Chips, fun and horses...

Today was the "big day" the number of tent and caravan campers had grown and now spread out several hundred metres along the river bank below Pauline's home. The "caravan park" cannot be seen in the photo on the right - the "luxury suites" being on the riverbank hidden behind the trees in the distance.

There were plenty of activities planned including horse riding, and a show of horse riding skills put on by Graham Daly's Silverado Horse Riding School.

At the main camp Pauline was reliving the old days deep-frying chips with a helping hand from daughter Lee.

While wandering around Pauline's estate I found a spot where her house was perfectly framed by this large healthy tree....

the symbolism was, to me, very strong... and what a beautiful day after the storms and rain of the day before.

Back at the "caravan site" the horses were being corralled for a trail ride around the farm.

The images below were taken at about midday...

My son, Alex is on the left with the other images taken just after the group started their trail ride.

After the trail rides Graham Daly and his professional riders gave us all an impromptu display of horsemanship. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) television station was there to cover this part of the day - as was Woman's Weekly.

The display started with a Ned Kelly type theft taking place at the fast food tent.... luckily Pauline was out of sight at the time. Ned Kelly (a la Ken Reik) can be seen escaping below left while the predictable capture takes place in the other photos...

Next Graham Daly demonstrated "trojan" riding - standing on the back of two galloping horses.

The third person in the group of professional horse riders is David Cunningham - seen right above standing next to Graham Daly astride the horses.

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