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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
Yesterday, the day the 1998 Federal Election was called, revealed the chasm between the Laboral Party (Liberal, Labor, Democrats and Nationals) and Pauline Hanson's One Nation.
While the leaders of the major
parties were out ban-storming the television stations in an effort to try
to push their party line Pauline Hanson was holding a media free closed session
in the small Barry Jones auditorium in Ipswich with about 50 One Nation
candidates and executives.
The meeting had a two-fold purpose. First and foremost to release the party's tax policy to an inner circle of people and secondly to announce the Senate team for the Queensland State.
Right above you can see Pauline Hanson with the senate team: Sue Gordon (3rd); David Anning (4th); Heather Hill (1st); Barry Evans (5th) and Len Harris (2nd).
As a trusted One Nation member I was in the unique position to be able to record the meeting - which will be published on Thursday after the release of Pauline Hanson's Tax Policy.
Coverage of the Senate announcement segment of the meeting is now on-line.
Some of the comments that Pauline made during the meeting I have recorded below as they do not prejudice the secrecy behind the tax policy:
"Income tax is destroying this country; destroying the incentive to work. Bracket creep will erode the earning capacity further. We are getting to the stage where the person who gives it a go is paying for all the others who just sit on their backsides. We've got to give people the incentive to work harder.
"What the government has not addressed is the multinationals and big business who do not pay their share of tax.
"However, tax reform is not the main issue in Australia, unemployment is."
While Pauline Hanson was at the meeting the Howard/Beazley Laboral show had raced off from the starting line with the hare's throwing verbal punches at each other while the tortoise, One Nation, started laying its own tracks. The Laboral Party representing big business and being funded to the tune of millions of dollars by these representatives of economic rationalism while One Nation, with a large portion of its funds locked up in a Liberal Party inspired court battle in Queensland, having to depend on the common sense of people who can see through the mist and mirrors of Laboral's lies.
First shot across the bows of the people's party was Howard's comment that the Coalition would not do deals with One Nation if it held the balance of power - a comment echoed by Labor's Kim Beazley. What both major party leaders conveniently forget is that for One Nation to achieve this position it will rely on the will of the people. But the Australian people do not matter to the major parties. Never have, never will.
Howard yesterday suggested that the shaky world economy was reason enough for people to vote for the Coalition, "There is an uncertain world economic environment. Now is the time for the Australian people to decide whether they want Kim Beazley or Gareth Evans at the helm in these uncertain times or do they want the return of the Government led by me. Only the Liberal and National parties have the record and the tenacity to secure a stronger Australia for a new century."
Beazley's reply was predictable, "Mr Howard does not have a plan for the nation, he has a plan for a tax which would be like a dead hand on our national economy... at a point of time of great potential economic difficulty.
"We are going to go into this campaign not with a string of negatives... but with a plan for the future, a plan that includes all Australians."
The dark horse is One Nation with the party expecting to hold the balance of power in both the Upper and the Lower House.
My prediction is that One Nation will hold ten Lower House seats and seven Senate seats after the Federal Election. (My prediction of ten One Nation seats for the Queensland state election in June was slightly conservative with the party winning eleven).
This despite the Laboral Party partners exchanging their preferences.
Here is an extract from the Sydney Morning Herald:
The One Nation onslaught means Labor will be forced to rely on conservative preferences (or at least a drift of preferences) to retain seats like Opposition Leader Mr Beazley's electorate of Brand. The National Party leader Mr Fischer is certain to need Labor preferences to withstand One Nation in Farrer.
Meanwhile Tim Fisher is destined to lose his seat to One Nation - with One Nation being placed last on his How to Vote card being a move that will not be taken well by the people of Farrer who have fallen in behind One nation candidate Don McKinnon.
Pauline Hanson , unlike the secretive Laboral Party factions, will release her entire campaign schedule in the lead up to the October 3rd election.
In her discussion with me yesterday she revealed that no Federal Seat would be safe for either party.
"People thought Oxley was a safe Labor seat. So really this time there is no safe seat at all. I think the potential is there to duplicate what we achieved in the Queensland State election - I do believe that there is strong support Australia-wide.
"There's a good chance of actually having the balance of power in the Senate - I'm not that confident in the Lower House, but it is a possibility.
"I think we can do quite well. The Australian people are fed up with the Coalition and Labor and the direction this party had been going in.
"They are looking for someone else that they can actually vote for. Someone who can represent their views, their concerns and be their true voice in Parliament."
News Limited's Courier Mail while treating anything and everything that the lying Laboral Party partners as gospel in front page coverage give Pauline Hanson special treatment on page five.
In an article "Quick step into the heart of One Nation" in which a picture of the reporter James Swanwick dancing (and looking star-struck) with Pauline Hanson dominates, he reports along the lines of Pauline "the party girl". Here are some extracts from his pathetic ramblings:
"Criticised for being "too personally close" to her bodyguards for dancing with them in nightclubs, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson last Friday strutted her stuff in Caboolture.
"This time it was not with her Australian Federal Police minders but with this newspaper reporter, feeling highly uncomfortable, given her notoriety.... "
and then:
"As two gentlemen looked on holding their customised foam stubby holders emblazoned with their initial - essential equipment for any hard-core One Nation-ite - I requested and was granted a dance."
Excuse me for missing something here but who asked who for a dance... and if HE was feeling uncomfortable why does he look like a kid tasting ice cream for the first time in the picture?
Here is an extract from the Sydney Morning Herald article:
However, the pattern of recent opinion polls suggests huge volatility in the electorate. Since the defection of the former Democrat Leader Cheryl Kernot, Labor's vote, according to Newspoll, has ranged between 39 and 45 per cent, while the Coalition's support has varied wildly from 34 to 46 per cent. Such swings suggest an electorate that is yet to make up its mind. This will be the most open campaign in modern times, and who wins the campaign will win the election.
The rise of One Nation also means that opinion polls measuring support on a two-party preferred basis are almost meaningless. As the Queensland election showed, the rise of One Nation means that in many seats, it will be the preferences of Labor or Coalition candidates that will be distributed. The higher the One Nation vote, the harder it becomes for Labor to win, and the greater the likelihood of a hung Parliament.
Which is why the Government's decision to bury most of the campaign in a period when the media are dominated by sport may not be such a wise move. The same tactic was used by the South Australian Liberal government in 1997, when even an AFL flag for the Adelaide Crows was unable to prevent a huge vote for minor parties and Independents, and a massive swing against the government. The whole campaign may be telescoped into the last week.
Subject: Re: Australian election
A Canadian journalist has given me permission to repost this letter to your site. I found the parallels between Canada and Australia fascinating. Their Reform party sounds like our One Nation and has faced the same battles.
In a subsequent letter he wrote:
"Reform, like ON threatens to shatter the elite's monopoly on debate and
power. Like anyone else whose cozy livelihood is threatened, our elites early
on were just as vicious about Reform. Reform leader Preston Manning was routinely
greeted by protestors outside his meetings chanting "Racist, sexist, anti-gay,
Preston Manning go away."
And that's the proof of the elite's stupidity. They never debate, they only hurl insults and turn up their manipulation of debate in order to cling to their monopoly. They have a facade of intelligence, but few of them have any real intellectual depth".
Sounds familiar? Read on.
I am a journalist, a columnist at Canada's fifth-largest daily, the Edmonton Journal. So, sadly, I daily witness from the inside the bias and censorship by omission to which you refer.
You're right about the Australian's obvious slant. But I see the same or worse at the SMH and The Age. So what is one to do?
In this respect, and many others, I find Australia and Canada very alike. Until recently, all our major newspapers and our national radio and television networks (like the ABC) spewed forth daily the identical left-of-centre, eat-your-peas, elitist tripe. They, depite being nominally Tory and Liberal, represented only two sides of the same coin. It's gotten slightly better since we brought our national treasury to the brink of bankruptcy in 1993. After that, even the lefties had to face the limits of the nanny state.
Whether One Nation succeeds nationally the way it did in Queensland, or merely wins enough seats to be a recognized party in the next Parliament, their mere presence will force open debate. It may not be obvious. Reform here forced change on the ruling Liberals during their first term in Parliament (1993-97), but very few journalists even picked up on it.
Immigration, one of One Nation's big issues I understand, is a good example. Prior to Reform's arrival on the scene, no national party even questioned the country's immigration policy, which was allowing twice as many immigrants per capita than the US or anyone in Europe. Most were either aging parents of recent immigrants coming here for the free health care, or persons with bogus refugee claims many of whom turned out to be flee criminal charges or poverty back home. Few were ever deported, even when their stories were uncovered.
Before Reform, any consideration that immigration should benefit Canada as well as the immigrants was dismissed as racist. No party would even examine the economics of immigration--it was just presumed to be all good.
Simply by asking tough questions, and refusing to back down in the face of intimidation, Reform encouraged ordinary people to speak out and question what was going on. After a couple of years, the Liberals, as if it had been their idea all along, revamped immigration rules to cut down on bogus refugee claims and family reunifications, and to introduce language and education qualifications. None of these are very tough rules, but they're a start.
Talk about censorship by omission. That was our political debate, not just our media coverage, until 1993. Today things are a bit better.
The pre-'93 exclusion of millions of people from the debate finally led to the creation of Reform, as it did One Nation.
Subject: Looks like the time will come today ...
Looks like the federal election will be called today.
Wishing Pauline and all the team all the best (when my commission cheque clears, expect a family membersip from us!).
PS: What's the chance to get hold of a few One Nation stickers to put on our cars ?
Subject: Propaganda-Watch!
Dear Scott,
Media-Watch Interactive has just launched a new feature called "Propaganda-Watch!" With detailed analysis, it exposes examples of propaganda in the media. This includes the traditional newspaper articles, TV reports but also press releases and material published on the Internet. We aim at making information about propaganda techniques widely available to the public in the hope it will help them see through the daily deception perpetrated by the propagandists.
I believe your readers will be interested by the first example of propaganda, which is a newspaper story published by The Australian newspaper about One Nation.
In a few days, we will have an online form that people will be able to use to submit cases of propaganda for analysis. In the meantime, they can send suggestions.
JG Estiot
Subject: One Nation web site.
Dear Scott,
I take this opportunity to convey a hearty congratulation to you for your effort in maintaining the informative site which ON has entrusted in your obviously capable hands. The lack of updating is often the downfall of many a web site and if what you have done for ON is reflective of GWB's business acumen I hope you prosper indeed. Now the Federal election, and the call goes out for assistance at the polls. Yet if there is one small measure in doing so which I can offer, it is a word of encouragement for a member of the backbone in this operation, namely yourself, who, though unseen, I am sure is greatly appreciated and constantly kept in mind by the many participants of the ON web site. May the inevitable frenzy during these next several weeks bypass you and though I think it will be wishing too much to hope that all will be smooth going for you I do hope at least that you may fulfil your task in good health and spirit.
All the best.
I.C. Kadaitcha
Subject: One Nation Party Can Only Go Forward
You are the only hope Australia has. You can rid us of Jew-controlled lackeys. Watch for the vermin among your ranks. They change their names. They moult like snakes. They have no loyalty to their countries of birth, citizenship or livelihood.
Mohammed Hegazi
Subject: Battle lines are drawn!
What a pleasant surprise it was, to see David Oldfield interviewed on ch.9's "Sunday" program.
In stark contrast, to the leader of the Labor party, and Peter Reith, that had been interviewed just before him, David gave Laurie Oakes, quick responsive, crystal clear answers, in the questions he was asked.
I couldn't help thinking, why is it, that politicians, in general, cannot give straight answers, like David, and you may listen to them talk for quite sometime, and then ask yourself, what the hell the answer was...
Well done David, that is why, the average Mr Citizen out there, listens to what you and Pauline have to say, you speak the "language" of the ordinary folk, not the plastic mambo - jumbo, that the mainstream politicians have been dishing out for years.
Arthur Katakalos
Subject: One rule for them ...
The hyprocricy of the chattering class has no limit. The decision to grant an exemption from the Equal Opportunity Act to allow Ann Ivamy-Phillips to set up a Jewish dating agency smacks of sheer favouritism. There is certainly no principle involved.
The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal even warned other racial groups that the decision was not a precedent for them to seek the same privilege. The deputy president, Cate (enough said) McKenzie said the tribunal was satisfied that Ms Ivamy-Phillips was 'genuine' and wanted to provide the same level of opportuniity for Jews to meet life partners as was available to the general population.
Big deal. What can't everybody enjoy this freedom of association? Why are Jews so special? Lots of people want to maintain their own traditions - even Australians. By what reasoning was it established that a Jewish woman desiring to set up a Jesish dating agency was somehow more 'genuine' than say, a Baptist or Vietnamese woman desiring to set up a Baptist or Vietnamese dating agency?
The sooner these outrageous Anti-discrimination tribunals and Equal [sic] Opportunity Commissions are ditched the better. Free people should have the right to associate with whomever they please without such gross interference as comes from these pc tribunals.
Tax plan ignores the basic rules of reform
Most of us can see the need to improve the Australian tax system, and the Government's new proposals have been a stimulus for discussion. There is scope for adopting systems that are fairer and simpler, as well as being capable of building a better society and a better economy. There is also a very real need for a system that allows all levels of government to raise the funds needed to function properly and responsibly.
Unfortunately the GST has hijacked the entire reform process at a time when we should have been rationally evaluating all possible systems. Who knows? We may have actually chosen a GST after studying the alternatives, but we simply didn't get a chance. Instead, we got a Government that wanted to prove it was macho enough to do something that Paul Keating and John Hewson were unable to do. The result? A complicated proposal aimed at selling a new tax of, at best, marginal benefit. We have missed the real reform that the country needs. Somewhere along the line people have failed to grasp that the GST or any other value-added tax is an inherently complicated way of putting a second tax on payroll, profits and government charges. Payroll tax is a lot simpler - and no worse from the viewpoint of fairness and incentive.
Perhaps business would be better off if we simply put a high enough tax on payroll and dividends to allow some of the more complicated and dysfunctional taxes to be retired. Consider the benefits in simplicity and incentive if productive capital investment in Australia was fully tax-deductible in the same way as operating costs are. Consider the benefits of restricting sales tax to real luxury items and getting rid of stamp duties and other annoying minor taxes.
It is a shame that John Howard, 1998, failed to listen to the words of John Howard, 1996. Had he done so, we might have reached a better outcome by starting from the premise that a GST was unlikely to be part of the solution. What was needed was open discussion, not a big sell.
John Davidson, Chapel Hill, Qld
Subject: go get um
i support pauline hanson and the one nation stand. i don't know how she can overcome her reputation for racism except to continue to tell people how it is and stand up for all our rights. keep on truckin'
Subject: 38 minutes
i have just found your report on sixtyminutes and their show regarding the peoples army in australia.
i am pleased that my feelings have been vindicated.
Subject: House of Horrors?
Australian Democrats 'leader' Smegg Lies says that the Senate will become a 'House of Horrors' if One Nation Party is elected to the balance of power. was my understanding that approx 1/4(if not 1/3) of the electorate _already views_ both Houses as 'Houses of Horrors'. The abysmal polling of the Democrats in the Queensland(and Tasmanian) state elections should be a sufficient indicator that most voters view _them_ as persona non grata.
These imbeciles _still_ haven't got the message: a majority(or, at least, a _very large_ minority) _DO_NOT_WANT_ Australian to continue on its current path of: globalisation, privatisation, economic rationalism multiculturalism and political correctness. If they haven't got that message _YET_, then perhaps a full frontal lobotomy is in order! _IF_ Australia gets more of the same after the Federal election, then _the whole country_ will be a 'horrorshow', run by a bunch of circus freaks!
The Media
Contrary to popular opinion, there is actually SOME intelligent life lingering within the bastions of our fourth estate, albeit publication of their analytical and informative reports are subject to a rudimentary cynicism that plagues the mind-set of senior editorial decision-makers. It seems as if to be otherwise-minded in today's "news" media is simply not vogue. I could well apply that same cerebral mode in kind to the majority of our political "journalists" and wonder, just how many of them desire, or are vying, to become press secretary to one politician or another...or perhaps aspire to become politicians themselves...and how far are they willing to go to prove themselves to their potential employer/appointer?
Similarly, I could apply a certain measure of cynicism toward the reporting of both Mr Howard and Mr Beazley's proposed tax reforms, yet therein I realise a cynical form is prevalent within me because I ask you, Scott, and to all who may read my words: Do you seriously believe that either of these parties will actually fulfil the proposals they so tantalisingly dangle before us electors? Yet like the mugs that we obviously are, we ooh and aah over their beguiling words as though they are a fait accompli. After all, even a "brain dead" journalist can easily recount any number of broken promises or shafted proposals we, the public, have had to endure in a cacophony (spelt p-h-o-n-y) of lame excuses throughout the years of this bi-political charade.
You placed your words under a title, "The Media", and so I gather you are insinuating there is lack of depth in that which is being reported. Pardon the pun, but what's news? Let's face it Scott, the majority of our fellow-aussies really do not care nor pay much attention to political "fine print" though the more attentive know better. I dare say more attention would be given to Monica Lewinsky were she to visit here at this time than to what our political leaders are up to on the election trail. They desire us to become a "clever country", but God forbid!...a nation of thinkers?
For my part under this topic, "The Media", I take the opportunity to air a complete disgust and contempt I hold for the fourth estate's behaviour in giving accurate, indeed factual, accounts for the "One Nation" phenomenon. The last time I observed a blatant disregard for open reporting was during the notorious coverage of the "Chamberlain case". In that bleak era we witnessed a nation caught up in the slanted, sensationalised and sometimes malicious reporting by a fourth estate hell-bent upon retaining its self-styled "integrity" though the actual facts, as we belatedly know, revealed otherwise. Such was their grip upon public perceptions that I doubt the nation would have reconsidered the validity of what was being reported if it had even become aware of the ingrained perception harboured by a majority of reporters gathered at the Darwin Hotel the evening before the trial. A sickening display of cynicism punctuated by dingo jokes...
When the name Pauline Hanson first came to my attention it was during the last pre-Federal election media hype which scrambled upon her words, deemed inappropriate as part of the Liberal party's quest to regain power. In spite of this action she prevailed (apparently the fourth estate failed to sway a majority in her electorate). Then came her maiden speech...and there was much wailing and throwing of dust in the air. Even so, there was one matter which I could not glean from all news reports given to the public in general, and that was a full and accurate report of what the lady actually had to say, let alone what was said. This began to arouse my suspicions about what was being reported and I soon realised that it was very selective and failed to put her words in context which, as you full well know, can be just as menacing as someone publishing disinformation. The attempt to stifle her voice sadly reflects a gullibility our nation still retains under the "umbrella" of this entity that proclaims itself to be the keeper of freedom of speech. What gross hypocrisy. Well may the media become perplexed by transformations currently undergoing dissemination of information. It would do the fourth estate well to desist from treating us like mushrooms and refine that which we expect of it:- Fair, open and accurate reporting of events and participants, Pauline Hanson and her political colleagues in One Nation included.
Name Withheld
Subject: The 'RaceWatch' kit
I thought racial discrimination was a pigment of the imagination...
Subject: Your imminent loss at the coming election.
Well just letting you all know that I'll be seeing you all at the Centrelink offices after the election.You will all enjoy it very much I think. There is a large variety of races who I'm sure will be very interested to talk to you face to face about your joyous policies of brotherly love and harmony. Perhaps a job in a third world country might be just the thing to open your eyes?
subject: 101 Damn Asians
Authorised by David Ettridge, Suite 2, Level 1, 15 The Corso, Manly 2095.
FLEE, FLEE, my fellow one nationalers, AusssstrAAAliannnnnnnnzzzz.. FUCK YOU, DAM RACISTS. PAULINE HANSON. YOU PREY ON PEOPLES FEARS.
Heha the witch is dead, witch is dead, the wicth is dead, heha the mean old bitch is dead, the bitch is dead.
By the way go learn some html skills, your terriable! your website is even worse.
Austnet IRC RULEZ. (
Channel #perth RULEZ.
I have a sneaky suspicion that the sender of 1,500 emails (the one above) is the poster below whose email was sent just minutes later... the 1,500 having a false id, the one below having a true one.
Subject: your chances
you have got to be kidding if you think that good and fair minded Australians are going to vote for you or your party on a national basis.
Your election to parliament was a fluke.
you have already been given too much time on my television and your views are so far off the mark that Australians wont fall for it.
You can disguise it any way you want but it smells like red neck to me!
Shane Hurford
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
![]() |
Name site is owned by One
Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
One Nation
Federal Fund Raiser - 21st August 1998
B'nai B'rith's
discriminatory and un-Australian "Racewatch" - 18th August 1998
Four Corners become
"Flawed" Corners - 11th August 1998
The Nicholas
Street Rally - 4th August 1998
Their first
day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
The 60 Minutes debate/debacle - 26th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.