of interest to Australians. The existing governmentpolicy is multiculturalism, which even its architect has repudiated asdivisive. Mrs Hanson believes in assimilation, as leading to superiorsocial outcomes. The protesters believe in multiculturalism. In a democracythe citizens of the country have the right to disagree with and argue themerits or otherwise of government policies. Citizens also may PEACEFULLYprotest. Mrs Hanson expresses her view peacefully in the democratic tradition. Theprotesters - at least the ones we see at the forefront - withhate-contorted faces scream obscenities and insults, hurl urine-filledballoons and other missiles at their fellow Australians trying to exercisetheir democratic right to attend a meeting. Only the presence of policeprotects Mrs Hanson's supporters from physical assaults by the protesters. I know who are the fascists. Antonia Feitz
I was just in the Age newspapers site and they quoted a protest organiser
as saying "the incident(the 59yo man being bashed)wasn't as bad as it
seemed". I have news for you, a 59 year old gentleman being found in the
gutter unconsciouse is as bad as it looked on national news,remember 'a
picture tells a thousand words'. Listen protesters Mike Tyson did it now
you are doing the same, being beaten and fighting dirty.
If it wasn't for you lot Pauline Hanson wouldn't be on the news every day,
so keep it up Lunatic Left, you're giving her all the publicity the party
needs and giving yourselves a rotten name and the press is starting to see
it how it is so keep it up Scum Bags.
I am a major supporter of the One Nation party. I am greatly involved in
the setting up of a local branch. I enjoy your commentry of the ON meetings
but may I suggest one thing, When you talk about the people entering the
meeting why do you always call them supporters, A lot of these people are
just open minded people who would like to further their knowledge of the
party, that doesn't class them as supporters.
Keep up the good work, it is a top site for us Supporters too keep informed
of the progress of the party.
I attended the protest at dandenong. I was protesting, as i believed i
was doing my part in standing up aganst racism and racist beliefs. I was
not surprised the coverage by the media took the direction it did, the
cameras are always shut off during address to the crowds. Where i believe
the real issues are brought up and publicised. It was unfortunate that
projestiles were thrown and a man was assaulted, i believe, although i was
amonst the protestors, as it just hampered the image of the protest. I
was extremely encouraged by the diversity of age and ethnicity amongst the
crowd. I met several elderly men and women in the 60's and 70's, as well
as children in their late single digits.
In regards to the ever popular criticsm of the roudy "rent-a crowd" i say
that it is simply a different political action. Like marxist and
socialists politicl idoloogy, radical and revolutionary action is held
very dearly. The fact that these "crowd" are attending the hanson
protests is because racism, a structural form of oppression confllicts
with their values. It is not right for the media, nor one nation to
criticise opposing methods of political activity in the manner it has as
it further adds to the sensationalism and negitvity, clouding the minds of
people who do not think!
Yes i was proud to be there, standig in the cold taking part, doing my
bit, being active. i did not throw eggs, i chose not to. i was proud be
be alongside my chinese, jewish, gay and elderly fellow human beings,
joing in the chrous against the unfair, racist, blame and oppression one
nation is perpetuating.
And yes i HAVE read the maiden speech. It is something i would wipe my
arse on.
Jason Keys
Mr. James Burton of Melbourne's The Age went on the road for Pauline
Hansons One Nation Party Dandenong launch. His story was entitled
"Blood and Circuses", and carried in the section of The Age called
"Pauline Hanson and the Asian Debate". In general his story seemed
to be fair and objective reporting of the events in Dandenong, which
is unprecedented in The Age where Pauline Hanson is concerned.
Mr. Burton told of Mr. Turnbridge's offer to open a Dandenong branch
of the party after he heard of the party's formation in April. His reason,
even though he had been apolitical before, was, "Pauline Hanson has
said what my family and most of the people I know have always said."
That just about says it all, as to why decent, law-abiding Australians
including many migrants from many nations, are flocking to join
Pauline Hanson's One nation Party, doesn't it?
john hamilton
According to the police, the man was bashed by three individuals, one punched him, the other took him into a head-lock and
the third kicked him. As he fell, already unconscious, he hit his head on the curb. It all happened very fast, probably around 5
The protesters exposed
Debate between Militant and One Nation on Midday show - 15th July
Return to launches of Pauline Hanson's One Nation
© Global Web Builders, 1997.You say:
Pauline Hanson's critics (9/7/97) have missed the point entirely.
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
I will be there again in werribee next week.
we are all humans. there is a definite gap between the ideology of one
nation and what it actually claims.
Subject: The Age coverage of DandenongReturn to top of page