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Since October 1995

Thursday 26th October 1995

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Indonesian troops are now blamed as having shot five Australian journalists in East Timor twenty years ago. The claim, by former Indonesian troops, has intensified pressure on the Federal Government enquiry into the deaths.


The Liberal/National coalition have been accused by Labor as being ready to introduce GST if they win the next election.


Australia's largest general insurer, QBE Insurance Group Ltd., is looking at growth by acquisition or takeover.


Australian swimmer Kieren Perkins calls for Olympic protest against China.


Seems like interest rates for home loan owners are unlikely to go down with inflation in Australia now exceeding 5% for the first time in over five years. (We have been recovering from a recession actually!)

Personal trivia:

Soft rain and soaking showers fell over night. I find that there is nothing nicer than lying in bed listening to the rain gently falling on the roof. The Brisbane river is now flanked by hundreds of large white lilies that look absolutely gorgeous reflecting in the water.

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