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Tuesday, 30th December 1997
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The IMF and Asia.

Last night I watched a rather pathetic performance by a South Korean politician who was faced with the real movers and shakers in the world of big money. The programme was shown on Galaxy's investment tele-station.

The Korean was there to act as the voice of suppliance to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose representative on the programme made it quite clear that the saving of his country from bankruptcy came with unconditional terms.

When one considers that tens of millions of people were being affected by what was being said on air, confirming what had already been agreed behind closed doors, the programme was a sickening example of how precarious democracy has become in this world of ours.

Earlier this week the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) televised a programme about the takeover by Guatemala by US owned United Fruit Corporation who, it was quoted, grow bananas and owned half of the country's arable land. The takeover involved the CIA, the US Senate and even the President of the United States. Members of the Senate and the head of the CIA were reported as being shareholders in United Fruit. The takeover was inspired by a ruling by the new Guatemalan leader that United Fruit would have to divest and return some of its land back to the poverty stricken population.

The media were carefully selected and a reporter who dared look behind the story was fired. The official line was that the people had risen up against communism.

The end result was the leader of Guatemala was overthrown and a leader installed who was in the ear of the US based United Fruit Corporation.

There is a common theme in both stories - big money overruling democratic rights of the population and the misreporting of the what transpires by the media.

Australians should not think that they are immune to these going-ons. Unfortunately under the ALP and the Coalition we are nothing more than pawns to the big money who snap their fingers and then put them into the Australian tax payers till - to fund their criminal destruction of wealth amongst our Asian neighbours through currency trading.

Hanson to run in Blair?

It is almost certain that Pauline Hanson, who lives in the new federal seat of Blair will change from Oxley to run in this seat. They seat of Blair takes in a large rural community and it would be highly likely that she would win.

Her old seat, Oxley, has been redefined taking in more areas which are traditional Labor areas.

Yesterday David Oldfield said, "There's definitely a lot of support for her in Blair - there is quite a reasonable membership of One Nation in Blair, and she has been very popular in places like Kingaroy. While there is no doubt that Oxley has moved further towards Labor."

Labor Party state secretary Mike Kaiser said that the ALP would have won the seat of Oxley if the borders had been restructured before the last election.

"Based on 1996 electoral trends, we anticipate that Oxley has a 0.5% margin to Labor.

"But all the results need to be viewed with the fact in mind that 1996 was a low-water mark for Labor in Queensland.

"Oxley was a strong Labor seat until Pauline Hanson won it and so that makes it a little difficult to predict whether she will go to Blair or she will stay in Oxley."

Kaiser said that disgraced "shredder man" Wayne Goss had not yet decided whether he would stand for the seat of Oxley.

Freehold land safe from native title?

The deception continues.

The state Australian Labor Party leader Peter Beattie yesterday claimed that the National Party's claims that backyards were in danger from native title was nothing more than lies.

OK Mr Beattie, then what about that freehold land in Redcliffe north of Brisbane?

Mr Beattie said that the High Court had ruled three times that native title was extinguished on private freehold land. Three times. Hey... isn't one case enough? Of course not! Remember that Australian (largely white) tax payers are paying the legal bills for Aboriginal claims on land... including freehold. If one challenge is not enough, what is to stop the claims continuing unabated until somehow, somewhere one succeeds? 

Well Mr Beattie what about Admiralty Court in central Brisbane and the claim by Graeme Campbell that government owned Homewest houses could be subject to native title claims?

While Beattie pedals his lies the lawyers continue to rake it in with the latest claims now being taken over millions of square kilometres of coastal waters - all claims just happening to be off major resort areas and coastal islands which are popular holiday resorts.

Why? Because the resort owners will then have to compensate the "traditional land owners" for use of the water by their clients and the lawyers, of course, will continue rake in big bucks from managing binding agreements.

But of course all this breast beating about native title and Wik will become little more than academic when the big money moves in and takes Australia to the international court for compensation under MAI when they claim that native title is contrary to the "level playing field" guaranteed through another bureaucratic bungle.

Pauline Hanson's One Nation to clarify policies today.

Key executive members of Pauline Hanson's One Nation will meet today to start formulating policies for both Queensland state and Federal election platforms.


Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

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Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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