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Tuesday 2nd December 1997
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On-line research background to the book "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd.


There is very real evidence which we will be posting on the Internet shortly that a certain very wealthy "Australian" has bought up massive tracts of land in a partnership with a very wealthy Asian leader.

I am not talking about a few square kilometres, I am talking about hundreds of thousands of square kilometres of the Australian outback. Once we have all the facts and the background they will be posted here.

The big story today the growing split over Wik.

Last night we had the architect of the Wik debacle, the Australian Labor Party under Paul Keating, coming out defending native title as it stands.

Kim Beazley appeared on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation 7.30 report acting as if he was the knight in shining armour who had been sent to sort out the problem - which he helped create in the first place!

Here is part of what Beazley had to say, "We face here the question of our history and our national honour.

"As we write our history over the coming days, the question is this: will it be one for which our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to atone, or will it be one that will make them proud of this generation?"

and I just love this self-serving statement from Beazley:

"National honour requires leadership from those of us in politics. The Opposition is arguing in the Parliament for amendments which offer that leadership and that certainty."

This from the man who was part of Keating's cabinet in late 1995. The Cabinet which allowed Carmen Lawrence to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax payers money to try to overturn the Marks Royal Commission - which, once it was allowed to run its course, found her guilty of lying to the parliament and to the courts.

Of course we now have this all documented and on-line - showing how the Australian Labor Party's two most powerful man are entrapped in the sticky web of lies and deceit to the Australian people... and here they try to play the clean living politicians....

The great travesty in Australia today is the blatant political bias being shown by the Australian media. News Limited's The Courier Mail today speaks of Kim Beazley's speech in glowing terms - even re-producing it word for word under the heading "History to show Howard wasted great opportunity." The bias is so blatant that the only rational explanation can be that Murdoch has done deals with Beazley - behind Australian's backs and this would not be the first time that the ALP have done this.... not in our interests mind you - but what better way for a career politician to win the highest office in the land than to gain the backing of the most powerful men in Australia - Murdoch and Packer.  

With impeccable timing the Mitakoodi and Juhnjlar people have served a writ on Queensland's biggest mining company MIM claiming that the profitable Ernst Henry mine should cease mining.

Their claims are based around claims that the Goss Government failed to follow the provisions of the Native Title Act before granting leases for the gold and copper mine. They are now seeking to have the leases declared invalid.

They writ has called for the company to stop mining immediately and unspecified compensation and damages.

Queensland's state premier, Bob Borbidge, who launched the mine last month called the Aboriginal's bid "extraordinary". He said the writ was a clear example of why Howard's ten point plan was critical to ensure certainty in this country. 

Queensland Senator Bill O'Chee said that the legal action showed the right-to-negotiate was being used as blackmail. "It is costing Queensland jobs and vindicates everything we are trying to so with the Native Title Act."

Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


It seems certain now that Australia will face an election following a double dissolution over John Howard's ten point plan on native title.

It is unlikely that the plan will get through the senate.

One of the most overlooked but critical aspects of this whole crazy system that we call democracy is that a majority of one judge in the High Court (3-2) resulted in the Wik decision which has created the division in Australia today. It is widely accepted that the Judges who voted in the sharing of pastoral leasehold lands by farmers with "native title landholders" made a decision which should have been reserved for parliament... but to reverse the decision suddenly becomes something "racist" and an event which would see the new global Godfather - the United Nations being called in to arbitrate.

Now we have a man of obviously limited knowledge in this area, Tasmanian Senator Brian Harradine (just listen to him ramble on in the Senate), being the arbitrator on where native title goes and whether an election will be forced upon us over the Wik debacle is in itself a joke... no, it's a scandal.

Last night this man was instrumental in voting out one of the key components of Howard's ten point plan that "A sunset clause will be set down, meaning all new claims must be made in a certain time-frame." (Six years).

The United Nations are already secretly devising the UN draft legislation on the rights of indigenous people... a frightening document which will result in Australia being divvyed up into a number of independent indigenous states - like Nunavut in Canada.

The architect of Nunavut is alive and well and living here in Brisbane advising the Aboriginal Central Land Council on how to turn their massive tracts of native title lands - extending from the coast of the Northern Territory to just short of the big Australian byte in South Australia - into an independent state - based on racist "indigenous" lines - like Nunavut. Peter Jull has the most extraordinary title at the University of Queensland - Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre of Democracy - a title which, in all probability, is little more than a legal facade for him to tap into all the Australian resources to bring this vision of the Central Land Council into reality.

The great tragedy here is the great Australian political lie. Just like this beast known as "multiculturalism", a beast born of affirmative action and providing a growing army of politically correct tax payer paid jobs for some of the most extreme academic no hopers and hanger onners... while mainstream Australians continue blindly on with their daily living wondering what is happening to their country - because they are not informed by those in power.

What is happening is that Australia is being sold from under our feet.  

In a few years time we will be little more than slaves occupying small slivers of the nation we know today - a nation which will be even more heavily in debt, all major Australian assets being owned by internationalists, the country being divided along racial lines (like Canada is now undergoing), where poverty will be as apparent as the nose on your face, where the politics of greed and corruption will achieve even greater heights as the likes of Packer and Murdoch screw every last drop of blood out of the working class....

Where is our democratic right to have a say? Well you just don't have it with either the Liberal or Labor party. The tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee of politics are career politicians. Look at the wealth being accumulated by Paul Keating and Bob Hawke. Look at the roles of Grahame Richardson and Michael Kroger as go-betweens for Packer and these undemocratic parties.

Is it really any wonder that Australians have had enough? Is it really any wonder that Australians are fighting back through the emergence of political parties like Pauline Hanson's One Nation? Is it really any wonder that the time has come for mainstream Australia to take a stand and be counted while we still have time? 

Is it any wonder that I am angry... so should you be.

email the editor

You Say:

Subject: Multi-World

Dear Editor,

Hi. Welcome to Multi-World, the multinational owned and controlled world of the 21st century. Here are some hints to help your log-onners cope. First, if you're up the Sunshine Coast and anticipate an attack of the midnight munchies after a spot of nooky on the beach, you'd better take a cut supper. If you think you can buy a hamburger, forget it. The Multis have moved in, wiped out the local takeaways and now close down the town at 11 pm. The object is to train the consumer to feel hungry at only the right times: those that coincide with maximum corporate profitability.

Then there's 'Energex'. Now, the prefix/suffix "ex" means "out of", so Energex literally means "out of power", and does it ever! At the slightest puff of wind or hint of rain off goes the power, and off it stays. The candle and hurricane lamp are big sellers in SE Queensland, technological age notwithstanding.

Yesterday people sat in the dark while Energex had a Xmas party. But when the Multis get their hands on Energex, and the storm happens on Saturday afternoon, settle back for a weekend of rugged pioneering. Bringing maintenance staff in on weekends to restore supply is not consistent with maximum corporate profitability. You'll just have to wait till business hours Monday.

And if you happen to be up the Sunshine Coast you'll not only be in the dark, you'll go hungry as well. Welcome to Multi-World.

Cheers, Graham Strachan.

Some words of wisdom:


The dog sits on the tucker-box
He's getting pretty mad!
"The country's gone to OTHER dogs,
It's getting flaming bad!
They're sellin' out Australia!
It makes you wonder why,
The tucker-box is foreign-owned!"
Said the dog from Gundagai.

"They're sellin' farms and factories,
A million out of work,
>From Sydney-town to Adelaide,
And way out back o' Bourke!
It's time that true-blue Aussies --
And that means you and I --
Stand up and guard the tucker-box!"
Says the dog from Gundagai.

"In ten years time, what happens,
If we don't make a stand?
Who'll own those jolly jumbucks
Across our native land?
Who'll run our mines and factories?
Who'll pay our kids the dole?
Which bank will own your mortgage?
Who'll own you -- heart and soul?

Who'll pay your flamin' wages?
Who'll make you pay the rent?
Who'll tell your kids what happened?
-- And where your freedom went?

Asks the dog from Gundagai.

Subject: Answer for Ethan

Dear Sir,

Your correspondent "Ethan" wondered how I defined a true Australian when I called on "true Australians to stand up and be counted", so I will try to oblige.

Possibly the best way to define a true Australian would be to first list the characteristics that would preclude one from qualifying. Just as they spring to mind they might be:

1) Taking permanent residence in this country but not taking citizenship.
2) Taking permanent residence and not learning the official language.
3) Bringing hatred and hostility from another land to Australia.
4) Expecting that your new homeland will be the same as the old.
5) Betraying the Australian people with lies and distortions.
6) One who wont sing, or stand for, our National Anthem or National Song.
7) One who doesn't respect our National Flag
8) One who denies Australians their history.
9) One who distorts our history for personal gain.
10) One who would not put Australia's interests before others interests.
11) One who would sell out Australians without their consent.
12) One who would hand over Australian sovereignty to others.
13) One who would not be prepared to defend Australia against aggression.
14) Those who intentionally lie in the media for political gain.
15) One who would direct their armed forces against their citizens.
16) Armed forces that would fire on their citizens.
17) One who would spit on returning service personnel.
18) One who would seek to undermine a perfectly good working system.
19) Failed politicians speaking from their political graves.
20) Pigs with their snouts in the trough.
21) One who would deny an Australian their right to free speech.
22) One who labels others as racist because they don't share the same view.
23) Those who accepted the "Lima Declaration"
24) Those who write discriminatory law.
25) Those who enforce discriminatory law.

This is by no means a complete list but it does cover the main points. I guess that in answer to the question as to what I believe to be a "True Australian", I can only say "none of the above".

Allan W. Doak


What do you do when a man leads your country to success in cricket? You sack him.

In a shock move Australian star wicket keeper Ian Healy has been dropped from the one day team. Healy pulled Australia out of the Mark Taylor inspired mess in South Africa earlier this year - turning the team around from the jaws of defeat when Taylor was dropped and Healy became captain.

His thanks for achieving that goal? Firstly he was dropped as vice-captain. Secondly he was dropped from the one day team.

Sounds like cricket to me.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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