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Further proof of the ALP's Left Link extremists have ties with radical overseas groups
Left Link, the radical and extreme left wing of the Australian Labor Party has outshone itself this time confirming what GWB have being saying all along - but with an interesting new revelation.
We can now confirm that this ALP extremist group has ties with radical black movements overseas.
Within hours of a post appearing on Left Link - a copy of a web page produced by GWB on the ties between Left Link, the Nyungah Circle of Elders, the Australian Labor Party and Lorenzo Ervin - the same post was cut and pasted from Left Link into a mailing list broadcast by that extreme, overseas, racist black movement called "Nattyreb" under the heading "Boycott Racist Australia". As long as you are "black" and you are in prison you are praised by Nattyreb... if you are "white" and in prison these "brothers" are not interested in your plight.
Pauline Hanson top of the pops in rural Queensland
The immense level of support that Pauline Hanson has in rural Queensland, despite questionable surveys claiming otherwise, was clearly shown at a special meeting of pig farmers held on Tuesday night.
The pig farmers were meeting to protest the government's move to allow cheap imports of pork into Australia. Amongst those invited to address the assembled farmers was the National Party's number one Senate ticket, Senator Ron Boswell and Pauline Hanson.
When Boswell, who is alleged to have lied to the Senate earlier this year, got up to address the farmers he was booed and told to shut up and sit down. When Pauline Hanson stood up she was cheered and given a standing ovation after a short speech in which she supported the pig farmers point of view.
But you won't read about this in the News Limited papers. However, if the reaction had been the other way around... yes, you've got it, it would have been pictures and headlines like "Hanson's support in the bush crashes".
As it is today on page 11 of the Courier Mail there is a trifecta of distorted reports under the main heading "RECONCILIATION". The first, under the heading "Wik strength 'winning PM votes in Qld'". The reporter Matthew Franklin says, "Prime Minister John Howard's refusal to compromise on his controversial native title legislation could save his political skin in Queensland, National Party director Ken Crooke said yesterday."
Obviously the spontaneous reaction of farmers to Boswell had been quietly overlooked... No prizes for guessing why.
Hanson is reserved a commentary, however, on the same page of the Courier Mail in an article headed "Racism is more brazen: rights chief" by Christine Retschlag (the social issues writer) who says, " Speaking on the first anniversary of the commission in Queensland and International Human Rights Day, Ms (Karen) Walters said it would be foolish to admit race relations were healthy.
"It is pointless to try and lay the blame on the doorstep of one particular "ism", ideology or particular view," she said.
"I think the media attention to Pauline Hanson only exacerbates her disposition. I just find her views insignificant. My design is to stir some rationality back into the debate. I think we should try and move forward a progressive, advanced, sophisticated democracy."
So the News Limited inspired fallacy of racism is once against tagged to Pauline Hanson - the politician who wants all Australians to be treated equally irrespective of race, religion or creed.
Read the Four Corners of Australia's Trojan Horse to see why Murdoch and others are playing such a violent, undemocratic game against Pauline Hanson.
The third article is a short piece headed "Pearson denies 'race war'." We read that Noel Pearson has now denied ever saying that there would be a "race war" over Wik and Howard's ten point plan over native title.
Yesterday Pearson claimed he was talking about the "war in Aboriginal souls". He said he had been misrepresented. "I think that it's been taken... by a National Party member from Queensland and misrepresented all over the country."...
Mr Pearson yesterday admitted that he had been chastened by an Aboriginal elder from Cape York over his remarks.
"And I was advised, in no uncertain terms, to cease raising the temperature in the debate," he said.
Off-shore Native Title Claims
For those thinking that native title claims are restricted to the Australian mainland think again. Look at the following web pages on Crocker Island land claim and the sea closures. Remembering that all coastal waters belong to the crown, they are all up for grabs all along the coast of Australia
Here is an extract:
"In 1973 Justice Woodward conducted a Royal Commission into Aboriginal land rights in the Territory. This Commission led to the enactment of the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976. This statute remains the high water mark of legislative recognition of Aboriginal land rights in Australia.
"His Honour reported that "Aborigines generally regard estuaries, bays, and waters immediately adjacent to the shoreline as part of their land", and "recommended that the definition of Aboriginal land where a coastline is involved should include both off-shore islands and waters within two kilometres of the low tide line." His Honour stated that:
"the legitimate interests of Aborigines will be protected if their traditional fishing rights are preserved and their right to the privacy of their land is clearly recognised by the establishment of a buffer zone of the sea which cannot legally be entered by commercial fishermen or holiday makers. An exception would have to be made in cases of an emergency." (Emphasis added.)
"It should be noted that during the inquiry Aboriginal people asserted that their rights extend greater than two kilometres out to sea. Some Aboriginal communities wished to protect not only "their traditional methods of food gathering" but also to develop commercial fishing ventures."
Of course native title becomes absolutely void in the future when the multinationals get their MAI into law. But that is only a right reserved for the money power while the local Aussies watch while the media-led justification of "native title" and the feeding of the politically correct is used to as an effective tool to break up Australia into a disparate group of states.
Australia isolated over greenhouse gases.
Last night most industrial countries agreed to uniform greenhouse gas emissions in Kyoto, Japan, but Australia refused to budge on its position leaving it out in the cold internationally.
Kyoto summit chairman Raul Estrada said that those agreeing had tied themselves into a 6% reduction on 1990 levels by the year 2010.
Government sources have said that the Australian government are not "overly confident" that Australia will become a signatory to the treaty.
The big sticking point has been land clearing by farmers which contributes to 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. The conference refused to exclude land clearing from the formula under which greenhouse gas emissions are calculated.
Senator Hill has been in Kyoto working the Australian case without success. Yesterday Opposition environment spokesman Duncan Hill said, "If we don't get this it will be a diplomatic failure of the most significant kind since the Howard Government took office. Five percent (increase) is a very generous target (which was turned down by Australia)."
Senator Hill said, "Land clearing has always been vitally important for us. That is why it is important for us to get it included at the moment and that is why we are negotiating to the end."
Poody Tat Soorley unleashes his "little" claws once again.
That widely despised Catholic
priest - come Mayor of Brisbane has once again displayed his true colours
in a season which is supposed to be one of giving and charity.
In his latest display of political expediency Jim Soorley has refused to give a blind charity worker a "gold travel pass" because he lives just 200 metres outside the boundary of Brisbane City. The gold pass is given to blind citizens who live within the city of Brisbane.
The blind man, Roy Lewington, approached his local member, Liberal MP Tony Smith, for help in getting a gold pass. He needed this to conduct his charity work in Brisbane.
Smith wrote to Soorley asking him to assist Lewington. He should not have been surprised when he received the following response, "I am sure that when Cheryl Kernot becomes the member for Dickson (Smith's seat), we will see far more advocacy for the funding of the many services that have been devolved to the local government level.
"I trust you will continue to enjoy it (the seat of Dickson) while you've got it."
Soorley was trying to say that the Brisbane City Council could not afford the Au$200 pass while he and his partner, Mary Philip, just a few months ago took a world trip costing Brisbane's rate payers an estimated Au$50,000.
Oh yes, Soorley is still recognised by the Catholic church as a priest...
Dear Sir,
I found this little gem on the YOUTH AGAINST RACISM home page at I'll keep scouring through geocities and see what other stuff I can find.
Tony Hancock
STOP PRESS: (08-08-97)
Peaceful Protest Violently attacked by ONE NATION supporters
Media Release
Peaceful Protestors Attacked
On thursday 7th August, a crowd of around fifty people gathered in Robertson to peacefully protest against the inaugural meeting of the "One Nation" party.
Activists from Resistance, Youth Against Racism, Campaign Against Racism and local community members assembled outside the Robertson School of the Arts with placards and information about the racist agenda of "One Nation". The demonstrators handed out leaflets rebutting some of Hanson's claims and sang and chanted ethusiastically.
From the outset eggs and insults were thrown at protestors by Hanson supporters. A protestor carrying a megaphone was attacked with a set of pliers and the megaphone cord was slashed. Police witnessed the attack but did not intervene or attempt to arrest the attacker.
Following the meeting more eggs were thrown at protestors. A local man was hit in the eye and another protester was knocked to the ground. At least one Hanson supporter punched a protestor giving him a bleeding nose. It was not until after vocal cries for police intervention by protestors that any attempt was made by police to restrain the Hanson supporters.
Police have refused to lay charges on the evidence of protestors unless the incidents were recorded by television cameras.
Protest organisers had stressed repeatedly the need for protests against One Nation to be peaceful, and the rights of all to free speech. These incidents prove that it isHanson supporters who are promoting hatred and violence in the Australian community.
Campaign Agianst Racism spokesperson Andrew Hall said: "In spite of tonight's violence we will not be intimidated and we will continue to exercise our freedom of speech and our opposition to One Nation's racist and divisive policies".
On Tuesday night, 9th December 1997, the Australian Labor Party thugs were at their very best with a mob of between thirty to fifty physically assaulting practically every guest who braved a Perth meeting of One Nation.
Amongst those attacked by this ALP "trash" was the national director of One Nation, David Ettridge.
Only one protester (Ben Taylor) was arrested despite the commercial station television crews, bloodthirstily, standing by and filming the assaults. Ben Taylor was seen spitting on many of the guests as they arrived and apparently broke the wrist of one of the visitors while another was knocked to the ground and kicked by protesters. Most visitors were spat on and beaten about the head with the posters and sticks the protesters carried.
David Ettridge had his hand guaged with a sharp instrument like a knife - getting a deep cut as a result.
Quote from Death Watch media release below:
"One of WA's most respected Aboriginal Elders, Ben Taylor, is in hospital as a result of this ugly incident." Said Glenn Shaw, Chairperson of the Watch Committee.
"Ben is in the Coronary Care Unit at Royal Perth Hospital, after his friends saw him being hustled into a police van by two police officers, who had Ben's arms twisted behind his back." Said Mr Shaw.
Ettridge said that there were absolutely no police at the One Nation meeting resulting in the unprovoked attacks by the "rent-a-crowd mob. Yesterday Ettridge was interviewed by a number of West Australian television media and radio stations on a story which was treated by the media as a "local issue".
The protesters later claimed that Ettridge had attacked a women in their midst and that they had been provoked.
The reason we don't cover all these incidents is because it would be like listening to a stuck record.
For the record the Perth police said they knew the group protesting and confirmed that they were nothing more than a violent rent-a-crowd mob.
Below in red is Left Link's version of events as posted by Deathwatch... yes, the Left Link post has already been circulated to the Nattyreb mailing list... again within hours of the post been placed by Left Link.
Of course, Deathwatch claim that the protesters were peacefully standing by... what utter trash!
Full post as it appears on Left Link can be seen here.
The Deaths In Custody Watch Committee is demanding that the WA Police Service lay charges against One Nation Party members who attacked protesters on Tuesday evening.
Eyewitnesses have claimed that one of the assailants was a police officer in plain clothes. Two of the protesters who were injured are taking legal advice and plan to lay charges against their assailants.
"One of WA's most respected Aboriginal Elders, Ben Taylor, is in hospital as a result of this ugly incident." Said Glenn Shaw, Chairperson of the Watch Committee.
"Ben is in the Coronary Care Unit at Royal Perth Hospital, after his friends saw him being hustled into a police van by two police officers, who had Ben's arms twisted behind his back." Said Mr Shaw.
Another respected Aboriginal Elder, Mingli Wajurrinungala, was among the group of protesters attacked by the One Nation members.
"They came running out like a herd of bullocks," she said.
"There were three of them, great big men, and they started grabbing people and throwing them to the ground..even young girls, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. They were covered in blood and gravel rash."
"It was a shocking sight."said Ms Wajurrinungala. "My daughter was standing beside me with a baby in her arms. I was terrified that they would be hurt."
"I saw a man wearing a One Nation badge manhandling young people and then he produced a Police ID badge."
Until the attack by One Nation members, the protestors were peacefully demonstrating outside the meeting in the Southern River Hall near Gosnells.
Watch Committee Chairperson, Glenn Shaw said, "This disturbing affair is a dramatic example of the deeply un-Australian Nazi style tactics of the One Nation Party."
"We will be contacting Commissioner Falconer to request a thorough investigation of the incident and for charges to be laid against One Nation Party members who took the law into their own hands."
"We call on all decent minded people to reject these racist thugs and all they stand for."
Another beautiful day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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