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Saturday, 6th December 1997
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On-line research background to the book "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd.


Labor's ex-Prime Minister's - "scum of the middle class" - Kim Beazley snr.

In the last financial year ex-Prime Minister Paul Keating cost Australian tax payers over Au$600,000 or Au$1,700 per day.

His daily expenses were three times greater than Bob Hawke, his Labor Party predecessor. Neither were they restricted to Mr Keating with his wife Anita charging Au$11,857 of travel related expenses back to the tax payer.

But Keating is still charging his ex-PM perks to tax payers while he makes a financial killing from the "paybacks" he secured while PM. These paybacks are mainly from well-connected and wealthy Asians living in South East Asia. Of course getting to them requires first class air travel and that is charged back to the Australian tax payer by Mr Keating.

Last year Mr Keating continued to rort the system spending Au$624,314 - with his "staff support" alone costing Au$224,785. Compare these expenses to those of former prime ministers and you can see what Keating is up to.

Here is a table breaking down his and other former Prime Minister expenses after they "left the Lodge" for the period 1995-97 (note Keating was booted out by the Australian people in February 1996 (yet he managed to spend nearly Au$100,000 in just a few months):

Prime Minister Cars Airfares Spouse Travel Staff Support Staff Travel Office Accom Office Furn & Equip Storage Phone Fax Postage Total
1995-96 36804 7924 3586 40376 - 10932 675 - 3735 714 104746
1996-97 25128 11510 7915 90 - - 241 - 3874 - 47758
1995-96 107749 20029 12206 105995 9614 63055 6631 - 9534 592 335405
1996-97 96206 21142 2271 111014 7334 61325 5748 - 7227 1326 313593
1995-96 92695 8315 8173 115030 1340 112934 13642 - 25804 6108 384041
1996-97 85561 7998 9885 120150 1292 86214 5660 - 17996 5595 340351
1995-96 8248 4329 2421 112253 2652 77687 8186 - 9206 171 225153
1996-97 5592 5270 5270 115923 252 75056 3598 - 6805 64 217126
1995-96 32411 6836 3838 31736 5770 3043 7011 30 3743 217 93635
1996-97 156602 25949 11857 224785 21621 115239 36706 152 30033 1370 624314

Now you can see why Kim Beazley's father said in 70s:

"When I first joined the Labor Party (in the 1940s), it was made up of the cream of the working class. When I left it (in the 1970s), it was made up of the scum of the middle class."

Native title over freehold - more examples come bubbling up to the surface

Yesterday we talked of the potential for a native title claim over a new freehold development in central Brisbane. Today Ian Causley MP told Parliament that Admiralty Towers was an example of how properties in major capital cities could be subject to native title claims.

Although native title has not yet been sought Causley said that because the development was being made on land to which freehold title was only gained in 1997 - from 1988 to February 1997 special leases were issues over the site.

Liberal MP Wilson Tuckey raised another issue relating to state housing sold privately after 1994 saying that these homes could also now be subject to native title claims - as Crown freehold was transferred to private freehold - while the Native Title Act only validated past titles up to January 1st 1994.

Former Labor attorney general said yesterday, "It is ludicrous to suggest that any Aboriginal people could establish or maintain a continuing association with this land (Admiralty Towers II), or any other block of land in Brisbane, which could be able to support Native Title."

However, the Senate (Harradine) is now trying to impose a "spiritual" connection as a legitimate reason for native title to be sought over land.

Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You Say:

From: Sam Rystrom


Subject: United Staes Of America

Yes us Americans can be very stubborn when it comes to our foriegn policy.......As an American, I feel it is our duty to intervene whenever any American interest(oil,money,freedom) exists....

I speak for our whole country when I say I am so proud that the United States of American has the where with all and the guts to lay down our law anywhere in the world........We are #1 second to none......I night add that if the US doesn't end WWII, your piss for an excuse island country would be the property of the Germans.. It must be scary to live in a world where you feel weak and helpless...Just thank your lucky stars for America We are not only powerful but righteous.

Go and get stuffed Yank - you are the sort of no-hoper who give Americans in general a bad name.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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