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Weeks after we exposed the link between the Australian Labor Party and the Nyungah Circle of Elders boycott call of the Sydney 2000 Olympics the Aboriginal group under Robert Bropho have really stirred up the heat by calling on Aboriginal track star, Kathy Freeman, to withdraw from the event over native title. Of course the media reports totally overlook the ALP link!
It is somewhat ironic that while the loony left chanting communist slogans hailing Pauline Hanson’s One Nation as a bunch of “Nazis” supporting genocide that the very political philosophy that they promote has been charged with being the biggest killer of human kind this century.
The communist dictators who land up leading these “liberated’ people have been responsible for the deaths of one hundred million people this century according to the “Black Book of Communism - Crimes, terror and Repression” by eleven French historians. The launch on Sunday coincided with the eightieth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution which triggered the ideological battle.
The authors estimate that communism has claimed 65 million have died in China, 20 million in the Soviet Union, 2 million in Cambodia, 2 million in North Korea, 1.7 million in Africa, 1 million in eastern Europe and 150,000 in South America.
In the introduction to the book Stephanie Courtoi argues that mass murder and terror have been the central characteristics of Communism. “The facts show that the Communist regimes committed crimes against about 100 million people compared to about 25 million for the Nazis.”
The communist newspaper L’Humanite responded to the book by saying, “This is not a history of communism, but a perspective on the crimes and forms of repression committed in its name.”
Which ever way you look at it kind of sums up the loonies who protest violently at One Nation meetings.
Committee chairman Senator Eric Abetz said yesterday, “The fact that it will be challenged does not mean it will be successfully challenged.”
Independent Senator Harradine, in the meantime, bought into the argument between the Prime Minister and Patrick Dodson who resigned from the Aboriginal Reconciliation Council saying, “That sort f political point scoring does absolutely nothing to advance reconciliation.”
Harradine’s vote is likely to determine whether the Wik legislation passes through the Senate or whether, if he votes against it twice, it leads to a double dissolution.
Yesterday the president of that money sucking monster called the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, Ronald Wilson, said that an election fought on “race issues” would be dreadful. Wilson is still doing the politically correct rounds talking at the launch of a national Stolen Generation action group.... God that’s all we need in this country! Talk about divisive!
Subject: Art Attack
Making the
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest
possible levels in Australia.
A government dominated parliamentary committee conceded yesterday that John Howard’s ten point plan on Wik was flawed. The Senate legal and constitutional legislation committee majority report said that legal experts believed that Howard’s ten point plan contravened the Constitutions requirement that property could be acquired by Government only on “just terms”.
You Say:
Dear Sirs,
I was trying to find something from the Australian Newspapers about the Art Attack on the very conterversial Serrano Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. My brother-in-law who lives in Box Hill sent us a clipping from the Herald Sun, but it was very brief. I can not find the Herald Sun on Line on the Internet. Apparently that will be available later as it is being prepared for On Line service. I would just like to say that we, as Americans, my wife and I, that is, are absolutely disgussed with the so called artist Andres Serrano and we are in sympathy with those young boys who attacked the "Piss Christ" picture that was displayed. We believe in all the Freedoms garanteed by our Constitution, but with limitations that include Freedom with Responsiblity. Serrano in our opinion is irresponsible!
Rodney G. Golden
Selma, Oregon, USA
Subject: Weapons restrictions are a joke
It was brought to my attention today that a cheaply imported plastic cap gun used to propel party streamers could be reloaded with dangerous substances and used in holdup situations.
These are marketed through Crazy Clark's Stores in Brisbane's outer suburb of Cleveland.
How are items such as this allowed to be imported and sold cheaply to minors through discount stores? (In light of Mr Howard's knee-jerk reaction to Port Aurthur causing such an over expenditure of public money with his gun buy-back scheme.) These knee-jerk reactions are also evident in his latest turn-around regarding nursing home fees.
Control of the goods sold and being imported into this country needs to be monitored more closely.
Paul Brady.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.