Refer to the full articles here for full background....
When reading the reports below remember that the media were not only locked out of the Tivolli room where the AGM was being held - but they were prevented by the RSL management from attending the Rooty Hill RSL Club. Reports came through a chain - from Darrell Wheeley (over lunch) to Terry Sharples and from Bevan Collingwood - only Wheeley had access to the meeting. These were the three dissidents who make up much of the content of the articles. The thoughts and opinions of about 800 One Nation members go totally unreported... but hey, who cares about balance? After all this is the joke sometimes referred to as the Australian media.
"contentious and bizarre", "a
farce" Courier Mail; "Hanson returned in high
farce" The Daily Telegraph's Chief Political Reporter Malcolm Farr...
describing the AGM.
Their reports are based on the comments by the three hostile dissidents - with the main antagonist Terry Sharples being paid by the Liberal Party to fuel a case challenging the status of One Nation in Queensland. But their word is gospel and balanced according to the media....
Image above right: Malcolm Farr and Margo Kingston cuddle up to Pauline Hanson on the night of the Queensland state elections - Kingston later, after hearing about this image being on the net, contacted a member of the One Nation national executive pleading for its removal as it "compromised" her integrity... the fellow on the right, a photographer, was the only person supposed to take the picture which clearly shows the hypocrisy of senior political journalists.
One former member Terry Sharples, filed a police report after claiming he was struck while being ejected from a meeting.
He said he had been "karate chopped in the kidney".
The Mt Druitt police were to later report that the claim was not being pursued... now why should I be surprised - as David Oldfield said this man is psychotic - sounds something like the media (after all they report what he says without question).
Another former Queensland member, Bevan Collingwood, said the voting system had been rigged and that there was no scrutiny of proxy votes.
"The whole thing has been rigged to make sure they win, it's an absolute farce - there has been no scrutiny," Mr Collingwood said.
Collingwood claimed he was evicted after he expressed an interest in standing for the national executive... what he did not tell the media, or they did not report was that he was stirring up dissension by circulating a constitution drafted by Tony Pitt which had not been sanctioned by the executive and which Michael Watkins from the legal firm Watkins, Stokes and Templeton had, after viewing it, referred to in anything but glowing terms.
"But the dissidents didn't relent. One of them, Pete from Queanbeyan, stormed out during a debate on Aboriginal affairs. He wanted to tear off his One Nation t-shirt, "but it's the only shirt I've got with me," he lamented." The Daily Telegraph (Malcolm Farr - Chief Political Reporter - see image above) - This is a classic case of dishonest reporting.
Aboriginal affairs were never discussed at the AGM - this is total hogwash as any one of 800 who attended the AGM will tell you.
"The "undemocratic" constitution led to the resignation of three One Nation MPs in Queensland and two others quit in a showdown with Ms Hanson over party loyalties. Another MP resigned citing health problems." reports The Australian.. of course legal adviser Michael Watkins' comments about the media's adverse reporting on a good constitution is not part of the picture that the media want you to know about.
Terry Sharples
All but one report is dominated by the antics of Terry Sharples who had a whole day to get under the media's skin.... so there you have it in this democratic land of ours a man evicted from the party - a man who attracted just 78 votes as an independent in the Federal election when he stood for a Queensland Senate seat in October last year - becomes the main thrust of denigrating and biased reports on the AGM.
But... according to The Sydney Morning Herald, "Another Queenslander, Mr Terry Sharples, of Burleigh Heads, who claimed he spent Au$12,000 standing for One Nation in the Federal election, was escorted from the meeting after being told by Mr Ettridge his membership was not valid. "That's the way this party treats people who don't like what the two David's are doing," Mr Sharples said."
Sharples was never part of the
One Nation team at the Federal elections - and in case there can be any doubt,
take this link to the
of the One Nation Senate team for last year's federal election.
Image left the One Nation Senate team - no Terry Sharples here... yet another lie by the media.
So there you have it the theme is once again strung that there is a ruling troika who are killing the party by being autocratic and not allowing democratic principles to apply.... God it's so easy to get your name in the headlines of the papers - just join One Nation and then speak out against the party .... no wonder we get some loonies attracted to the guaranteed exposure that the media are willing to give.