Voice over: Stephen Jolly of Militant and interviewer on radio.
Comment on what happened at Dandenong:
"Hansons a failure, no white Australia!" Eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and urine-bombs are thrown with increasing frequency. I am right in the middle of the crowd with a guy behind who appears to be very interested in the contents of my bag. I am offered more pamphlets and an "anti-racist newspaper"
"It is now 6.45pm and I am near the back of the protest where a table covered
with pamphlets has been set up by the protesters. Near that table, a young
man (Andrew Gianniotis) is standing on a podium repeatedly asking
people to "get active." He is clearly inciting people to display more
anger. There are now so many protesters in the street that walking 10 meters
to get a decent photograph of him is a real struggle."
"A man (who is not on this photograph) came from behind and king-hit him (Keith Warburton) with a right hook to the right side of the face. I took a photo of the man who punched him but for legal reasons, it cannot be published here."
The protesters exposed
Andrew Gianniotis of Resistance
speaks out
Debate between Militant and One
Nation on Midday show - 15th July
![]() |
Name site is owned by One
All mail received so far - pro and anti final letter posted 8th May 1997 at 7am.
Any relevant mail received from here on on this subject will be posted in Australian News of the Day
Pauline Hanson's critics (9/7/97)
have missed the point entirely.
Without any commentary, the facts speak for themselves.
Australians whoattend meetings of a legal political party are being verbally
andphysically abused, even to the extent now of being hospitalised. The
hate,venom and violence is coming from the protesters.
Australia is supposed to be a democracy which enjoys free
speech. Lets takemigration as an issue of interest to Australians. The existing
governmentpolicy is multiculturalism, which even its architect has repudiated
asdivisive. Mrs Hanson believes in assimilation, as leading to superiorsocial
outcomes. The protesters believe in multiculturalism. In a democracythe citizens
of the country have the right to disagree with and argue themerits or otherwise
of government policies. Citizens also may PEACEFULLYprotest.
Mrs Hanson expresses her view peacefully in the democratic
tradition. Theprotesters - at least the ones we see at the forefront -
withhate-contorted faces scream obscenities and insults, hurl
urine-filledballoons and other missiles at their fellow Australians trying
to exercisetheir democratic right to attend a meeting. Only the presence
of policeprotects Mrs Hanson's supporters from physical assaults by the
I know who are the fascists.
Antonia Feitz
I was just in the Age newspapers site and they quoted a protest
organiser as saying "the incident(the 59yo man being bashed)wasn't as bad
as it seemed". I have news for you, a 59 year old gentleman being found in
the gutter unconsciouse is as bad as it looked on national news,remember
'a picture tells a thousand words'. Listen protesters Mike Tyson did it now
you are doing the same, being beaten and fighting dirty.
If it wasn't for you lot Pauline Hanson wouldn't be on the
news every day, so keep it up Lunatic Left, you're giving her all the publicity
the party needs and giving yourselves a rotten name and the press is starting
to see it how it is so keep it up Scum Bags.
I am a major supporter of the One Nation party. I am greatly
involved in the setting up of a local branch. I enjoy your commentry of the
ON meetings but may I suggest one thing, When you talk about the people entering
the meeting why do you always call them supporters, A lot of these people
are just open minded people who would like to further their knowledge of
the party, that doesn't class them as supporters.
Keep up the good work, it is a top site for us Supporters
too keep informed of the progress of the party.
I attended the protest at dandenong. I was protesting, as
i believed i was doing my part in standing up aganst racism and racist beliefs.
I was not surprised the coverage by the media took the direction it did,
the cameras are always shut off during address to the crowds. Where i believe
the real issues are brought up and publicised. It was unfortunate that
projestiles were thrown and a man was assaulted, i believe, although i was
amonst the protestors, as it just hampered the image of the protest. I was
extremely encouraged by the diversity of age and ethnicity amongst the crowd.
I met several elderly men and women in the 60's and 70's, as well as children
in their late single digits.
In regards to the ever popular criticsm of the roudy "rent-a
crowd" i say that it is simply a different political action. Like marxist
and socialists politicl idoloogy, radical and revolutionary action is held
very dearly. The fact that these "crowd" are attending the hanson protests
is because racism, a structural form of oppression confllicts with their
values. It is not right for the media, nor one nation to criticise opposing
methods of political activity in the manner it has as it further adds to
the sensationalism and negitvity, clouding the minds of people who do not
Yes i was proud to be there, standig in the cold taking part,
doing my bit, being active. i did not throw eggs, i chose not to. i was proud
be be alongside my chinese, jewish, gay and elderly fellow human beings,
joing in the chrous against the unfair, racist, blame and oppression one
nation is perpetuating.
And yes i HAVE read the maiden speech. It is something i would
wipe my arse on.
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
Subject: Launch of One Nation at Dandenong
I will be there again in werribee next week. we are all humans. there is
a definite gap between the ideology of one nation and what it actually