
The Internet is well known as a massive library of information. Most of the resource references referred to in this article stem from:

In this fully documented living feature we will show how GWB are able to use the Internet to:

The early challenges to GWB:

The decision by GWB to provide Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party with an on-line forum where they could be accurately reported resulted in a number of immediate intimidatory threats which included:

This harassment started once we put Pauline Hanson's pages (The Hanson Phenomenon) up on the Internet in April 1997.

GWB, having the best interests of mainstream Australia in mind, stuck to its guns and decided to use its large news archive and unrestricted access to the Pauline Hanson camp to expose the vagaries of the mainstream Australian media and political parties through the information resources of the Internet.

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Email: "Making the News"
© Global Web Builders 1997.