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Death threats are not nice things to get. Whether they be through the mail and/or by phone.
What prompted this threat was a letter of mine that The Queensland Times carried in response to their headline article about Ms Patricia Thompson and Helen Dodd's biography on Pauline Hanson on Monday.
Here is the letter:
The Editor
Dear Sir,
Contradictory and hypocritical are the words that best sums up Ms Patricia Thompson of ATSIC in your headline 'Hanson Book Protest' (QT 24/11).
Ms Thompson claims she has withdrawn her child from the kindergarten run by author Helen Dodd because she 'did not want to expose her son to unwelcome attention' but then goes on to tell the press about her action.
In the past Ms Thompson has called Ms Hanson 'uninformed and ignorant' and yet here she is saying the book is 'mean-spirited' that it 'broadbrushed all Aborigines' and then says that she has not even read the book but was 'relying on the information of others'.
Ms Thompson why don't you stop playing petty politics and just admit that you are scared that if One Nation do well ATSIC could well be disbanded and your job might be on the line as a result.
What I read into this article was a direct attempt to try to undermine Mrs Dodd's kindergarten which in Ms Thompson's own words had given her son 'excellent care'.
For the QT to run the story on the front cover is a blatant example of reverse racism in action. If Ms Thompson had written a book about John Howard, for example, under what circumstances would the QT have ever given this sort of beat-up such prime status? It would have been glossed over at best and thrown into file thirteen.
Scott Balson, Karana Downs
Pauline Hanson is a very big cog, she has a very high profile, whether you like her or not she speaks for mainstream Australia and she has guts... real guts. Pauline Hanson also gets death threats daily. Not just on her life, but on the lives of her children. She has now had to learn to share her life with three Australian Federal Police officers who have been assigned to specifically protect her because of these threats. The death threats in Hanson's case are not fantasy they are very real with money being placed on her head.
Last week Ms Hanson asked Channel Seven to tape a short twelve minute interview which would only be allowed to be run if she was assassinated. She allowed Channel Seven's Witness programme to replay short extracts from the statement last night.
Yesterday several newspapers including News Limited's The Australian covered the fact that this video had been made and cast a scornful eye on the recording as a publicity seeking adventure.
In Parliament yesterday the acting Coalition leader Tim Fischer tried to get Ms Hanson to block the screening of the extract from the video. Hanson refused accusing several members of the federal parliament of inciting violence against her. Now the fact is that this is true... the Australian Labor Party in particular have been at the forefront of inciting violence at One Nation meetings that Pauline Hanson attends. This is an inescapable fact. They have used their cohorts such as Left Link and even ALP members to act as conveners of "anti-racist" protests.
The ALP run Brisbane Anti Racism Campaign have even talked about organising a physical assault on Pauline Hanson. While Left Link even publicise Lorenzo Ervin's boycott of the Sydney 2000 Olympics and his bank account where you can send donations!
Now all of this has been told to the media on several occasions by me personally. I can tell you that the journalists I deal with express frustrations at getting anything along these lines published because the Chiefs of Staff at News Limited papers simply put a can on it.... the Australian Labor Party are to be protected at all costs... "we are setting the agenda not the real news happening out there".
So it is that we have these different sets of rules for different players in Australian politics depending on "How much in bed they are with Murdoch and Packer"...
Hanson's video (or testament) was raised in Parliament with one aim in mind - to discredit One Nation's leader. Tim Fischer thought that he could get Hanson to buckle. He knew the line that the media would take on the story... they had hidden the truth that the ALP were participants in violence at One Nation meetings and the fact that this was known and condoned by senior Labor party members - a view that Hanson was expressing in Parliament.
Hanson, as I have said before, is one gutsy lady and in the face of a threat by the Speaker of the House, Bob Halverson, to throw her out if she did not retract the statement accusing "some members of the house in complicity in inciting violence against her" she refused saying, "I will not retract the statement. There are some members of this house who have incited violence against me."
The Speaker after giving her ten seconds to retract and having faced her refusal to do so backed down and she was allowed to stay.
Today's Courier Mail (the paper which covered but did not report on the launch of Pauline Hanson's authorised biography, "Pauline, The Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd) carries an editorial on the "death video". Here is an extract from that editorial: "Ms Hanson may truly see herself as a martyr - metaphorically speaking, that is. But for her to carry that fantasy through to the point of recording a televised address to the nation suggests that she has completely lost touch with reality."
Well Mr Editor death threats are not a fantasy, not a figment of Pauline Hanson's "nutty" mind as suggested in the editorial. They are real that is why the Federal Police accompany her. My only wish is that the "death video" never does see the television screen, because if it does the Australian Labor Party will be hidden participants in the grossest breach of democracy ever seen in Australia.
But democracy is not foremost in the minds of either the major political parties or the media as this other extract from The Courier Mail editorial reveals, "Ms Hanson is an accidental member of the House of Representatives. Her disendorsement by the Liberal Party during the last federal election for what the party perceived to be her racist statements coincided with the desire of many former Labor supporters for revenge against the economic policies of Paul Keating and his government."
What utter crap. She was elected because of her stand on issues such as ATSIC and immigration. Her stand resulted in the biggest swing against the Labor party in any seat in the country - 19%!
An accidental member of the House...that is a comment so typical of the elites when talking down to mainstream Australians... putting them in their place!
The following link looks at one of the ugliest and most media-covered-up sagas of modern political history in Australia. The Carmen Lawrence/Penny Easton saga. The evidence behind the Marks Royal Commission implicates Paul Keating and his 1995 Cabinet of misleading the Australian people. The link above takes you to a comprehensive, documented background (including Hansard) which proves that over Au$300,000 in tax payers money was spent by Paul Keating and his Cabinet in a blatant attempt to halt a properly constituted Royal Commission from holding an inquiry into the background of the tabling of personal and private documents in parliament by the Lawrence state government in Western Australia. The tabling resulted in Penny Easton committing suicide. The Marks Commission, when allowed to proceed, found Lawrence guilty of perjury.
The mainstream media have failed to disclose the facts in this link... facts that quite clearly show that the likes of Gareth Evans (now deputy leader of the Australian Labor Party) misled the Senate in 1995 but has been allowed to get away with his dishonesty. Quite simply Evans is one of the lowest of the low politicians who are "in bed" with the Packer's and the Murdoch's.... one has to look no further than the preferential treatment given to some politicians by Australia's media to find out how they stand with these media barons.
The sorry state of Australian media is such that a continuing flow of bad publicity on any duly elected representative of the Australian people is the reward dished out to an individual who does not comply with the greed-inspired wishes of the media barons in this country. The day that Pauline Hanson "starts looking good" while the Packer and Murdoch empires control Australia's media is the day she has sold out to them. Let's hope that this never happens.
Queensland Times
Making the
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest
possible levels in Australia.
Last night a largely Aboriginal crowd was ejected from the visitor's gallery in the Senate for creating a disturbance when Senator Ron Boswell started to table the amendments to native title following the High Court's decision on Wik. These Native Title supporters cheered the Labor Party speakers but booed government speakers.
However, ATSIC Commissioner Geoff Clark said last night, "Labor is some way from where we are and we see it as being more closely aligned with the government."
Labor's proposed amendments to Howard's ten point plan on native title are as follows:
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
To The Prime Minister:
Please read this.
Before poking their noses in to somebody else morality, the churches should sort out their own back yard and morality.
Churches were telling us, for ages, that God has destroyed Sodom and Gomorra, and then they have told Mr. Goss in Queensland, to legalise Sodomy and virtually tell Queenslanders that either God was wrong, did not know what he was doing or that bible is a lie.
After that, what authority and credibility they have, (the churches), to tell us of what to do or not to do, or pass opinions on morality or on what other people are doing.
Please tell the churches to sort themselves and their own affairs first, tell them to tell us what happens in their own back yard, and explain the above, before poking their noses in to other peoples business.
Please amend the laws of our country, the only people who should pass laws, and tell us what we can or can not do should be our democratically elected representatives, not Judges or Courts, who gave them the power to do that ?, as far as I am aware they have gradually usurped those powers. How is it that, one Judge can say that the whole government is wrong and he is right. I can, on a different matter, given the same set of facts, come to two completely opposite conclusions, and both of them will be right, depending from which point you look at the problem. There is no retiring age for Judges, they may be senile, and still will enforce their will on us.
How can we be responsible for what our ancestors did, will it eventually come to this, that an Australian will be held responsible for what his grandfather, long dead, did do or did not do under the lawn at that time? Ridicules, stupid.
How is it that Israel has taken Arab lands, just few years ago, have at least two UN resolutions, requiring them to hand the lands, unconditionally, back, they just ignore UN resolutions, and we support them, by not trying to enforce them, to obey UN resolutions, and at the same time we enforce Iraq to obey UN resolutions. In view of the above we do not have to give any of our lands to the Aboriginal people. We can not be held responsible for what our ancestors did long ago, under different set of rules existing at the time. What right had the Judge to say, they have the right to claim the land as their own. Aboriginal people are one percent (or so), of the population of Australia, and they claim 80 percent of Australia. We supposed to be clever people, are we stupid ?
This is our country, we have our own democratically elected government, and only that government can tell us what to do or not to do, no Judge or Court should be able to usurp such powers, they have not been elected by the people.
We have not gone far enough, declare Mabo and Wik rulings invalid, and say we are just as important as Israelis, and if they do not have to unconditionally give the land covered by UN resolutions to Palestinians, we should not have to give our land to Aboriginal people.
Yours respectfully,
Subject: Terminology
Question: What is the difference between racism and "reverse racism"?
Why should the race of the perpetrator and the victim have any bearing
on the terminology?
"Reverse racism" is a term invented by the politically correct, to
insinuate that racism
against white people is OK - implying that it is a justifiable act of
retaliation or revenge.
I have been racially abused by aboriginees without any provocation, but
if I were to respond in any way, I would be called a racist, not a
"reverse racist".
The politically correct are skilled at using Orwell's theories of
"Newspeak" (Refer the novel 1984),
in order to distort the language to subliminally influence people.
People should be aware of these mind games, they are the beginnings of
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear Editor,
I am pleased to see that the Coalition has not suffered too much in the
published poll of the 25/11/97.
The Native title bill has been hijacked by the self interested minorities
and become a sad circus with lines like "legalised apartheid" -Noel
Since it's inception, only two cases have been settled and the courts are
The current system is not working, but an alternative is so unpalatable to
so many in the 'aboriginal industry'. Why? The Lawyers love it as is. Of
all the money spent so far the biggest winners have not been ordinary
Australians, black or white, but the lawyers, barristers etc.
I urge all of you to have a read of the bill and understand it is not "a
scheme to take the land away for indigenous Australians"- unknown JJJ
journalist 21/11/97.
Be aware of the facts before all the slogans, cliche's and catchcrys
obscure the facts.
Paul Jones
Richard Borowski
Have a good one.
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