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Tuesday 29th October 1996

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There is a great conflict that I feel every time that I hear Pauline Hanson speak and listen to Pauline Hanson's views. One can only "feel" that there is great intensity and determination welling up from within her... yet also great uncertainty. Maybe that is because she is unfamiliar with this level of political exposure, but it is there. You can hear it in her voice.

That beside she is the political equivalent of a street fighter who has learnt the political ropes in the "backstreets of Ipswich" - a cause which strikes a definite chord with a large number of ordinary Australians.

Last night Channel 7's Today Tonight program featured a typical Australian family... typical but some of the kids were part Aboriginal. The father was quite outspoken saying that the benefits that his Aboriginal kids received amounted to thousands of dollars a year in education alone... whereas his "white" children received none.

It was quite telling to hear an Aboriginal child from that family saying that the discrimination in Australia was against "white people". It is this sort of unresolved issue of "a fair go gone wrong" which is at the heart of the problems raised by Ms Hanson and creating such strong support for her.

Yesterday over 500 of those ordinary Australians formed the Pauline Hanson support party at a meeting on the Gold Coast... the group wore Pauline Hanson t-shirts.... rather reminiscent of the Adolf Hitler youth groups of the 1930s... but they weren't. These were ordinary Australians, mainly old Australians who supported Pauline Hanson's views.

While the group met Pauline Hanson was addressing a question to the Prime Minister, John Howard, in Parliament asking him why Australia spent so much money on overseas aid (Au$1.5 billion a year) when the money could be better used to "create a civil national service for our youth".

There were calls of "shame" from other MPs as Ms Hanson asked the question... Howard firstly responded to the barrackers telling them that Ms Hanson had every right to raise the question.

He then responded by saying that the "level of foriegn aid to poorer countries was correct", and that "I have never believed that it is appropriate to use the armed forces of Australia for purposes other than the defence of Australia or as an aid to a civilian power."

Part of Howard's response caused the Australian aid groups so see red when he said..."I can understand the anger of Australians who give money voluntarily to the great organisations like World Vision and so forth, seeing the political perfidy of regimes in different parts of the world allowing that aid be literally wasted."

In the feedback section below you will note that although Hanson's views are widely supported, her aspiration to lead a new party in the Senate is not... and is in fact seen as a major concern.

There must be some middle ground that the Liberal or Labor Party can adopt which would satisfy the general population while not resulting in them being seeing as "racist views" or those of "bigots"... the question is who is going to be the first to start moving towards that political opportunity. It is sure to happen.... it is only a matter of time. There are too many votes attached to the outspoken views of the Independent MP from Oxley.


The private member's anti-euthanasia bill was put before the lower house by Federal Liberal MP Kevin Andrews last night. The bill drew a strange mix of supporters and detractors as the vote of members was seen as being as "morally" not "politically" based.

Lined up with Andrews, speaking for the bill were: Labor heavyweight Leo McLeay and Lindsay Tanner (also Labor). the opponents to the bill included: South Australian Liberal MP Ms Chris Gallus, Northern Territory MP Nick Dondas and Labor's Anthony Albanese.

Interesting that the debate has brought a sharp reaction from other Australian protectorates like Norfolk Island who see the priivate member's bill before the Australian Parliament as a move that breaches the rights of their democratically elected representatives.

You say:

Cyber feedback:

Do you feel that the Australian Parliament has the right to overrule the Northern Territory's euthanasia bill:

Please email any views or related information on the above.

Yesterday's survey results:

Would you feel threatened by a new Hanson driven party in the Senate:Yes: 65No: 3
Do you feel that the Labor party appears to be losing its influence in Australia:Yes: 29No: 32

Australian (only) feedback as at 6pm AEST:
Do you feel that the Australian Parliament has the right to overrule the Northern Territory's euthanasia bill:Yes: 7No: 95

We received this feedback from an ex-pat residing in the USA. The issues that he raises looks at the potential fallout of a country going the "Hanson way".

I just voted that I would feel threatened by a Hanson party. I am now living in Boston in the US but will return to OZ eventually. I don't want to return to a country where racial and ethnic hatred is conisdered OK. I want to return to a peaceful multicultural place where tolerance is the norm. She attacks Aboriginees and Asians.

I am white and well educated but I don't want my fellow Australians attacked by Hanson and her cronies who appeal to the worst and lowest traits of Australian society.

I am also gay. Today she attacks the Aborigninees and Asians. Tomorrow who is she going to have a go at? Gays, Jews, Catholics, Protestants? Where does it stop? She's just a typical small minded garden variety bigot and the two major parties should work to force her off the Australian political scene and back to her fish and chip shop.

Alan Smith


Big man big salary. Peter Bartels, Coles Myers chief executive has just received an annual salary boost of Au$1.2 million or Au$100,000 per month. Bartels has been sitting on the hot seat following the Solomon Lew affair over Yannon and his reward would appear to be a 76% rise in salary to Au2.87 million.

Not bad for all in a day's work!


The Australian cricket team are threatening to boycott Delhi in future unless the city cleans up its pollution problems.

Pollution is allegedly so bad that the cricket management see it as a hazard to the health of members of the cricket team.

The touring squad were plagued with eye and respiratory problems since arriving in the city on October 10th.

"I've heard that Delhi is the fourth most polluted city in the world," said team manager and Australian Cricket Board director, Cam Battersby last night, "If that's so, I'd like to see the other three. It really starts getting to you after a while.

"The pollution in Delhi is such that we should give serious consideration before coming back to play any more cricket here."

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Beautiful day outside... but one to be spent in the "big smoke". The vagaries of life.

Last night I relaxed in front of the television and enjoyed the most wonderful program "Tea for the Tillerman" featuring the song of Cat Stevens... now there was a fellow who had a genius for song and philosophy.... the haunting words ..."Where do the children play"... still ring in my head.

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