The first fellow I bumped into was a half decent looking fellow who was trying to sell Socialist Worker newspapers for the Brisbane Anti-Racism Committee. At a dollar a pop and no sales that I saw I felt his task was rather daunting.
He agreed to let me take a photograph of his t-shirt which displayed a graphic portrayal of Pauline Hanson with her head open and what one guesses is the brain saying..."I have had enough get me out of here"....
We had been talking for a few minutes when someone who I had never met before who later turned out to be Mr Brian Webb, the co-ordinator of the protest, told the fellow not to speak to me identifying me as a One Nation "spy".
Mr Webb then followed me around telling me that I was tresspassing on his rally.... and here I was in a public park.
Not to be intimidated by the man who threatened to get a mob to destroy my camera I just stuck around taking photos of his glorious gang of mainstream Australians - no wonder he was camera shy!
My position placed me near to the police (above left). Mr Webb (right) complained to the police about my presence saying that I was stirring up trouble by taking photographs. The police laughed at him and sent him on his merry way.
Apart from the "mainstream" Australians making up his protest there were three Chinese who succeeded in getting this banner up having their photograph taken and then disappearing from the scene.... a wise move one feels considering....
The harmless looking fellow on the right has been added to our thug file.
He was at the Ipswich branch meeting and played a very active role at Festival Hall at this rally trying to stir up the crowd.... in fact he seemed to just love attention... as many of the images that follow will record.
Mr Webb had a number of guest speakers at Queens park. They included a Vietnamese lady, Luke Chang, who obviously believed everything that she read in The Courier Mail.
At its peak the number of protesters at Queens Park probably mounted to about 200 and Mr Webb could be seen checking his list of absentees.... he forgot that most self-respecting night creatures are still asleep at this time of the morning...
He called on one of his Australian Labor Party mates to take over the microphone... yes the ALP were there supporting the lunatic left... his name Bob Carnegie.
Mr Carnegie (above right in black t-shirt talking to Webb) laboured on long and hard about all sorts of issues but his classic was the following and I quote, "People here represent all that is good and fine in this country of ours today. People who support Hanson represent all that is bad."
Well that got the mob really stirred up...
Especially the thugs seen regularly at One Nation meetings like this one on the right.