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October 1995
Between the One Nation lines
A few days ago I referred to an incident in the article "Their First Day" where I was approached by the President of the Queensland State Press Gallery, Mike D'Arcy and asked to "stop taking photographs in the Parliament".
Wednesday's News Limited Daily Telegraph records the event (incorrectly) as follows under the heading "Pauline watches birth of a Nation (by Malcolm Cole and Selina Day):
"The party's rough first day in Parliament continued when One Nation member Scott Balson tried to video the proceedings from the public gallery, against standing orders, running foul of parliamentary attendants.
"Mr Balson compiles a daily pro-One Nation Internet bulletin. He turned his camera off, but later resumed shooting the home video."
For the record I had a digital camera not a video camera.
Yesterday I contacted Mr D'Arcy by phone and discussed the matter of taking photographs in the Parliament. Seems like my presence had caused a min-revolution amongst the thirty Press Gallery journalists in this elite membership.
I was told by D'Arcy that I would be wasting my time trying to join the group and that I should get permission from the Speaker of the House if I wanted to take photographs at the Parliament in future.
It has got to be noted that while I was taking photos the Speaker's position was vacant. When I raised this issue with D'Arcy he agreed that there was no real reason why I should not have been allowed to take photographs and that he had, in fact, no authority to stop me doing so.
The issue was my position inside or outside the "press gallery rope" (which I stood next to) - something that D'Arcy somehow failed to raise with me during a long and detailed discussion on the issue.
It was my ignorance and desire to follow the rules that allowed my democratic rights to be prejudiced by some members of the Press Gallery.
There are further developments related to the Queensland State Press gallery's move yesterday to boycott Mrs Hanson if she continued to evict The Queensland Times from Press Conferences. Mrs Hanson is not alone when she calls the reporting by the Ipswich paper "biased".
Yesterday David Oldfield reacted to the Press Gallery's move saying, "If they boycott us I will suggest to newspaper and television media that they get themselves a new set of reporters."
He confirmed that despite the Press Gallery's threat The Queensland Times would not be allowed into Mrs Hanson's Press Conferences.
It is important to note that The Queensland Times, as an Ipswich paper, has clearly sided with the decision by the Ipswich City Council in banning Mrs Hanson's use of the Ipswich Civic Centre for a meeting next Tuesday. For a paper calling for "freedom of speech" their attitude seems somewhat contradictory... on a number of issues including the issue raised below.
In January this year when Pauline Hanson suggested that children under 16 should be escorted home by police she was berated by just about every politically correct organisation in the country. The Queensland Times widely reported the contrary point of view with Mrs Hanson being slammed for impinging on the civil rights of children.
On Tuesday this week an Ipswich City Councilor, Paul Pisasale parroted her idea saying that children under 16 should not be allowed on Ipswich streets after midnight.
The paper's editor, Mark Hinchliffe, weighed into the debate in an editorial the next day after a noticeable absence of the "politically correct" brigade in his paper's front page coverage of "Cr Pisasale's idea". The editorial supported the councilor's move - a dramatic shift in reporting on this issue in just 6 months.
Bill Feldman yesterday challenged the Labor Party's track record in Parliament, raising the issue of Shreddergate. In an amendment to Peter Beattie's confidence motion Feldman moved that the Premier be forced to table Cabinet documents relating to allegations of child abuse in the late 1980s at the Sir John Oxley Youth Centre.
Feldman said that five Labor Ministers - Terry Mackenroth, David Hamill, Bob Gibbs, Paul Braddy and Dean Wells were part of the Queensland Cabinet which authorised the shredding of the Heiner Enquiry documents.
Most of the Labor party MPs walked out during Feldman's speech - supposedly in disgust that the "Shreddergate" issue was raised but probably because they know that this is a real issue and they did not want to hear the truth.
The key man supporting the minority Labor government, Independent Peter Wellington, said, "People are fed up, they are doing it tough and they believe that no one gives a damn, particularly the politicians. I believe that never before in the history of government have politicians been so despised.
"My decision to support the Labor Government is not so much an endorsement of the Labor Party or of its policies but more a chance to secure stable government."
In the 1990s, the "Princes" of globalization shift manufacturing activities to the countries with low labor costs, while leaving high unemployment and devastating communities in the industrialized world (e.g., the "rust belt" of America, the textile mills of Lancashire), and breeding almost continuous labor unrest in France, or social unrest in Latin America, and now in Indonesia.
Oh, but the public now gets a chance to buy shares in the companies being privatized, some will argue. True. But even then, mostly at inflated prices. For, the stockmarket trading, where the NWO architects "coincidentally" chose to place the privatized public assets, is being done by institutions the very NWO elites own. An even better bargain is the fact that they get the first crack to buy PUBLIC ASSETS at fire sales prices. By the time we, the PUBLIC, the FORMER owners - now disowned by the corrupt politicians - get to bid on such privatized assets, it is usually at inflated prices. Plus the commissions, of course, paid to the transnationalists' institutions.
This plunder of national assets under the guise of "privatization" and "reform" is occurring around the world, only on a smaller scale. For example, Latin America's in-take of the foreign capital in 1996 rose by 52% to $39 billion, the highest increase in the world and a record high for this continent. The investments in Argentina tripled in 1996 to $4.3 billion. If one compares these figures to less than $1 billion per year which Russia averaged in the 1990s, one would think that Latin American people are basking in prosperity. Not so.
Now think on the sale of Telstra, the role of the Treasury (see article below) and see if you can start putting a few of the pieces together.
Here is an extract from this excellent article by Austand:
For generations our MPs have done nothing to
restrain them, and allowed our Treasury to neglect their real responsibility.
When you next go to the ballot box, remember that this has been tolerated
for generations by the Liberal Party, the National Party, the Labor Party
and the Democrats. In so doing, they have also committed treason. In not
working for the interests of the country, simply taking orders from our
It suits the Treasurys takeover plans to keep us poor and to maintain
a colonial rule.
As far back as 1989 the Commonwealth Auditor-General stated (The
Australian, 16th February) that 40,000 companies may be avoiding
tax by shifting profits offshore. What has the Treasury done to fix
this problem? Nothing!!
As recently as 3 April this year, Jim Killaly, Deputy Commissioner of the
ATO, said on ABC Radio National: There are 4,300 large foreign corporations
that pay no tax in Australia, and there are another 4,000 or so foreign companies
that pay little or no tax in Australia by means of transfer pricing and various
tax havens.
Mr Costello, the Treasurer, has been trained as the runner for
the Treasury Department.
Subject: How many were in that crowd ?
Dear Sir,
As to the Resistance Socialist Youth Organisation's quote of crowd numbers at the Brisbane protest.
Was that 14,000 figure actual, underlying or seasonally adjusted ?
If it was actual then the protestors equalled 3.1% of the people who voted for One Nation in Queensland.
If it was underlying, then who knows ?
If it was seasonally adjusted, then who cares ?
Perhaps it was just a figment of the imagination.
Again, who cares ?
Allan W. Doak
Subject: The Protests
From here it is strange in a democracy for there to be so much vigourous protest over the right of some section of the public to hold particular views.
Seems to me there's a lot of Australian who need to grow up.
One Nation has as much right to be heard as any other party. The whole idea of this sort of "Protest" denies the democracy it claims to represent.
A Kiwi for Freedom.
Subject: Student Protests
One Nation;
As a One Nation supporter, I fully encourage the Resistance and other leftist movement to continue their brainless, American-style marches, demonstrations, and rallies. Why? Every time these spongioform-brained kids act in this manner, the Australian people that One Nation wants to protect will become increasingly aware of just how dangerous, irrational, and reckless the left has become. This can only lend support from voters as we realize just how much danger we are in. As Robert Burns put it: "they never need feared, that the truth be heard, but they whom the truth would indict." And I think that truth is now, finally, out in the open.
Three cheers for Pauline,
Tim Stephens
Omemee, Canada (Australian citizen)
Subject: JULY 28
To scott balson c/GWB
I too was at the july 28 protest at parliament house.
Independent estimates of numbers range from 2 to 5 thousand and i noticed
that in your picture of the crowd you had omitted over half of the people
(further to the right of what your photo showed).
The protest was enthusiastic and passionate but not violent in any way. ~50% of the crowd were high school kids, the rest being mainly tertiary students and others who were all condemnatory of one nations illogical and malicious policies. Whether you realise it or not scott, you, yourself and those supporting one nation are racist, sexist , prejudicial towards people's sexual preference, etc and most importantly missing the common enemy entirely- the corporate rich who live off the wealth generated by the average battler. I would like to think that yourself and oldfield etc are capable of realising that there is nothing to be gained from targeting the poorest, sickest and most disenfranchised sections of the population as the cause of our economic and social ills. This is obviously an illogical assumption and that is why even young schoolkids recognise that all one nation is offering is hateful rhetoric.
Personally i believe in the goodness of people. Hopefully one day you might realise the folly of your ways scott
yours sincerely
Gavin Gee-Clough
p.s GWB maybe you should rethink the material you condone by releasing under your name.
So under your wild estimates what happened to the 14,000 students claimed by Resistance? For the record the Queensland University of Technology buildings start just to the right (obscured by Parliament)... and you can quite clearly see the edge of the protesters on the "right" in the picture above.
What Gavin is claiming is rubbish.
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
Dear Scott
thank you for this excellent web site. One of the few where we are able to access facts, if we care to seek them.
May I say to Mark Lynden I cannot agree with much of what you say. I am however, in 100% agreement that an extremely large number of Australian Citizens, of all races and from all walks of life, find themselves to be the dissillusioned victims of the major political parties. We should all give thank that we are being given a rare opportunity to correct that problem... Bring on the next election
Maree S.
Subject: The aboriginal Truth - seen thru British eyes!
Hello All !
Recently read an article in The Spectator 20 June 1998 wherin a Mr Heathcote-Amory gave his views on the Aboriginal problem in Australia and his personal feelings about the reasons for the as he puts it "The Hanson Appeal".
A good deal of what he had to say I know to be true, but coming even 4 times to Australia on vacations, even travelling across the countryt hardly equips him very well for what is a tricky subject.He made assumptions which I believe are incorrect and I have put down my ideas as well to give you an opportunity to assess for your self whether they are sound or not.
With regards,
with a little bit of luck we may yet save Australia!
David Hughes-Jones, New Zealand
Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day
On Tuesday 11th August, David Oldfield, senior adviser to the controversial MP Pauline Hanson, will be making a special appearance at Dural Country Club.
Within the Hills District and surrounding areas, their has been noticeable rising support for Pauline Hansons One Nation Party. It appears the movement will only gather momentum leading up to a Federal Election.
Subsequently, Mr Oldfield will be the guest speaker at One Nations Public Meeting (Mitchell Branch.) Here, he will meet and speak with those from all sides of the political spectrum. The main topic for discussion will be Multiculturalism. There will be an allotted question time, when Mr Oldfield will respond to questions from those attending.
Federal One Nation Candidate for Mitchell, Mr Stephen Burke, will be completing an introductory address. Mr John Wong, will also be sharing the stage. He will deliver his personal account of growing up in Australia with a positive attitude. Miss Shondra Briton will be the Chairperson for the event.
The Meeting will commence at 7.30pm, with tickets being available at the door of the Auditorium at Dural Country Club. Admission price is $5 Adults, $2 Students, Pensioners, and Unemployed. Seats are limited.
Shondra Briton
Secretary and Youth Liaison Officer
One Nation (Mitchell Branch)
Subject: Economic Correctness
Fred Argy in his book: 'Australia at the Crossroads'. ISBN 1 86448 669 4, has some very interesting things to say about how Government is being slowly but surely being infiltrated and made redundant. Now Freddie ought to know, as he describes himself as ' an Econocrat' and has advised governments from Menzies to Keating. He reckons Treasury and the Reserve Bank have a pernicious influence on government, and that parliamentary democracy works by the government of the day disseminating propaganda and half truths - backed by a massive support of a coalition of interests with easy access to the media. He reckons senior public servants live in splendid isolation from ordinary families.
Most of the ingredients of a decent society are still in place - just - but it will not remain so, unless the advocates of hard-line free-market policies, backed by a growing coalition of free-market interests and stultifying economic correctness, that contains the seeds of its own (and the rest of Oz) destruction, is voted out at the next election.
Subject: out of their own mouths
Apparantly new Qld Premier Peter Beattie has ordered alcohol off all government aircraft. The professional journalists quickly showed their true colours:
"That's it - he's gone too far. That's the last time you'll see the media travelling with the Premier", said one gentleman of the Press. Nice.
Subject: And yet another one
Dear Sir,
Just a simple one liner for yesterday's simpleton.
"David Oldfield is not the publisher of Australian News of the Day"
Try again.
Allan W. Doak
Subject: GWB and One Nation party issues
Have you realy heard what One Nation has to say?
Did you know that Aboriginals recieve $1.50 per day per child for supplying
shoes on their kids feet?
Do all Australians recieve this benefit?
Subject: ABC Against Nature
It was good to see an unbiased programme on the ABC over the last two Tuesdays. They stated that when this programme was aired in Britain that they received complaints from the greens, Animal Rights and other conservation organizations, that it was biased.
This shows that Pauline Hanson is not racist compared to the Greens etc., who are forcing the people in Africia to be sterilised, because there are too many people who are causing animals to die.They would rather feed the people to the lions than kill animals. The Aboriginals should take note that the Greens are culling the African _coloured, indigenous_ people in those countries.
There was no mention of China or other Asian Countries, however. Is this because there is an agenda to completely do away with the dark coloured people? If so then the Aboriginals had better take heed.
*It is a lot easier to get sterilized than it is to get a bandage* in those places, as the only aid that those countries are getting is for sterilisation. The World Bank claims that it was forced to withdraw other aid to these countries, by pressure from Friends of the earth and other organizations with similar aims.
Modern agriculture methods are with held, as the greens do not want the arid deserts to be overgrown, or upset the wildlife. Humans are dispensable where as the animals must not be allowed to die.
The Greens are really misnamed, a more fitting description of them would be Brown, _ie Green tinged with Red._
It is a pity that other media do not publish or broardcast un biased programmes like this.
Subject: One Nation Preferences
The Honourable John Howard,
As a very ordinary citizen, but of reasonable education and with a history of conservative voting I implore you to reconsider your tactics with regard to One Nation. I have only ever voted for a Party other than Liberal once and that was over twenty years ago, but the next election MAY be the next time.
Please find a way to deal with the FACT that more people than you could conceive, believe that Pauline Hanson has some very valid points. They are the same concerns that are discussed at dinner parties and barbeques all around the country and the continuing efforts of the media and all political parties to misquote or misrepresent her ideals is wearing thin. I believe that to distance your party too far from One Nation will mean that you will also distance yourself from many of the voters who voted Liberal last election, or maybe like myself the last ten.
R G McRae
Another perfect day in paradise.
Have a good one.
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Recent stories exclusive to (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:
Their first day in Parliament - 28th July 1998
Hawthorn - where
the hooligans won - 21st July 1998
The Ipswich City
Council re-institute a ban against Pauline Hanson - 19th July 1998
The One Nation
mailing list published in the Australia/Israeli Review - 9th July
The Barbara Hazelton
betrayal - 2nd July 1998
Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Queensland State MPs meet in Parliament - 27th June 1998
QANTAS censor Pauline
Hanson - 24th June 1998
"Paul" (Big "K")
Costello's lies - 22nd June 1998
Live coverage
of Queensland State Elections - 13th June 1998
Beattie's preference
lies exposed - 11th June 1998
Launch of
One Nation state policies - 8th June 1998
Sixty Minutes break
new barriers in unethical reporting - 6th June 1998
Ray Martin revelas
his spots when challenging Pauline Hanson on A Current Affair - 4th
June 1998
The backlash to
Ray Martin's unethical behaviour during his interview with Pauline
Hanson.- 4th June 1998
See GLOBE International for
other world news.