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Since October 1995

Saturday 14th October 1995

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New doubts raised about how five Australian television newsmen were killed in Timor twenty years ago.


Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley plays the Asian peril card saying that Liberal opponent John Howard "fears Asia".


Investors in Coles Myer now seeking the sacking of Solomon Lew, the company's chairman.


Australian cricket icon, Allan Border, to continue playing cricket after turning 40.


The Liberal/National coalition parties say that they would "save the Austrlain family". The growth of the homeless youth to over 20,000 is a gaping wound in Labor's side after Bob Hawke said in 1986 that within a few years no Australian child would live in poverty.

Personal trivia:

It is a perfectly still morning in paradise, the early morning clouds are starting to break up and even the birds appear to be in hiding... at the moment. Last night my wife, Vivienne, and I took our New Zealand guest, Phil Uys, for an evening cruise on the Kookaburra Queen up the Brisbane river. The three hour trip up and down the river took us past the lights of Brisbane City. Once again a perfect evening.

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