Adopted by Second General Conference of UN Industrial Development Organisation, Lima, 26th March 1975. (pp631-649)

(Note Australia voted for it... only the USA voted against it).

Selected extracts from the text of the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation.

(pp 631)

A Declaration:

1 The Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, convened by General Assembly resolution 3087 (XXVIII) of 6 December 1973, entrusted with establishing the main principles of industrialisation and defining the means by which the international community as a whole might take action on a broad nature in the field of industrial development within the framework of new forms of international co-operation, with a view to the establishment of a new economic order.



(pp 633)


23. Their firm conviction of the role of industry as a dynamic instrument of growth essential to the rapid economic and social development of the developing countries, in particular of the least developed countries;

(pp 635)

32. That every state has the inalienable right to exercise freely its sovereignty and permanent control over its natural resources, both terrestrial and marine, and over all economic activity for the exploitation of these resources in the manner appropriate to its circumstances, including nationalisation in accordance with its laws as an expression of this right, and that no state shall be subjected to any forms of economic, political or other coercion which impedes the full and free exercise of that inalienable right;

33. That the principles set out in the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States must be fully implemented. Consequently, it is the right and duty of all states, individually and collectively, to eliminate colonialism, apartheid, racial discrimination, neo-colonialism, occupation and all forms of foreign aggression, and domination and the economic and social consequences thereof, as a prerequisite for development. States which practise such policies are responsible to the countries territories and peoples affected for restitution for full compensation for the exploitation and depletion of, and damage to, the natural and other resources of these countries, territories and peoples. It is, in addition, the duty of all states to extend assistance to theses countries, territories and peoples;

35. That special attention should be given to the least developed countries, which should enjoy a net transfer of resources from the developed countries in the form of technical and financial resources as well as capital goods, to enable the least developed countries in conformity with the policies and plans for development, to accelerate their industrialisation;

36. That developing countries with sufficient means at their disposal should give careful consideration to the possibility of ensuring a net transfer for financial and technical resources to the least developed countries;

37. That special emphasis should be laid on the need of the least developed countries for the establishment of production facilities involving a maximum utilisation of local human resources, the output of which meets identified material and social requirements, thus assuring a convergence between local resource use and needs as well as offering adequate employment opportunities;

(pp 643)

(l) Preference should be given by the more industrialised developing countries, as far as possible, to imports of goods produced by the less industrialised countries. Positive policies are needed to increase intra-regional and interregional trade in manufacturing;

(pp 645)

(i) In the context of international monetary reform, in which the link between financial resources for development purposes and the allocation of special drawing rights is being studied, urgent consideration should be given to the adoption of measures which take account of the particular needs of developing countries. In all phases of decision making for the formulation of a reformed monetary system, full and effective participation of the developing countries in all bodies entrusted with this reform, particularly in the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund, in accordance with the existing and evolving rules of such bodies;

(pp 647)

V. Institutional arrangements

63. The new distribution of industrial activities envisaged in a New International Economic Order must make it possible for all developing countries to industrialise and to obtain an efficient instrument within the United Nations system to fulfil their aspirations.

64. Industrialisation must be pursued in such a way to promote the global harmonious development of the countries of the international community.

68. In order that it may intensify and extend its activities in the manner indicated above and play the central co-ordinating role in the field of industrial development within the United Nations system, and in order to increase its ability to render assistance to the developing countries in the most efficient way, it is essential that UNIDO’s autonomy and functions be increased and expanded substantially and that UNIDO be provided with the resources for this purpose.

69. For this purpose, it is recommended to the General Assembly of the United Nations that UNIDO should be converted into a specialised agency. To this end, the Secretary General of the United Nations, in consultation with the Executive Director of UNIDO, is requested to submit to the seventh special session of the General Assembly, through the Economic and Social Council, draft statutes of a specialised agency for industrial development.

(pp 649)

75. In order that UNIDO should be able to fulfil effectively its central co-ordinating role in the field of industrial development, especially with respect to the implementation of the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, UNIDO should hold consultations with the United Nations and with the specialised agencies and other organisations related to industrial development. For this purpose an advisory committee should be established composed of representatives of the secretariats of the United Nations and of the relevant organisations of the United Nations and chaired by UNIDO.

Return to Lima Declaration summary


"The United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" is the blueprint for Australia to be divvyed up into a number of Aboriginal "states".

This has already started in other countries such as Canada with the Inuit state of Nunavut which takes up 20% of Canada and becomes self-governing in 1999.