US envoy, Don Ruseel, chided for attack on John Howard and the US.
Opposition leader John Howard and Prime Minister Paul Keating engaged in their first head to head stouch yesterday
regarding the industrial strike in Western Australia.
The institution have now lined up against Coles Myer Chairman Solomon Lew's 17% interest in Coles Myer with a formidable block of over 23%
(excluding the backing of the Myer family - which brings the vote to well over 30%).
In court yesterday it was claimed that the Brisbane Broncos, who have left the ARL (Australian Rugby League to join the Superleague were worth more to
the ARL than the ARL was worth to the Broncos.
Chidren will suffer as a result of the opening of Melbourne's Casino it was claimed in the
Family Court yesterday.
Personal trivia:
Another perfect day in paradise. I am updating the news from the Exhibition Centre in South Brisbane
at the Queensland Computer Show. The show runs for the next four days - we are promoting the
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