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Thursday 2nd October 1997
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While tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee (Liberal/Labor) bash it out in Parliament the country we know as Australia is being quietly moved towards being "divvyed" up into a number of Australian states. What more proof do you need than Nunavut - the "Canadian" experience a new indigenous state comes into being in 1999... yes that's right Canada is being divvyed up right now - and the architect of Nunavut now lives in Brisbane and advises the Central Land Council on the development of an Australian equivalent - which will be paid for by the Australian tax payer!
Quote from the above link: "The creation of the
Territory of Nunavut and the finalisation of the historic land claim settlement,
between the Nunavut Inuit and the Government of Canada, adds a new dimension
to the evolving history of both Nunavut and Canada.
Now I wonder why the Liberal and Labor parties have not been coming clean on these issues? Can they be trusted - the simple answer is no! This has got to be the biggest travesty of voter confidence since Federation.... it will, once the United Nations start implementing the Draft Rights of Indigenous People turn this country on its head.
While the issues of travel allowances and big egos reigns supreme in Parliament the deceit and cover ups go on. Pauline Hanson's One Nation yesterday released a news report on this issue and the media totally ignored it. Does it effect you and me, is it newsworthy... of course. The travesty here is that the Australian media is not about news it is about distortion and deals... deals done with the political powerbrokers... where do you and I fit in? We don't!
Please take a moment to sign the Pauline Hanson petition for democracy. That oaf Kim Beazley has endorsed a web site called "Our Nation" (named after the Nunavut description of Canada's break-up) which is seeking signatures to call on the Federal Coalition to put One Nation last on the HOW TO VOTE CARDS at the next Federal election.
No we are not going to tell you where their web site is, but think on an Australian Nunavut is you have any doubts as to why One Nation should be heard.... go on sign the petition - now!
As I said earlier the travel rorts saga continued unabated in Canberra yesterday
with the Liberal Party turning the heat on Labor front bencher Nick Sherry
who claimed Au$300 per night to stay at his mother's house in the Tasmanian
town of Opossum Bay 49 km outside Hobart (the Au$300 figure drops to Au$140
per night is you are not staying in
The Prosper Australia rally taking place at Festival Hall this Saturday is destined to be a test for the Queensland Police. The socialist rent-a-crowd louts are going to be there in numbers and that old poody tat Lord Mayor Jim Soorley has once again re-written the rules for One Nation by saying that he refuses to put up safety barricades - a standard procedure for a big rally like this.
He has also refused to close off streets around the rally a standard practice for an event like this saying, "I could not allow that level of interference to city traffic on a Saturday." This is quite clearly hogwash and displaying the bigotry that is this small, small man who landed up in an important position through bluster.
The Liberal leader of the Brisbane City Council, Cr O'Connell, said, "I have been informed that there will be around 1,000 protesters marching on Festival Hall to confront the people entering the function.
"Standard practice in this situation is for the police to request council barricades be erected to separate the protesters from the people attending the rally."
Cr Soorley with his normal priestly tongue (yes he is still a Catholic priest in the eyes of the church) said Ms Hanson "and the ratbags of the right should pay for the barricades like everybody else, and pay for the 60 to 80 police who will be rostered on".
Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has raised a number of issues in
relation to the Coalition's proposed amendments to the Native Title Act.
The ALRC argues that the legislation as it now stands is unconstitutional. Howard's 10 point plan has been dissected as follows:
Howard's 10 point plan | ALRC response |
Validation of Acts between 1994-96 in relation to non-vacant Crown land. Compensation for Native Title claimants. | The extent of extinguishment of native title leaves the Government exposed to a massive compensation bill. |
Confirmation of extinguishment of native title on exclusive tenures to provide certainty. | The legal basis for the Bill is open to Constitutional challenge, will create massive uncertainty and more, not less, litigation. |
Removal of impediments to provision of services. | |
To allow non-exclusive agricultural and pastoral lessees to carry on any primary production activities. | This point illustrates the Government's approach is to favour the property interests of one group over another. It would contravene the Racial discrimination Act. |
To allow native title claimants continued access rights until their claims are determined. | |
Future mining activity would require native title claimants to meet a higher registration test and the winding back of the Aboriginal right to negotiate. | The right to negotiate provisions and the bill in general is detrimental to Native Title holders and could mean the legislation is unconstitutional. |
The protection of future government and commercial development. Winding back of the right to negotiate by Aborigines over vacant Crown land outside towns and cities. | The winding back of the right to negotiate could contravene the Racial Discrimination Act and make the Bill unconstitutional. |
To ensure governments can regulate and manage water. | |
To establish a higher registration test to access the right to negotiate and a sunset clause for new claims. | The sunset clause could be discriminatory. |
Measures to help the negotiation of voluntary agreements. |
Subject: Rent a Crowd
Dear Editor
A friend of my wife has a niece attending the University in Newcastle.
Before Pauline Hanson's Launch in Newcastle, she was offered $40.00 to
protest against Pauline and her supporters at the launch. My questions are,
who makes these offers. Where does the $40.00 come from? Did you know this
was the going price? Are the local protesters paid the same amount? and
which Government Purse does this money come from.
As $40.00 would mean a lot to some Uni Students, I can understand there
turn out. Could you find out how is renting the crowd? exposing them and
there money source, if the money is cut of may be the protesters will be
Subject: re Santa Claus
I see that the mighty Myers has now apologised for trying to uphold a
white tradition.
I can hardly wait to see the first black Asian female Santa Claus.
You can be sure that those who would seek to destroy this country and
it's customs would not have made such an outcry if Myers had wanted an
exemption to ONLY employ black Asian females as Santa.
The young Aboriginal activist that appeared on TV must have her wires
crossed. While it is true that Aboriginals have now and have always had
a sophisticated culture, I have been unable to find any mention of Santa
or any similar person in the writings on their "dream time".
I have also had the privilige of visiting China and that was at
Christmas time. I DID NOT see one single Christmas tree, nor did I see,
hear of or read any reference to a "Santa Claus"
If I am not permitted to follow my life-long custom of seeing a white
Santa, does this not mean that I am being discriminated against because
of my ethnic background?
I think so, but then again, the discrimination laws in this country seem
not to apply to the whites who live here, even though we are expected to
bow before every other race that comes here and to apologise for an
accident of birth that sees us as native to this land.
I suggest that those who seek to destroy us and who vilify us and our
beliefs look up the definition of the word "indigenous". They might get
a shock.
Thank you for the opportunity to voice my views in your excellent
Jason E. Cole
(white Australian male and bloody proud of it).
A study by the University of Southern Queensland reveals that more than two thirds of indigenous women in Northern Queensland have been victims of domestic violence. Over half saying that violence against them has taken place in just the last twelve months.
The study suggests that alcohol consumption and jealousy are the root causes of this behaviour which is now being considered normal in indigenous communities. The survey is based on 149 Aboriginal and Torres Strait women from the Townsville area who were interviewed by Associate Professor Smallwood from the university's Kumbari Higher Education Centre.
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
See GLOBE International for
other world news.