The media are so predictable. As Sir Joh once said they are like a bunch of chooks.
Nation dissidents Sharples and Collingwood fed them most of the day and some
of their comments were noted as fact.
Right: David Dalgleish and Bill Feldman with a few proxies of their own...
In reality the AGM was a very well run affair. The meeting was convened and run without any heated arguments taking place. The delegates inside all had their opportunity to talk, vote and listen. The democratic process was the winner inside while the murder by media continued in the press the next day in biased reports -
the media reported "Pauline Hanson yesterday put down a revolt from within
her own party by winning endorsement as One Nation president." (The Daily
Telegraph)... the truth was so far from the line being peddled by them that
their comments are becoming less and less relevant as Australia moves into
the 21st Century.
Image left: Pauline Hanson "putting down a revolt" in the party - the reality being swamped by delegates seeking her autograph.... a picture tells a thousand words.