course the media were there in numbers. All television stations and major
newspapers were represented. The Sydney Morning Herald's Margo
Kingston was significant by her absence... but there again the Gay and Lesbian
Mardi Gras had taken place the night before.
Image right: Terry Sharples attempts to create a negative story for the media....
In the images below David Oldfield addresses the media as Terry Sharples, a Liberal Party stooge, tried to create a story for the reporters which would discredit One Nation.... he partly succeeded.
Much to the media's wrath they were locked out of the Rooty Hill RSL Club by the management. I was told by a manager that if they entered that they would each be fined Au$550 on the spot. What a pity we did not have that sort of financial deterrent at the One Nation federal launch where the media barged in on a private meeting.
The images below were taken during the early part of the day.
There was a joke of a protest being conducted by two small groups of four people, for the record here they are... obviously the Labor Party had decided not to co-ordinate their extremists this time round... even though Labor's Left Link did publicise the details of the One Nation AGM to the loony left on the Internet.....
For the skeptical one would be forgiven for thinking that the absence of protesters probably had something to do with the Mardi Gras in Sydney the night before.... the rent-a-crowd were possibly sleeping off their night of festivities, debauchery and drug taking.